All Discussion PAGE 979

  • Abigail - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I messaged my sister-in-law asking her to explain what Ravelry is for you, since, I have absolutely no idea how to use Ravelry.

    "Ravelry is a social platform that is free to all knitters and crocheters. You can find pattern ideas (such as ideas for patterns without the actual pattern and patters with it's how to make it pattern), friend people, join groups, (there are so many options to chose from) save patterns to go back and look at, and so much more. You can share your own patterns too. Lots of people who are on Ravelry don't necessarily knit or crochet (or both,) but they might join to find a group to join, or make friends, or save patterns they like the look of, ect. So you don't have to knit or crochet in order to be on Ravelry. If you would like more information on Ravelry, you can create an account and then go to Ravelry's help page or contact one of the moderators. Accounts are deletable, so if you don't like it, you can always delete it."

    Does that explain your wonder?
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 2 Thessalonians 3 - 2 years ago
    2Thessalonians 3:10-16, Proverbs 13:4, Job 34:11, Psalms 28:4, Psalms 62:12, 1Thessalonians 4:11

    Exodus 20:9,10, Exodus 23:12,

    Even to build the house of GOD takes work, 2Kings 12:11, 2Kings 22:5,9, 1Chronicles 9:33, Nehemiah 4:21,

    Proverbs 26:16, Proverbs 20:4, Proverbs 6:6-11, Proverbs 10:26,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Ronald,

    I appreciate your respectul remarks and am ok with continuing to dialog as long as that remains.

    I can offer a challenge to few of your points in your last comment.

    1. John 1:1 says, "In the beginning", God does not have a beginning.

    It sounds like you are using this as evidence to support your view. I don't view it that way at all. First, this says "in the beginning" not "in God's beginning" or "in the Word's beginning". So, this phrase doesn't suggest any limitation on God whatsoever, but is just marking for us in our own human terms that Jesus was always there.

    Do you remember Jesus saying this: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." That doesn't mean He's limited, but the opposite, it means He spans everything! Revelation 22:13 - notice the words in red that Jesus said that.

    It also says this in Revelation 1:8, notice it says "says the Lord". Lord is Greek word kurios which is supreme authority or God. Some translations say "says the Lord God" and is the same meaning. This is Jesus speaking about Himself, it too is in red.

    Isaiah 44:6 "Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God." - notice this is the same claim Jesus made in Revelation. If there's only one and only one who makes that claim then it seems logical that the claim in both the New and Old Testament are from the same being.

    Revelation 11:17 - This uses the same word Lord (kurios) of which Jesus is Lord ( Romans 10:9) and uses the word theos (God) with it, so it calls Jesus "Lord God." Do you agree? How do you feel about this verse?

    Isaiah 43:11 - "I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour." So, it says Jesus is Lord and our savior in the New Testament and there's no other Lord. Here in the OT it also says the Lord is the savior and no one else. That is all in alignment with John 10:30. Yes?

    John 5:23 - we must honor Jesus.
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I really wanted to post more but I'm so sick I am unable to. I want y'all to know that I am praying In the background and desire your prayers as well. Thank you all and God bless and keep you all in His loving care and perfect will.

    The verse that's been on my heart is

    And the Word became flesh
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi David, I don't know where your heart is in regards to your public comment- that is between you and God.

    I know from past experience that people have used similar arguments in a dishonest way, however, in attempt to discredit God. I noticed you claimed those who believe in the trinity as it says in 1 John 5:7 didn't start until constantinople. That is untrue. People would have believed in the Godhead the first time they heard or read the scriptures, because its direct from scripture. 1 John 5:7, John 1:1, Philippians 2:6, and numerous verses that talk about the Godhead and plural "we" and "us" for God all align for even a child to understand that God consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. God is aware of our hearts and any attempts to discredit Him or spread false info will be taken seriously. Those who disrespect, dishonor, slander Jesus may not even be saved according to John 5:23.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear One Eighty,

    The Bible does not teach that spirit and flesh (made of matter) are opposites nor that they oppose each other. It is the sinful nature that opposes all that God created good in us. At times the Bible speaks of the spirit warring against the flesh. In this context, Flesh is used as a synonym for the sinful nature, which is immaterial, but manifests sin through our physical being, (mind, body, soul, spirit, emotions) Of these, only the body is material, but it is not evil nor opposing to our immaterial aspects.

    Dualism teaches that the material world, (all that is made of matter, including our bodies) is evil and only what is spiritual is good. But Satan is a spirit being and he is the most evil of all. And Jesus was God Incarnate (became human in all senses of the word) yet was sinless and pure and good. Classical dualism teaches that the physical universe, including fleshly bodies) was made by an evil spiritual entity (demi-urge) who opposes the good Spiritual entity who made all that is spiritual. It teaches that these two entities are equal but antagonistic to one another. So, while many Christians do not embrace dualism in the classical sense, some embrace the tenet of dualism by saying that what is physical (made of matter) therefore, our fleshly bodies, is only evil and that our new spiritual nature in Christ is only good.
  • Latonya - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I will definitely be praying for kim and her family. I understand what she is going through I had a stroke back in 2007 God brought me through it and he will do the same with kim Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Gary,

    I concur with Jesse.

    The Scriptures say that God is everlasting and eternal, without beginning nor being created and will never cease to exist. Life and existence belong wholly to Him. They do not exist outside of God, meaning He did not acquire them from anything outside of Himself. He always has possessed these.

    Genesis 21:33 (Eternal)

    Isaiah 63:16 (Everlasting)

    Isaiah 26:4 (Rock eternal)

    Jeremiah 10:10 (the living God, the Eternal King)

    Romans 16:26 (Eternal God)

    1Tim 1:17 (unto the King eternal immortal)

    Hebrews 9:14 (eternal Spirit)

    1John 5:20 (He is the true God and Eternal life)

    Ps. 93>2 (You are from all eternity)

    Deuteronomy 33:27 (Eternal)

    1 Chronicles 16:36 (the God of Irael, from everlasting to everlasting)

    Nehemiah 9:5 (who is from everlasting to everlasting)

    Isaiah 9:6 (Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace)

    Isaiah 40:28 (The Lord is the Everlasting God)

    Habakkuk 1:12, (O lord, are You not rom everlasting?)

    Isaiah 57:15 (the Lofty One, who lives forever

    Hope these help.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    but go, show yourself to the Priest. Luke 5:14, Luke 17:14, Matthew 8:4, Mark 1:44,

    Deuteronomy 4:2, Revelation 22:18-19
  • Brenda on 2 Thessalonians 3 - 2 years ago
    2nd Thessalonin Chapter 3:10

    It says he that does not work, does not eat (Paraphrased) Does that mean exactly what it says. ??

    If a man is to lazy to get out and work and take care of his family, he should not eat the food he didn't earn.??

    Explain please
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi John , Matthew Ch 26 V 53 . Jesus is in the garden of Gethsemane , Judas has just kissed him to show the priests and guards which one he is so that they can take him , V 51 : And , behold , one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand , and drew his sword , and struck a servant of the high priests , and smote off his ear . V 52 Then said Jesus into him , Put up again thy sword unto his place : for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword . V 53 Thinkers thou that I cannot now pray to my Father , and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels ? V 53 But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled , that thus it must be ? May God bless and keep you safe John .
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I am really thankful that you got a new heart and your body is taking to it well. I am always glad to be able to pray for you. Your enthusiasm and cheerfulness in the Lord in the face of grave circumstances is inspiring to me. I have a friend like you. She had a major stroke at age 38 with two young children and an unbelieving husband who was not very supportive. She came out of this event disabled, but able to walk and talk and get done what is needed for herself and her children over the years. She was able to continue to volunteer in the schools her children attended and even volunteered in my class of Kinders each year until the last few years I was teaching. Despite many setbacks, lost dreams, pain, and hardship, she is almost always cheerful and encouraging to others. She is very grateful. Her attitude and service taught me so much over these past 27 years. Life even more difficult for her now as she is finding it harder to stay balanced when standing. Her foot brace causes pain when walking but she needs it to walk. Her husband was diagnosed with lung cancer this past year. So, you can pray for her. her name is Kim and she is the sweetest sister in the Lord I could ever have. Thank you.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Abigail,

    So glad you and baby are doing well.

    I am not sure what you mean by the Ravelry suggestion. Please explain more.
  • One Eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi David,

    Yes, I think Gnosticism in earliest forms predates Jesus. For a period, parts of their belief system paralleled Christian thought in the first to third centuries.

    Philippians 2:6-8. So, being in the form of God (Spirit), Jesus didn't see it as taking away from God by claiming His equality with God; because Jesus has the Mind of God. Jesus took on the "form" of a servant (man), made to look like man, being found in fashion of man. Jesus appeared as a body named Jesus. John 6:63 : The words He speaks are spirit and life, not flesh which profits nothing (counts as nothing). I can only speculate Paul thought Jesus was only a body, or both (dualism). Spirit or body. Will the real Jesus please stand up.

  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi , you say V 21 but not which book of the Bible , please let us know which book .
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Daniel , I'm not sure if you think that I am Free or suze , I promise you faithfully that we are not the same person . As far as I know the young woman who starved herself to death was not pregnant . She was a 19 yr old student who came to England to study , she was a virgin and a devout Catholic , she was walking home from her friends at 9 pm , three men jumped her , dragged her into some nearby wasteland and repeatedly raped her in every way possible for a few hours . She regained consciousness and managed to get home , when she got home she spent hours in the bath scrubbing herself inside and out with a scourer and bleach . She then got into bed and phoned her friend and asked her to come and stay with her . She wouldn't have a doctor , here , if you go to hospital with those kind of injuries the medical staff are obliged to call the police . The thought of a physical examination and having to describe her ordeal was unbearable to her . Her friend who had to go to work during the day , stayed with her every night , she didn't tell her friend that she was eating nothing . By the time her friend realised what she had been doing to herself it was to late , her organs were damaged and shutting down . This is rape . Like I said at the begining , there's no evidence that she was pregnant . Sorry if I didn't make that clear .
  • Engle - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I wouldn't worry what people are doing in the churches, what where people doing in Noah's day just get in the boat , be saved
  • Latonya - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for caring as much as you do For all of us .and I pray that everything you need will be granted to you on this day .God is alpha and Omega he will never leave you nor will he forsake you. Continue to do the will of God .
  • Latonya - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello gigi thank you for the prayer you are a special person to me your prayers have helped me on my surgery today went good and im feeling pretty good may God bless you whatever you stand in the need of I touch and agree its already done in Jesus name.
  • Latonya - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for the prayer and it is also encouragement for me may God bless you.
  • Eng - 2 years ago
    What do they have on hands on in the Baptist Churches
  • David - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 2 years ago
    Hi Spunky Perhaps what I'm going to share with you will put your believing heart and mind at ease. Indeed the usa is

    on a very slippery slop but it IS not the Great babylon in revelation, that represents all the enemies kingdom worldwide.

    Now I too am a citizen of this country my spiritual position stand on Gods word and to those who want delivered will listen

    those who won't have a nice day. If this country keeps going the direction its going it will fall apart because the true God

    will not put up with the movements that the government is partaking in particularly LGBTQ ANDdope and wasting human

    life also defiant against all authority and way too many so called christians and churches are compromising. That being

    said that doesn't mean your included, we stand as individuals responsible for our own walk, so walk in the righteousness

    love grace mercy peace and power of the spirit you've been given by grace and no matter what our need will be met.

  • Eng - 2 years ago
    what do they have deacon women in church
  • David - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 2 years ago
    Ronnette Reading your commentary I believe were on the same page, we must remember Jesus Christ ministry when he was

    personally present was too the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Now there are future events he shared that pertain to revelation and the grace administration both future. Our glorious God in his forknowledge knew israel was going to reject their Messiah

    which on pentecost opened the grace of God to all men to be reborn of holy spirit. the gospels were the personal presents of the

    king of Israel and he was rejected the second coming will be in thessalonians when he comes for the church the body of Christ

    those of us born again age of grace. the third is in book of revelation when he returns with us saints born again and we judge

    and defeat all evil. So in reality first time born crucified resurrected[personal presence] second time in the air to be seen and

    we are taken up to meet him in the air, third time revelation coming back with his body us saints to judge all evil.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 1 - 2 years ago

    The Bible speaks of God being both eternal and everlasting ( Psalm 90:2, Genesis 21:33, Deuteronomy 33:27) just to name a few.

    In order to understand God being both eternal and everlasting, we would have to conclude that God has no beginning and no end.

    If we ask who created God, then we would then have to ask who created the person that created God, and it would never ever end. So, if it never ends, it can only be logical that God has no creator but has always been in existence.
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Giannis With all due respect i'm just reading scripture in verse 6 he says diversities of administrations then in verse 7 different

    subject matter manifestation. The word diversities is[diaresis] which is the act of dividing according to Gods purpose and administrations deals with the gift ministries of apostles prophets evangelist pastors and teachers in the body of christ which God

    calls out. The manifestation of the God given gift is available to utilize to any believer, that's two entirely different subject matters

    also I read with great attention to detail in english and greek and some hebrew text which is what the scriptures were translated

    from. Also this is a commentary so I endeavor not to be judgemental if someone believes differently that's their priviledge.

    God Bless
  • David - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 1 - 2 years ago
    Gary Gen.1:1 In the beginning God created everything God is eternal always existed, all mighty omnipresent, all love

    all light, all caring,, all perfect, all spirit, all life giving, all order their is nothing above or before all mighty GOD.
  • Abigail - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I started having major contractions that led into labor on the 15 and labored all night long before while at the hospital I said, "I gotta push!" I started pushing, it was so painful that I cried. I kept pushing 12 times more before I said I couldn't push and had to have a break. My midwife said, "just one more push! Just one more! Push!" I pushed, and our baby boy was born. He is now 6 days old and doing incredibly well. He is a very deep and sound sleeper, so that makes it even easier on my side. He loves to eat (I'm breastfeeding him) and is just such a cutie. The day he came home, to celebrate, the kids thought it would be fun to watch Sight & Sound's Moses, so we did just that that night. Moses slept all the way through the movie, but, that's ok because we'll let him watch it once he's older and sleeping is just what babies do, right? :)

    I'm not one to ask this kind of question, but my sister-in-law wants to know what you decided with the Ravelry suggestion.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Ronald,

    Thanks for explaining your position.

    Your comment stood out to me: "Jesus is the word, every word Jesus said was of God and from God the Father, the word of God became flesh not God. "

    What's interesting is that John 1:1 does not say what you wrote. You acknowledge that Jesus is the Word as it says in John 1:14, ok so we agree on that aside from your use of a lowercase word instead of Word. The name Word is a proper title, similar to many other names of Jesus has been given.

    1. After you used lowercase to describe Jesus instead of Word you then slipped in "word" but as a different meaning but to also create distance between God and Jesus.

    That is surprising, because John 1:1 literally says "the Word was God."

    Bible: "Word was God."

    You: "every word Jesus said was of God."

    That seems sneaky to me. That's not what that verse says. I have been in prayer about this and I encourage you to do the same. Surely God will honor those who seek Him with wisdom and understanding about who He is, do you agree?

    There's no verse in the Bible that says Jesus isn't God. All the scripture supports that He is part of a triune God and is the Son. Yes, the Father is also called God and I see how people latch onto that. And I see how people don't want to understand that God can sometimes mean God the Father and can sometimes mean a triune God. But if someone believes there's no trinity and that Jesus isn't part of the Godhead as scriptures say, then how else do people explain the verses where God refers to itself as "we" and "us" and how Jesus created everything John 1:3. It says the 3 are 1 in 1 John 5:7. It doesn't say the part of the Godhead is everyone, or Paul, or Peter, or Samson or you. No, there's only 3 and it includes the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost just like it says.

    One last comment for now:

    "The doctrine says all three are equal, does scripture agree?"

    The Bible doesn't say their roles are equal. What doctrine are you talking about?
  • GiGi - 2 years ago
    Just got back from the doctor. Glad I went since 50 % of my calf is swollen, red and tender from this wasp sting.

    Began taking the antibiotic, steroid, and antihistamine, so I should see improvement soon. Thanks to all who prayed for me.

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