All Discussion PAGE 965

  • James white - 2 years ago
    Hello, please pray GOD grants me wisdom and direction in finding a job. I need to know if He wants me to apply for a Pastor position with a small Baptist church in Campton KY or if he also or wants me to go back to teaching at the Christian School I taught at. Also would like to know just specifically what does the Lord desire me to do....for work and ministry etc. Last please pray my online classes fill up that I am supposed to teach for a college this fall. Right now they are my only income and if they do not feel up. Then I will lost 2400 dollars this fall.....Thank You....
  • Opinion8it on Hebrews 4 - 2 years ago
    It means the days of creation are described in phases for our understanding and they're not actual days. God is not bound by time and therefore creation took no time, hence he completed creation as he spoke it. Hebrews 4 points to the fact that we still exist in the 6th day, just as the children of Israel still existed in the 6th day in the Psalm reference, and as believers we enter his rest (7th day) by faith, whereas the Israelites did not enter into his rest due to unbelief. In Psalms, Hebrews and on THIS day, the day of rest which was already completed by God is still in our future, and from our standpoint, the creation of man into God's image, is still a work in progress. Digest what the Spirit is saying.
  • Richard cain - 2 years ago
    consider the fig tree where was it; in the beginning it was in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve believe the lie that Satan told them and they saw that they were NECKED (didn't have a covering far there sins) so they tried to cover there sins with fig leaves. but the fig leaves could not cover there sins. that being said then the fig tree means the people will try to hide their sins. because now is the time for the fig trees to began to blossom...DEACON RICHARD CAIN...i have spoken..believe this? peace...
  • Chris - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 2 - 2 years ago
    Hi Robert. If you type 'usury' in this Site's Search the Bible box, you will find seventeen instances where the word appears in the whole Bible. Then you can peruse those verses to see how that word is used in various situations.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Lori. The only references we have that are specific to Church leadership, are found in 1 Timothy 3:2,3 and Titus 1:7, speaking about bishops, or leaders in the Church. The Apostle Paul in both letters gives similar instruction that bishops should not be "given to wine". There are various interpretations to this & even if we take the meaning from the Greek, I sense that they should not resort to alcohol, & certainly not make it something that is often consumed or depended upon. It's probably best to abstain altogether, but I don't see it as a clear prohibition.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Beth,

    I think that you just ask Him to do so. Jesus said that the Father takes care of the lilies of the field and the sparrows, so He cares about your pup, too.

    Dear heavenly Father, Please bring healing to the eyes of Beth's pet cockapoo. Cause the infection to clear up and not recur. We know that You care for all that You have made. Animals cannot pray to You, so we do so on their behalf, as I lift up this dear pup to You tonight, trusting that you hear and will answer according to the riches of Jesus Christ. Amen.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Matthew 5 - 2 years ago
    The shrinks like to say we get angry because we are afraid. The issue often is when we know something to be right; and people don't listen to what we say. There are also cases where we want something we can't have or are retaliating to someone else's bad behavior.

    With anything else; it helps to look at the scriptures and meditate on them day and night ( Joshua 1:8). Obviously; we need to ask the Holy Spirit to remove things that would be roots of bitterness ( Hebrews 12:14-16). The evidence of bad fruit from a corrupt heart is found in the gospels ( Matt. 15:19). Other verses such as 1 Peter 2:1-2 and Ephesians 4:26-32 offer further advice.

    I hope you will trust the Lord for these changes; not yourself. I found that after the anger that came from a contentious divorce after my wife had an affair was dealt with by much prayer; and counselling based on a study in the Book of James. (see James 1:19). God can and will give you unconditional love even toward your enemies. That was how I was able to forgive my dad after years of mental abuse; by telling him that I loved him. It is helping me having to live with him now.

    Agape..Rich P
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 14 - 2 years ago
    I suppose you are familiar with Paul's teaching on the subject ( 1 Tim. 2:12; 1 Cor. 14:35). In the sense that any disobedience to instructions in the Word is sin; I would say yes to that subject.

    The more important thing to note; is the overwhelming number of women who hold that position end up having terrible doctrine; which exposes the root of the problem ( 1 Sam. 15:23). It is interesting noting Saul as He tried his own hand at offering a sacrifice; which was not for him but the priest to do back in chapter 13. He then tried to save the cattle for the priests to sacrifice but disobeyed the command. The attitude of rebellion tends to be in a "me" centered focus of many of today's female prosperity preachers. There are others who call themselves apostles (I'll leave namas out of it) who may be very attractive but are suspect at best as to having valid gifts.

    There also can be the possibility (although I am unaware of any) that a woman who is genuinely gifted is attempting something in a type of ministry she is called to do elsewhere. There are brilliant authors out there who write about end times; spiritual warfare and other topics. There are women who undoubtably are gifted at teaching and will be a blessing ministering to other women or children. Also of course there is edifying the Body of Christ; as Paul mentioned in Corinthians in regard to women praying and prophesying (but with proper head covering). There are; of course many women mentioned by Paul himself who were a blessing to him; as well as the Lord Himself sometimes being the most faithful until the end.

    Also; hypothetically; there could be a case where no men appear to be qualified for the job. Of course if it is all or mostly women; they could have their own fellowship. We need to trust God's ways when it comes to ministry; and that He will send someone in His timing. There seems to be no problem with individuals meeting and men and women participating in discussion.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Well Alex, I've read all that before, but it still doesn't answer the question using Exodus 4:5, 'when did the God OF Abraham, Isaac & Jacob become, My Name IS Abraham, Isaac & Jacob'? The point I'm making, & I hope you can see it, is that once we change a Scripture, whether its wording or meaning, then everything we might build on that Scripture will be faulty. So, why did you make that change? What base (or, rule of interpretation) do you use to alter the wording & meaning of Scripture? If we can find that God's Name IS Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, then we might have room to consider your other thoughts. Let us not attempt to re-write God's Word to suit our theology.
  • DIANE - In Reply - 2 years ago
    According to the Bible Scripture, 1 Tim. 2:11-15, 1 Tim. 3:1-5. Women can minister but not Pastor a church. God ordained a man to do that.
  • Jj - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 14 - 2 years ago
    in the new testament, Paul wrote letters addressed to "Lidia" and "Mary", as leading disciples. Judges, in the old testament, has Deborah a woman and great judge.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    John 1: Predestination

    The beginning of John; much like Romans 1 indicates the Creation of God. However; the true light (God or Christ Himself) is NOT known in man's darkened; sinful state despite the evidences seen externally (v. 4-5). Verses 9 through 11 discuss Christ coming; not being known by His creation OR His chosen people. Verse 13 gives the first of a myriad of indications of God's election of who is saved; as it is not ultimately determined by the will of man. The rest of the chapter shows how Christ was supernaturally revealed to John the Baptist; and how He began to choose the 12 apostles who would someday judge the 12 tribes of Israel ( Matt. 19:28; also Rev. 4:10 showing O.T. descendants of Jacob as other 12 most likely).

    John 2: This chapter illustrates how Christ would only be understood by those who are His own; even if it doesn't state anything directly. There were certain things to be revealed in its time; hence the miracle of the water to wine was perhaps a sort of local affair; and we see that there is no salvation message here; or any healings as is seen after He officially started His ministry after being tempted by the Devil for 40 days. ( Luke 4:2; Mark 1:12). This is NOT mentioned in John. A rare event when the disciples actually knew Christ was fulfilling prophecy without rather torturous explanations on His part was in verse 17 when they understood the prophecy of the zeal of His house. Verse 19 is the first of many verses hiding a meaning from the Pharisees as to what the Temple would be that was destroyed and would rise in 3 days (His body). The disciples wouldn't get it until after the Resurrection. This shows that Christ had to reveal Himself as God in the flesh only to those God chose to do so ( Matthew 16:17). We need also to see how ALL of Christ's ministry was an example of following God's plan; and speaking only His words as is seen in John 8:38 and other passages. He expounds on hidden truths to His own.
  • Cheryl - 2 years ago
    I am asking you to please pray for me .

    Please pray that God will bring me a new Soulmate friend from Mexico now , as I would love to learn thier culture, and have a new trusting friend in my life.

    Thank you to everyone who prays for me . This is extremely important to me.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear John, it's good for a human being and don't rush. And I'm sure even in Jesus' name that everything will work out for the best Eventually.

    Just teach all parties and forgive each other. The truth will set you free, and where there is forgiveness, you know you are in the love of God. Take care in the world John, and keep your heart above all.

    God bless you and your in Jesus name, love you in Christ.
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Good afternoon all! Please let's all pray to our Lord Jesus Christ for His guidance love forgiveness for we are under attack by the evils of our world that the Lord gave us to live!! Trials and tribulations that the Lord tells us in His word are happening right before our eyes!! Please come today Lord Jesus and take all your elects home!! Our home is with You!! Bless my family my King and only King in the universe! I'm a sinner I repent to you oh Lord I'm so sorry!! Please forgive me!!! Lord, send your angels to watch over us and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter!! Thank you my Lord Jesus Christ!! Amen!! In Jesus name I pray Amen!!!
  • Gaynell Smith on 1 Corinthians 14 - 2 years ago
    I would like to know if woman pastors are living in sin
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Yes, without the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we would have no hope!
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I agree, Jesus never told a lie. In fact, it is impossible for Him to lie, for Jesus Himself is truth. And yes, those verses you list are pretty clear. Thank you!
  • Robert on Ecclesiastes 2 - 2 years ago
    Where will I find reference to usury
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother Chris,

    Thank you. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice, no spot, no blemish!
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Doug,

    I agree that using words that are not in the bible can complicate the scripture, but that is not always the case. The problem is when we use words that are in total opposite of what the scriptures teach, not necessarily the words we use. For instance, we use the word rapture when the bible never uses that word.

    You mention that "It is simpler to use the Son of God and ponder what that means," but I think even that term can complicate things with so many believers today, and it does because the phrase Son of God meant something different to the Jewish mind when Jesus spoke those words than it does to some of us today.

    That's why some people today say "How can Jesus be God when the bible says He's the Son of God. Well, that phrase "Son of God" to the Jews was equivalent to saying you are God, and Jesus made that claim to be the Son of God. And the Jews took up stones to kill Him for making Himself God.

    Some see the word Son and they misapply the word. Jesus is not a Son by birth. The word Son when applied to Jesus is the word HUIOS. The other word for son, which means a son by birth is the word TEKNON. The word TEKNON is never applied to Jesus.

    So when I see Jesus making the claim to be the Son of God, I believe He meant the same thing that those Jews understood Him to be saying. I believe He was making Himself equal with God, and claiming to be God. The only difference would be that I would not accuse Him of blasphemy for His claim as the Jews did.
  • TRUTH - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother Doug:

    I read your comment, you believe we are one with The Father and the Son John 17:21; but you don't believe we exchange names.

    Are we the bride (the wife) of our HUSBAND (Christ)?

    Does the WIFE not always take the NAME OF HER HUSBAND?

    Revelation 3:12...and I (CHRIST) will write upon him (my wife) the NAME OF MY GOD ......and I will write upon him My NAME.

    God Bless You.
  • S Spencer - 2 years ago
    S Spencer

    Is the Gospel necessary? Absolutely!

    However some that feast with us don't think so.

    Passages in Romans 10 shows great importance in preaching it.

    vs 8) But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, WHICH WE PREACH;

    vs 14) How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and HOW SHALL THEY HEAR WITHOUT A PREACHER?


    Jesus said Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15.

    This same group false theology suggests there's no hell or Satan and everyone goes to heaven so even the word salvation is pointless because there is nothing to be saved from. So the death of Christ doesn't display the love of God.

    John 3:16 would have to be an error!

    The wide gate in Matthew 7:13 doesn't exist.

    There's no consequences to sin, no reward for righteous living by the Spirit.

    Those who denied Christ, Hate God, murderer ect... And those who love God will sit down with judas, Paul, Peter, Putin, Hitler and sit down at the marriage supper. So our preaching is in vain.

    So why do they earnestly stand in our way? They pretend to be beside you when talking about the trinity but when you mention Faith, Believe, ect.. in regards to salvation they come unglued! Why do they bother if whether you believe or not according to them it doesn't matter? That they won't answer.

    They stand in the way when it shouldn't matter to them unless the spirit in them is to deceive!

    And This doctrine "Salvation by works is by that same Spirit. As seen in Galatians 3:1 and many other verses.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Chris let me give ya my take on Father Abraham he is a type O Father God that wants Children....Just as Father Abraham wanted to be multiplied as the sands of the seas...Its just prophetc that Father God is gonna be multiplied as the stars of Heaven...Thats y the sower of the GOOD SEED wants to sow his Precious seed in Humanity....That All the world might birth a baby Christ which is the H.G...The Son of MAN...As that which is born of the spirit is Spriit...An Israel of God that cannot sin simply b/c they are born of God...They are Gods,...As to whom the WOrd came it made them Gods...So we see that JESUS can reproduce himself in Humanity...Thats y he always refers to himself as the Son of Man...Thus we see thats its Christ who sows that good seed in humanity thus he is the Father of the Children...Spirits the H.G. Many ...Thats y i always said that Jesus is the FATHER of the H.G...Simply b/c the H.G. cannot be born without his seed planted in our hearts....Thats y he has to know US...Then he is GLORIFIED simply b/c he has multiplied himself in Humanity...Thats y he is saying whosoever receiveth one such Child in my name receiveth me...Jesus plainly tells us Satan is the Father of the tares b/c he sows the tares...Which means that Christ is the Father of the wheat b/c he sows the wheat....And the wheat is a Baby Christ the H.G. The Granson...simply b/c the Sower of that good seed is Jesus the Bridegroom....Even in the natural the bridegroom is always the FATHER of the Child.

    .....When Jesus breathe on them they received the H.G....But They had to go thru a gestation period....He said b/c i have spoken these words ( his seeds ) John 16 : 6 ...Sorrows have filled your hearts...When a woman is in travail she has SORROWS but after the Child comes her SORROWS are turned into Joy...His breath was his word which is his seed....She brought forth aman child that is gonna rule all nations....The Woman in Rev 12 is Pregnant b/c of his seed, His Breath..Her Child is the H.G.
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jordan, I made a mistake. Your friends name is Troy. I'm praying for you and Troy.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi again Mark.

    The sum of it all.

    God had the Gospel in mind before the foundation of the world,

    Jesus Christ the Cornerstone and

    the Apostles layed the foundation.

    see here

    Ephesians 2:19-22.

    We are to build upon with precious stone and the blueprint was in God's hand before the foundation of the world.

    see here

    1 Corinthians 3:10-12.

    Here you have all of what's involved in this building mentioned in Ephesians 2:21.

    God had the blueprint in his hand before the world began.

    God bless
  • Richard Cain - In Reply - 2 years ago
    GOD made coats of skin to cover their flesh because they were dying instantly. THEY WERE RAW FLESH. the coats of skin covered the flesh. that outer skin is a protection for the flesh if the skin is removed from the flesh the the body will die instantly no if or ands about it. example if you get BURNED the DOCTOR will have to draft skin from other parts of your body to cover the damaged part. if not the damaged part will develop infection and your time on earth will be cut short. skin to cover the flesh, layer 2 and 3. third degree burns is almost detrimental. EVEN the doctor doesn't mean you any good; lights out. the only chance you have is JESUS. YOU BETTER MAKE SURE YOU GOT HIM BEFORE YOU LEAVE THIS EARTH...PEACE my friend keep on keeping on. GENESIS 3:21 KJV BIBLE.
  • GAIL on Matthew 5 - 2 years ago
    I want pray about change my ways an be better person

    Instead of arguing getting mad angry all the the time
  • Linda - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Joy the "falling away " is the apostasy
  • Richard Cain - In Reply - 2 years ago
    PEACE.. THE TREE OF GOOD AND EVIL WAS NOT AN APPLE.. As WE ARE TOLD. the eating of the tree of good and evil is a LIE and they ate of the tree, which is to say they believe that Lie. then sin became on all mankind. therefore the only way back to the GARDEN OF EDEN is by JESUS THE CHRIST. that is to say the word of GOD in a earthly tabernacle known as FLESH. NOW all have a right to the tree of life through the word of GOD from GOD who is GOD'S voice or (word) from heaven. peace my brother...

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