All Discussion PAGE 987

  • Mike Rios on Mark 12 - 2 years ago
    One of the greatest lessons taught about giving is found here in the meager giving of the widow. It's obvious that great riches were poured into the treasury yet Jesus took note of the greater giving done by the window. Though her giving was miniscule compared to the others Jesus noted that she gave of her want. Jesus noted that her giving was greater because of what she had left after she gave. The scribes and Pharisees were not hurt nor left in want after they gave. The widow gave of her want. She's left with more want after her giving. That kind of giving is what catches Jesus'attention.
  • PROPHECY - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother David:

    Job is a PROPHECY of Christ.

    Job 2:3 And the LORD (God the Father) said unto Satan ( John 8:44 and his children, all flesh and blood), Hast thou considered my servant Job (a metaphor for Christ) that there is none like him (Christ) in the earth, a perfect and upright man (Christ), one (Christ) that feareth God (the Father), and escheweth evil? and he (Christ) still holdest fast his integrity, although thou (Satan and his children, flesh and blood)) movest ME (God the Father) AGAINST HIM (Christ), to DESTROY HIM (Christ) WITHOUT A CAUSE.

    Psalms 119:161 Princes ( 1 Corinthians 2:6-8 of this world, Children of Satan) have persecuted me (Christ) WITHOUT A CAUSE, but I (Christ) stand in awe of the (Father's) word.

    John 15:25 But THIS (Christ death and resurrection) COMETH TO PASS, that the WORD might be FULFILLED that is written in their law, They hated me WITHOUT A CAUSE.

    God Bless You.
  • Ronnette - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Romans 13:10-14 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Peter.

    part 1.

    I would like to share my view on Luke 15:11-13. First with more emphasis on the loving father and his duel role as a Father and the chief shepherd.

    Secondly the actions of the Son and a lost sheep.

    Beginning at verse 1; Luke 15:1-32.

    Notice in Luke 15:2-3 the complaints of the Pharisees that prompts Jesus to give 3 parables to make his point.

    Notice what these 3 parables have in common.

    Something someone possess.

    Something lost.

    and Something Found.

    Take tote that while these were lost they never quit belonging to the possessor.

    vs 4. What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, AND GO AFTER THAT WHICH IS LOST, UNTIL HE FIND IT?

    vs 6 he says "Rejoice with me; for I HAVE FOUND ( MY SHEEP ) which was lost. "It never quit being his!

    2nd Parable. vs 8. "Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, DOTH NOT LIGHT A CANDLE, AND SWEEP THE HOUSE, AND SEEK DILIGENTLY TILL SHE FIND IT?


    3rd Parable.

    Luke 15:11-12. And he said, A certain man had two sons:

    And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them LIVING. I would suggest that the living that the father given him was more than just substance which ran out, there was also life.

    Look at what happens in vs14.

    "And when he had spent all, THERE AROSE A MIGHTY FAMINE IN

    ( THAT LAND;) and he began to be in want. A FAMINE IN THAT LAND!


    kind of reminds me of Jonah.

    Now let's look at the son/lost sheep in part 2.
  • Suze - In Reply on Revelation 5 - 2 years ago
    I'm with you there , God is our King , this world is not our home and we are told not to get too entangled in the things of this life , also , there are plenty of people on here who aren't American , that might come as a suprise to some smiley face . We are spiritual Israel , we truly should be ' one nation under God ' literally .
  • Ronnette - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Memorize Psalm 91.

    Romans 8/15For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Richard There's one thing in your commentary that I find questionable biblically, since God almighty and all knowing

    knows the devil is god of this world because it was handed to him in gen. look at luke 4:5-7 also in JAMES 1:12-17 all good

    and perfect gifts come from the father of lights, also God can't be tempted neither tempt He any man. I see biblically where

    that's true in respect to accomplish what he wants to bring to pass according to what His Word promises. Even in our lives

    we are so to speak spiritually untouchable as long as we walk spiritually in CHRIST althiough our physical bodies die daily.
  • Jacqueline - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Lena,

    Thank you so much.
  • JASON ZAHN - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Good morning to you and thank you for your thoughts on my questions. I definitely agree that we are all descendants of Adam (From his son Seth's line of descendants. You are correct in that some of the translations from the original language to English may be slightly off in some wording, like the example that you provided. We of course will not know for sure until we get to heaven and as I stated in another post the most important thing is to believe in God and that he sent his son to die for our sins.

    After rereading the first six chapters of Genesis I do agree with you that the reason God accepted Abel's sacrifice and not Cain's was because Cain's did not come fully from his heart. It wasn't the sacrifice that was important it was the motive behind it.

    I am doing my best not to use preconceived notions and as you stated to let the holy spirit be my guide. As for the "sons of God" and "daughters of men" I have some thoughts on that also but will continue my reading and note taking before I state an opinion.

    May God bless you also and I am going to continue on now.
  • JASON ZAHN - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    I suppose that could be true (about mankind being created on the 6th day, getting wiped out, and then Adam and Eve being created later...much later. We simply do not know because of course the bible does not tell us that, and in the end when we get to heaven then I am sure we will have answers to all these sorts of questions. The main thing is that we believe in God and that he sent his son to die for our sins. Amen.

    Thank you for your interesting thoughts.
  • Rdavis2014 on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello my name is Randy. First let me say I love the commentary and discussion area. I have been a Christian a long time since 1978 and am reading and studying the Bible from the beginning again. I wonder about Gensis verses 26 and 27, It says "God said, let us make man in our image and let them" and in verse 27 " He created man male and Female". My question is in addition to Adam and Eve were there other men and women?
  • David - In Reply on Luke 11 - 2 years ago
    Agapeo ALWAYS One of the most interesting observation in my walk, we as believers are to put on all meekness and humility

    not saying door mat but genuine humbleness of mind. Instead a lot of so called Christians have a self righteous attitude

    and with unbelievers if you don't believe your going straight to hell. Show me that kind of mind set with Jesus Christ in

    the Gospels and I'LL EAT THE BOOK. Now when it came to those in power yes he called it the way it is, but to those who

    came to Him with genuine heart to be delivered they got delivered. The way I see it judge not for thou shalt be judged,

    and above all walk in love because that's what delivered me. Also consider 2 COR. 4:4 WHO HAS THEM BLINDED the same

    god that did the same to me. Bottom line our occupation we plant we water but GOD GIVES THE INCREASE. BELIEVERS

    AND I'M SAYING PEOPLE I KNOW tell me how evil the gov. and people in office are well their people and so were we. My

    bible says to pray for those in office not ridicule but doctrine. We who choose stand and walk must stay on mark to

    not let Gods love in us wax cold Math 24:12 because it was the LOVE OF GOD that delivered us and melted the hardness

    in hearts so lets endeavor to keep it soft and as Ephesians 4:32 tenderhearted thats the goal that will deliver oithers if they

    choose to believe and continue to make us whole. We already know everything in this world will wax or become worse and

    worse so my mind endeavors to think about things above Col.3:1-5 because that's all that really counts.
  • Daniel - In Reply on Revelation 5 - 2 years ago
    Amen! I've said it numerous times. The King James Bible Online sublets (including discussion) need to stay relevant strictly to scripture as it pertains to KJV. There is no reason politics, ideologies, religions, agendas or debates should be pushed on this site in any way, shape or form.

    It's also of ignorance I as read most of these as conspiracy theories relating to the Western world. The Bible encompasses more than our small world view. Besides that, God doesn't need strife and the lambs (newly saved) coming hear get confused when they read such jargon.

    1 Corinthians 7:35 - And this I speak for your own profit; not that I may cast a snare upon you, but for that which is comely, and that ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction.

    We ought to think more like the apostle Paul. Speaking, encouraging and edifying one another with scripture for the benefit of our neighbor and not our own profit (agendas, politics, religious debating to empower self) as this casts a snare upon new and old believers. Overall, it's a distraction. The answer's short and simple too. If people want to discuss these things, my answer is: take it to social media; this is a Bible site -- keep it Biblical.
  • Fred Scanlan - In Reply on Luke 11 - 2 years ago
    How are we too be?

    The first thing that comes to mind, is a need from the Holy One! Only He knows what we need and when! If I know these things, then I should be happy!

    Maybe Im not as happy as I should or could be ,and if not why?

    The things around us are changing all the time. Are we consumned it seems with that which is past, and present, thinking somehow in this life, we should be happier than what we are? Are these the signs of the times? Or, are these thoughts the consequences of abiding in Him? Are these the offences that He speaks that will come too those who worship Him?

    Are these things of the spirit of God!

    So, How do we get to that place? Tell me How!

    How do we get to the place where this Holy One will take our place, will become one with us? I hear the prophets and apostles words, I see Jesus walking and healing, and yet I am not filled! Maybe, I am not saved?

    How can I know this love that passes all understanding? Must I be touched? Is it true that this corruption must put on incorruption? Why can we not experiance this incorruption now? I hear the voices! I hear the questions, I sence that these wish to see Him , this one called the WORD! Cry out! Cry out, for ourredemption draws nigh.

    If you are in this place, than you are in Him! Love one another in all things, for the evil one has come and desires your soul!

    Watch! I say watch! Repent and be Baptized
  • Ronnette - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 2 years ago
    Hello Postmyers:

    There is only one Gospel and that is the Lord Jesus Christ is God. I have no idea what those people you mentioned because I tend to Listen to God and God alone. I humbly say successful peace and joy are feelings I have within. My life experiences can also attest to it. Despite illnesses, God gives me joy and hope whether I live long or be taken away. The entire Bible is a magnificent Book-Old and New Testament. The best God ever given to human to know the real deal what really happened-History, Geography, Mathematics, Science, Economics, Political Science, English Literature, etc. If I were the King of the day, I will build a school with the foundation ONLY based on pure KJV Bible. Now I can say that in retrospect after going through all my highest educational experiences. I know we have been dumb down by men, but I am so very happy we have a God that is greater than man. I will leave you with Malachi 4:2-3 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts. Peace to you and Glory to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Revelation 5 - 2 years ago
    I should check that out. A basic principle is that we shouldn't choose the lesser of two evils when we go to the ballot box. We have to decide not only what a candidate claims to stand for but what evidence there is that he will practice it once in office; and his past record usually is a pretty good indicator. We see on both sides of the aisle a catering toward the far left and far right these days. I won't mention any names here; but clearly there is no better track record among politicians than anyone else in society as to those who claim to be Christians but not demonstrating fruits of true repentance.

    I would be remiss here not to mention the fact that many in the world state that politics in a way is much like a coin; it may appear different on each side but in the end the policies end up the same way. We can look at overspending into debt; and foreign policy as two clear examples of this. I will put a general statement here as well that we need to have a variety of news outlets; with a fair assortment of reports outside our mainline media to get any clear perspective of what's really going on.

    Basically; the whole world is heading toward one world government and the judgment of God. Anyone that cannot see the agendas our military industrial complex has integrated with governmental policies doesn't get this. We have to be cognizant that our whole history came about from both Christian roots and occult ones. We are no better than any other nation; and even if we did more for the Gospel at one time we can't stand forever on past blessings. Too much effort is spent on trying to continue to live out the "American Dream"; whatever that means for us personally.

    Again; without mentioning names; it is clear that total control is over one party with one man which is unprecidented. The other party seems unwilling to find anyone not so far to the left that they are unwinnable; even giving money to radicals on the other side to help them win!
  • Ronnette - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 2 years ago
    Hello Richard:

    Totally agree with you. Evil in this world is more prominent than ever. I was actually close to death twice: one I was drowning with my own water and my organs are shutting down; next my heart totally stops due to COVID. I can attest to you that there is indeed heaven and hell. I can't understand the urgency for me to re-read the Bible until I found this site. I noticed the mixture of frustrations and anger and love comments. I know in my heart these people seek truth. I also know that these people believe in Jesus Christ's Life, death and resurrection according to the scriptures. I do not understand is that we are reading the same Bible KJV and one says something and another person says different. Are we not one in God? The only explanation is that people listen to man. Malachi 2:10 Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?

    Only listen to God. For example: Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Are we not understanding English? If I tell you, you are Richard and upon this rock I will build my church. Does it make sense to say you built the church? No. The rock is Jesus Christ. It tells you the story of Moses hitting the rock to flow waters for them to drink. It is a prophetic sign for Jesus Christ. That is why you read the whole chapter then a few verses down, there is reason why Jesus called Peter a Satan. We do not listen to man. Period. Now Jesus fulfilled ALL in ALL. We the believers of Jesus Christ's blood are even more powerful because we have the Holy Spirit. For 2,000 years we are led by man. We are at the end of grace whether you are old age close to death, with terminal illness, unavoidable or unfortunate accident to end our lives, or the so-called rapture. WE NEED ONLY LISTEN TO GOD
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Satan: A proper assessment

    We are warned by Christ that if an army comes with more men then we have; we have to assess our strength and plan accordingly. ( Luke 14:31). Since Satan is the "god of this world" ( 2 Cor. 4:4) and Christ never disputed with him about being given authority over the Kingdoms of the earth ( Luke 4:6) we only have 3 options. Namely; to either worship Satan; surrender to Him; or operate in the power of the Holy Spirit through Christ who has overcome hell and the grave and who exercises all authority over heaven and earth. ( Matt. 28:18).

    The scope of Satan's rulership; therefore is interwoven throughout the world governments; institutions; and hierarchy. It is entangled throughout every false religion of the earth. The imaginations of men are blinded to the Gospel truth; and his desires are always to lead men to their destruction by giving them delusions that they can hold onto their possessions; loved ones; or positions in life forever. God therefore must do a miraculous transformation when one is "Born Again" so that they realize that they were headed for eternal damnation on the wide road until the narrow path was revealed to them. Satan himself can certainly fear Christ and knows that he is defeated; but there is no love for Him. If he can continue to control our lives after salvation and render us ineffective; we stand to lose our rewards and therefore risk an early departure from this life ( 1 Cor. 11:30).

    Therefore; the war is won but many battles continue. We can be as Christ trusting God the road He has predestined for us in order to complete the works for us prepared from before creation ( Eph. 2:10). Pain and suffering are all necessary even though none of us can grasp it fully. As long as we are walking in the Spirit Satan cannot affect our soul. If we allow sin in any part of our lives; however God can and does use the enemy to oppress us. He can allow physical affliction as well as we see with Paul (2Cor12:8
  • Richard H Priday on Luke 11 - 2 years ago
    The "socially incorrect" Jesus. Anyone that passes off Christ as demonstrating what the world considers "humanitarianism" in love toward everyone and acceptance is in for a rude awakening; particularly when reading Luke 11. We start off with His careful explanation on a type and model of HOW to pray (apparently based on similar patterns by John the Baptist to HIS disciples (v. 1). This; of course is found elsewhere in slightly different form in the Gospels. Then; there is the explanation on perseverance in asking the giver of all things for good gifts (i.e. the Holy Spirit in v. 13). Christ almost gets through this account without any unpleasant statements until that last verse when he states that they are "evil." So much for putting the Disciples who were; BTW saints as ALL true believers were (minus Judas Iscariot) at some sanctimonious level above the rest of any sinners saved by grace.

    At this point; all bets are off. Jesus has to deal with the hearts of Pharisees; with their thoughts; or comments about Him using the Devil's (Beelzebub) power to cast out demons; and to the crowd in general saying that they are an "evil generation" seeking a sign (v. 29); then warning about light being darkness in us (or Satan appearing as an angel of light).

    Finally; in verse 38 we see what would be considered (to say the least) bad manners after an invite to a meal. A simple concept of lack of handwashing which seemed trivial ended up in a railing accusation to the hypocrisy within for Pharisees in general. Then; to add insult to injury after He was informed that the lawyers were insulted He went after them!

    (I would imagine there was a lot of indigestion there at that time).

    The concept of righteous indignation especially among "religious" folks today seems like an ancient artifact. If judgment begins at the house of God; who is sounding the trumpet today?
  • Alex N - In Reply on Exodus 1 - 2 years ago
    2 ND COR. 4 : 4 .KJV ..In whom the god of this present world has blinded the minds of them that believe not....Lest the light of this glorious Gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine in them....Satan is truly the god of this present world...

    Our beautiful America has become another Sodom and Gomarrah....And our leaders love it so....They say we must be politically correct ....God have mercy on this nation and all the world.

    ......ALL the world is becoming another Sodom and Gomarrah....And satan is the father of it....As Jesus said that Satan is the Father of all lies...GB...Plead the BLOOD of Jesus on all your Children every day....His blood is that New COVENANT that we all have to drink...Spiritually speaking...GB
  • Jeremiah Charles - 2 years ago
    I am trying to understand, were there Christians before Jesus', (example 521 AD?
  • Jeremiah Charles - 2 years ago
    Who was Mathias
  • Alex N - In Reply on Exodus 1 - 2 years ago
    Hi Carl lemme give ya my slant on this world and All the evil that is in it....From the time of ADAM to this present time ....Satan has tried to destroy mans life with wars and such....But God always worked with a few folks like Abraham and Issac and Jacob and Joseph....But there was none righteous no not one....Simply b/c Satan is the GOD of this present world and has Blinded the eyes of our leaders....OF ALL NATIONS....Just look at Russsia and this horrible war that is going on there....not even going to mention the horrible unrest in the streets of AMERICA A CHRISTIAN NATION....SUPPOSEBLY.....Our leaders are possesed with the Devil.

    ......Satan is truly the God of this present world....Even at this present time we are all taken with the things of this world.

    .......But the GOOD NEWS is Christ that 2 nd adam has died for ALL THE WORLD.....He paid the price for every body.

    ........Many times i think about the 6.5 million JEWS that died in Hitlers death Camps....Satan is truly the God of this present

    WORLD.....In Adam we all die but in Christ Jesus we will ALL LIVE....There is a new COVENANT ON THE HORIZON WHICH

    STATES " I WILL KNOW THEM ALL FROM THE LEAST TO THE GREATEST) ...When that Book is opened in the Fathers right hand...

    .....Any way Carl thank you for that post GBU in Jesus name.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember Kristie and me in your prayers today
  • ML - 2 years ago
    In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, Father I come to you now to ask you to answer all these request. To give comfort, faith, trust, and to grant repentance and forgiveness to all on these pages. May the Holy Spirit guide all to knowledge and understanding of the Word of God. We ask you Father that we accept your Will joyfully, and with great faith and trust in you Jesus Christ. In Jesus name we pray. Amen and Amen
  • Lena - In Reply - 2 years ago
    My heart and prayers goes out for you and the children

    God is with you- Amen
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Adam , yes , I'm definately going to do that , if I ever see him again he's not going to get away from me without me asking him a couple of questions , Colin is very distinctive looking , tall painfully thin , dark hair , sharp facial features and a slightly high voice and slightly prominent teeth . I won't let him get away so easily next time smiley face . Thanks for your reply .
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Satan did this and God allowed it in this circumstance. It tested his faith. All of us have our faith tested, but fortunately not usually to this extreme. If we have never had our faith tested then we should be prepared because that time will come.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Suze, interesting experience. First I would pray and cast away any fears. If you are following Jesus and not seeking other things you have nothing to be afraid of regarding the spirit world. Have you considered just approaching him and confirming if his name is Colin who you met 15 years ago? I wouldn't jump to any conclusions without doing some due diligence like that. People mistake others all the time even when they are 100% confident they "know" who they are. Has anyone mistakenly believed you were someone else? I think everyone has had that happen and even if you try to explain the truth they don't necessarily accept it.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello, the Sabbath was never changed to Sunday. Are you confusing Sabbath with a day to gather to worship God? First century Christians met on the first day of the week Sunday- you can find that in the Bible if you search.

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