All Discussion PAGE 969

  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Trevor. If you're looking for a reference to the resurrection of Jesus in the Old Testament, the one that readily comes to mind is Psalm 16:8-11.

    One could easily interpret this only to the Psalmist David speaking about himself but we can see that, in the Spirit, David speaks about One Who would fulfil these verses perfectly (particularly verse 10). Even the Apostle Peter made reference to this Psalm (in Acts 2:25-33) in his great sermon at Pentecost. And using Psalm 16, Peter refers this to Jesus Christ, and shows that the patriarch David has long been dead & buried, with his tomb still present. But the grave could not hold Jesus, nor did His Body see corruption (deterioration), but God had raised His Son back to life & back to Himself seated at His right Hand.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear "Tonisha Manning", there is a part and define in the word fear. It doesn't have to come from the Lord exactly, but we must fear Him. And fear He is right. (Who are we to command the Lord God)? Genesis 6:2

    We can also fear When something happens to us, for example. We startle when we fall and then deep down we are afraid of breaking our arms and legs.

    Some people are very afraid of themselves, they fear most things will happen to them. It is probably a spiritual thing that can be driven out with prayer and fasting. That fear can perhaps be said to be from the Lord because He also has helpers to get us onto the right path.

    Stay strong in the word og God and He bless u and yours, love u in Christ.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear John, know that you are welcome here at any time, i pray for you that everything will work out and that you will get answers to your prayers, in due time you will get it according to God's will.

    And it is true what you point out, be strong in the Spirit, then the flesh will not lust, Amen

    Jesus loves u and i loves u in Christ. Stay strong in the Spirit and the word of God. Luke 21
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lord Jesus Christ, i humbly pray to You that You bless everyone on the web who prays for others, so i thank You steadfastly for E. Thank you for taking hold of all the unsaved in our presence, Lord. You Are, Amen
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 13:11 - 2 years ago
    Indeed brother John, just as we are bound to mature biologically, so we must endeavour, by the Grace of God, to mature spiritually: that we "might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God" ( Colossians 1:9,10).
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Mark. I actually see God's Foreknowledge (of people, events) as separate from man's actions. I'm not saying that God can't superintend events to cause people to behave in a certain way (e.g. He can bring on a sickness or calamity that their minds might re-consider their thoughts or actions to follow a different path).

    But if you're thinking simply of 'God knowing all things even before you do it', then that is correct, or else God wouldn't be God if He was deficient in all knowledge & all power. So, we can have free choice to do what we want, without God interfering in that choice, yet God knowing beforehand the choices that we make & the way our lives will unfold.

    If we were not made human beings in the Image of God, but made as machines to unwaveringly perform God's Will, then yes, God knows what we will do (and must do) based on His design & expectation. And of course we wouldn't have sin because we were not designed to be susceptible to it. But we're not machines - we have the power to choose, sometimes wisely or unwisely - and when it comes to our salvation, the Gospel goes out to all, the invitation is for all, but not all will respond. Does God force that response (whether right or wrong) or does He know how that person will respond? If God predetermined who should be saved or lost, then the preaching of the Gospel won't be necessary, because whether a person likes it or not, he will be saved or lost as God determines. The Cross then is only to satisfy God that sin's payment was completed & redemption possible. The Cross won't apply to the sinner for he would be saved or rejected without giving a response.

    One cannot 'change unbelievers' minds'. Only the power in God's Word & the Spirit can alert a sinner to the wretchedness of their sins before a Holy God. Let us be faithful to share Christ & His Gospel.
  • Lori S Sharrock - 2 years ago
    Should pastor's drink alcohol?
  • Amy - 2 years ago
    Join me in praying for the public service such as the police officers I ask Lord for you to dispatch waring guardian and protection angels by their side give the police officers a heightened sense of discernment and wisdom supernatural wisdom and blueprints

    May favor encompass them like a shield

    Guide them lord every step of the way. Lord I also pray for more good men and women police officers to be hired all across the world
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    So true brother S. Spencer. When we take in & deeply meditate on all of Scripture, we certainly see a wonderful picture of the Person of God & His Love for all that He has made. It's when we allow our pre-conceived ideas or even the influences of a convincing speaker/author to sway are minds, we then begin to read ALL of God's Word in a defective way - discernment is the key - & that comes with knowledge of His Word.

    We're still all learning & subject to the Spirit's influence & guidance, but we would give God & His Word good service, if we give our full consideration to all that He has revealed to us in His Word. Every blessing & I do appreciate your other input to me & others here.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Just on this matter about 'Jesus being a creation of God', Brad. We see a couple of phrases used in the Bible: 'firstborn' and 'only begotten'.

    'Firstborn' (Gk. prototokos, first to give birth to, firstborn) as seen in Romans 8:29, "the firstborn among many brethren", where Paul applies the meaning to Jesus being the first to bring humanity & divinity into one (i.e. Jesus the Word (God) united with humanity (flesh); and to us who are saved (i.e. humanity (flesh) united with the Spirit (God)).

    And also in Colossians 1:15, "the firstborn of every creature", referring to Christ's highest rank & full rights bestowed upon Him by the Father over all creation; & that creation came into being by His Word Jesus & through Him, being held together by the Word of His Power (vv16,17 & Hebrews 1:3).

    'Only begotten' (Gk. monogenes, unique, one of a kind) as seen in John 3:16, Hebrews 5:5, 1 John 4:9, etc. Could we say that Jesus was a created Being by God, as one would describe a creation of a baby in the womb or a potter creating a vessel from a lump of clay? The use of 'monogenes' strongly suggests that Jesus wasn't created, simply because He already existed within God's Person as the Word of God. But God did something not done before - a unique birth: that which always existed came into the World in another form - Mary's womb was merely the delivery point for prophecy's fulfilment & for Jesus' identification with His people. God could just as well have zapped His Word into flesh & onto Earth, but God had His Own special Plan.

    One could use the word 'created' in this respect as you've done, but that might then bring on the thought that Jesus was a created Being without an eternal existence. I feel 'monogenes' satisfies the uniqueness of Jesus' pre- & post-incarnation Presence.
  • Doug - In Reply - 2 years ago
    They died spiritually the day they sinned.
  • Herman - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 14 - 2 years ago
    Obey them. Most Christians are against transgender. This is the way some churches demonstrate the distinction of gender through clothing. 1 Cor. 9:20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law. It isn't against the teachings of Christ for a women to wear a dress is it? This is a statement out of one of those churches pamphlet. "As God's image-bearers, we maintain and teach consistent biblical principles on matters of male and female sexuality, identity, and appearance, showing compassion without compromise".
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Brother Chris.

    Well stated. All these scriptures have to line up with one another. Meaning they have to make since up against scriptures such as

    Isaiah 9:6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The ( EVERLASTING ) Father, The Prince of Peace.

    Also Revelation 1:8.

    "I am ( Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending,) saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."

    How does these these verses means anything but eternal? And how does the submitted contrasting scriptures interact with these everlasting verses?

  • MaryAnn - 2 years ago
    What does the Bible say about interracial marriages
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Predestination Part 2 introduction

    All those on earth can see Romans 1 and Psalm 19 written in their consciousnesses as they see the creation and how God made things to be. Many today have heard of Christ; but it is as the Parable of the seed and the sower. To proceed to salvation; there must be the Word that takes root; and continues PAST trials and temptations to the point of producing fruit and is continually purged to produce MORE fruit. ( John 15:2). All men fear God and will bow down to worship Him someday. ( Isaiah 45:23; Philippians 2:10-11). Unregenerate man needs a heart change though; he only fears the consequences; not how He has offended a Holy God. An unsaved man can not love Christ or God for that matter. John exposes these things.

    If we are truly seeking understanding; I believe He will show us that we are vile sinners and on the way to hell. Those who are not saved or cannot hear His voice (again John describes those people) we have no desire to see who we really are; and find things in this world to our satisfaction. That has much to do with the god of this world; again who IS our God before salvation ( Eph. 2:2). Try to tell someone they are a sinner; that is hard but to say that they are truly following Satan is a whole other matter. Nonetheless; we see again in John Christ speaking this to the Pharisees. This is a fair warning to those who hold onto religious practices apart from a Spirit filled life. It is also sobering to think of those sins that we find outwardly appalling (fornication for instance) when we ignore pride; greed and even gossip because we are so accustomed to behaving this way in our society.

    It needs to be said (which should be left unsaid) that since we don't understand fully the hidden counsel of God ( Deut 29:29) that we have no place to be arrogant about understanding these doctrines; and we must acknowledge the grievous sins that Calvin and Luther did while correctly expounding on these principles.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Richard. Very nice.

    God bless.
  • Richard cain - 2 years ago
    consider the fig tree where was it; in the beginning it was in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve believe the lie that Satan told them and they saw that they were NECKED (didn't have a covering far there sins) so they tried to cover there sins with fig leaves. but the fig leaves could not cover there sins. that being said then the fig tree means the people will try to hide their sins. because now is the time for the fig trees to began to blossom...DEACON RICHARD CAIN...i have spoken..believe this? peace...
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Predestination. Focusing on the book of John.

    Introduction: I am attempting after years of study to give a proper examination of the doctrine of election; associated with the 5 points of Calvin; or what some call the "grace gospel." Ultimately; this is to demonstrate that we cannot save ourselves; it requires Divine intervention. From my viewpoint; this does NOT negate human choices as it were as God in this fallen world always has worked around the circumstances that even His saints have lived in who often should know better; not to mention the kings and those in authority. It is not the constraints on men in this lifetime that should be the focus; although there are limits to God's patience but it is the will of God which is accomplished no matter how much Satan and wicked men work against Him. Thus; He allows the sin of a nation to come to the full before judgment ( Gen. 15:16). He has set times and seasons; and is indeed the Alpha and Omega ( Rev. 21:6-7).

    Before getting into scriptures specifically in the Book of John (this forum isn't meant for more than an overview rather than an extensive study) which prove God predestines all those who will come to the faith and hence be saved I wanted to make a few points. First of all; the argument of "what about those who have never heard the Gospel" is not as solid as it may seem. To assume that only those who are in a society that teaches Biblical truth to recieve it; and assumes that others who don't hear it are left out need only go to Abraham being called OUT of Ur of the Chaldees to the land of Promise and follow the true God.

    The Exodus took His people to a new land; but only a remnant of Israel was true Israel ( Romans 9:24-29). This is also demonstrated in the O.T. We see the same principle in Isaiah 10:20-23 for the future of the nation of Israel; and also with the church ( Matt. 13:24-30).

    Finally; there is a process which determines or proves our spiritual condition set forth for all men.
  • Kevin - In Reply on Acts 9 - 2 years ago
    I would like to retract my question because if I had paid attention I would have found my answer in Acts 9 Verse 36.
  • Bruce Malouf - 2 years ago
    "Twenty seven years passed and they forgot their wickedness to Joseph because God gave him dreams with Spiritual signifiance"

    Irene Allen states this in her response 2 years ago to 'Stephen on Genesis 41:26' seven years ago in the comments.

    I made a comment 5 years ago, in which I point to 41 minus 14, which also is 27.

    I then point out that 27 is the same as 3 x 3 x 3.

    If the 'crisis' in the dream which Joseph interprets, can be deemed to reappear, in another form, in the Third Month of the Third Decade of the Third Millenium, then there may well be some truth in what I said 5 years ago, prediciting the 'crisis' of March 2020 well beorehand in 2017 by just looking at the numbers in Gen. Ch 41.

    In fact it could be said now that the whole decade from 2020 - 2029 is unfortunatelly the COVID decade, pherhaps Gen. Ch 2020?
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesus was the "first of the firstfruits" i.e. the first to be resurrected into a glorified; eternal body. It is interesting to note; that He still bears the scars from the crucifixion; which will make Him unique in heaven having any marks like that. The other resurrections such as Lazarus were only temporary still in the old bodies. This fits in with the principle of Hebrews 9:27. It would appear that at least Elijah although taken by God since He must return in the Tribulation to die that He is protected but not yet in his eternal body. Enoch we don't know about; although keeping with man destined to die once then face the judgment; and Christ being the first of the firstfruits; we could easily assume that he is the 2nd witness who must die in the Tribulation.

    Note that there were many that came out of their graves AFTER Christ rose; this would be a preliminary firstfruits to our resurrection and/or rapture to come as well as others in the Tribulation. Christ is our head; hence the rest of the Body is to follow.
  • Bri - 2 years ago
    I am having a hard time believing that God loves my family and me and wants us to be saved, and am being forced to pretend I have a relationship with God when I don't. Please pray that he will give us a desire to do what will bring about our salvation and sanctification.
  • Jordan - 2 years ago
    Please lift my friend up in prayer, his name is Troy and he is dying of bone cancer. Ask that the Lord may give him mercy, grace, and hope. That the Lord may heal him. Thank you.
  • Saydee Dockery - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ok Thank you
  • OLD MAN WILSON - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother Daniel:

    As Paul travelled to Damascus he had not intentions of being saved, but it was his will that he was to kill Christ's children.

    God FORCED Paul; to cause Paul's will, to BECOME GOD's WILL.

    Paul is our EXAMPLE.

    God's WILL, will be done.

    What ever God has purposed for you, WILL BE DONE, and you have no say.

    Did Jacob and Esau have a choice?

    Did King Cyrus have a choice?

    Did the King of Assyria have a choice?

    Did Pharaoh have a choice?

    No, the words were spoken of the path thy would take before the foundations of the world were laid.

    John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, I have CHOSEN YOU ....

    Romans 9:21 Hath not the potter POWER OVER the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel of HONOUR, and another unto DISHONOUR.

    MAN teaches FREE WILL, God is the KING of the Kingdom, and the KING'S WILL RULES ALL.

    God Bless You.
  • Rev. John Quann on 1 Corinthians 13:11 - 2 years ago
    My dad use to use this scriptures on me when I was younger.
  • TREVOR SMITH - 2 years ago
    Resurrection in the old testaament
  • Jesse - In Reply on Revelation 1 - 2 years ago

    There ae other instances in the bible of people being raised from the dead. The first is found in 1 Kings 17:17-24.
  • Nats - In Reply on Acts 9 - 2 years ago
    If you go to their church you must dress the way they want you to I think it's just respect to them .
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Mishael.

    God bless.

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