All Discussion PAGE 995

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Thank you for this list of one to pray for. I was just thinking in past days about Gabriel and Gabby, having not heard from him in a while, and Kent Bass, who hasn't posted in some time. LaTonya is recovering from heart transplant and has not updated us lately. Your son, Daniel, has a hard road in front of him. Tasha, too. Mason, and others have lost loved ones recently.

    So, I will join you in prayer for these whom we have come to know on this site.

    Heavenly Father, We lift up these requests Donna has voiced here to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus. We ask that you will help Daniel successfully complete rehab and maintain recovery. Please remove the addiction from him completely. Bring healing to his brain that has been damaged from a trauma from his early years. Bring these miracles in his life, Father. More so, bring Daniel to salvation, the biggest miracle of all! Though nothing is too difficult for You, Father.

    We pray for Gabriel and Gabby, that You will unite them together once again and heal their relationship, hearts, hurts, and redeem this relationship. Uplift Gabriel in his sorrow and longing and strengthen his faith and trust in You and Your timing and ways. Urge Gabriel to come back on this site again.

    We ask that You continue to heal Latonya as her body learns to accept this new heart you provided for her. We ask that You prevent any rejection of this heart, any complication. Bring her health and many more years of life. Urge her to come back on this site and post an update.

    We lift up Tasha to You Father, bring her comfort and healing from cancer and treatment. Strengthen her in every way.

    We lift up Mason, and others who have lost a loved one recently. Comfort their hearts and help them as they grieve their losses. You are God who sees us, hears us, helps us, and comes alongside us in our times of sorrow. Have mercy on all who grieve.

  • Mae - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Yours is one of the most useful sharing I've ever received. You remind me that to be saved one has to confess it loud that you believe that Jesus is my Savior and that God has risen him from the dead. I have done this before but I think I need to do this again in front of someone or in front of a group. Does the type of declaration it affects the credit of your act of confessing it?

    Like for example, if we say it virtually on our video posted in the you tube, will God accept that even if it is not done in person?

    Yes the renewing of mind to a mature mind in God is the real product of your acceptance of Jesus as your Savior. This is one of the hardest things to do that I think we must accomplish to be victorious in Christ Jesus. I got to read the 12:2 I need to check it back. I received so many replies... Praise the Lord ! Hallelujah...

    Glad I am off today... Thanks for this day Lord !
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear S. Spencer,

    Thank you for such a good reply. I am looking forward to part 2!
  • GiGi again - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 2 years ago

    I was thinking upon this matter last night sort of along the lines that you posted.

    I thought, well, of what great significance is it whether Paul or Matthias was the 12th apostle? Really. I don't think that this is a matter to really have a long discussion about, as it does not affect the topics of salvation, the truth about Who God or Jesus is, or the Christian walk. So, thanks for appreciating the discussion between all of us. I, too, find such discussions helpful. It takes me back the Word of God to find truth. That is always a good thing! Blessings to you today.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Mae (love your name)!

    You have received some helpful comments already, but I wish to add these thoughts prompted by reading your question and the replies:

    First, In my mind, a rephrasing of your question may be helpful. Are you saying that yes, we are saved by faith, not good works, but are good works still important in the life of a believer?

    To this question, I would answer. Correct, we are saved by God through His outpouring of grace by faith gifted to us by Him. And, yes, good works are important in the life of a believer. They are, as Jessie states, the result of the working of the Holy Spirit indwelling in us after conversion. Yet, I will add, in order for the Holy Spirit to cause us to abound in good works, we do have to use our will and actions to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to allow Him to work in us and through us.

    If we yield and cooperate with the Holy Spirit (which is a choice to walk with the Spirit) we will produce the fruits listed in Galatians 5:22. The Holy Spirit does not take over us and force us to do good works. He creates in us a desire to love what is good and hate what is evil. He creates in us a deep desire to obey like Jesus did, who never sinned. Our natural body, mind, and soul all work with the Holy Spirit to do these good works. It is the sinful nature in use that works in us to tempt us to do evil works.

    We have both the Holy Spirit and the sinful nature in, it is a constant battle within us to choose which we will allow to reign in each action, thought, and motive brought forth in our mortal, natural being. With the indwelling Holy Spirit, we have the power of grace to overcome sin in any given moment and choose God's way. But, even so, the sinful nature is still within us and we give in to it at times. In these times, we are to do what John says in 1 John 1: to confess to God that we have sinned and ask for forgiveness, knowing He will always forgive us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.
  • Mae - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Fred Scanlan

    This is amazing. T How wonderful to think that God has given us the gift of salvation . Without Jesus our savior we are wretched sinners with no hope of salvation at all.

    Now we can smile and dance and be happy . We just have to believe and obey.

    Thank you bro
  • Mae - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Spencer bro, I still couldn't see my reply to you.. it might be still in the screening process :)

    I am really so thankful to God for all of your help in my spiritual growth as a baby Christian.
  • May - In Reply - 2 years ago
    T. Levis

    Thank you ! Yes these should help greatly in my spiritual growth as a Christian.

    All of these are must reads. I need to finish reading these with whole heart and mind.

    God bless !
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Part 2.

    Titus 3:4-6. But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared,

    Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of REGENERATION, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

    Which he shed on us abundantly THROUGH Jesus Christ our Saviour;

    Let's look at this word regeneration. Greek:

    Transliteration: paliggenesia

    Pronunciation: pal-ing-ghen-es-ee'-ah

    Definition: From G3825 and G1078; (spiritual) rebirth (the state or the act) that is (figuratively) spiritual renovation; specifically Messianic restoration: - regeneration.

    We have been REGENERATED, REBORN, Given a new heart and ready to present Christ work through you.

    So we have the words Quickening.


    Transliteration: zopoie

    Pronunciation: dzo-op-oy-eh'-o

    Definition: From the same as G2226 and G4160; to (re-) vitalize (literally or figuratively): - make alive give life quicken.

    KJV Usage: quicken(9x), give life(2x), make alive(1x).

    It means to make alive or give life.

    Here in

    1 Corinthians 15:45.

    We know Jesus is that Quickening spirit which is also the Holyspirit that gives life in Romans 8:11-14.

    ( If you notice verse 14 you have to be led by the Spirit.)

    A life now that can bare fruit such as faith.

    This is what James is saying in James 2:17-18. Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

    Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

    What James is saying is he's going to show that this gift is in me by his work. You see a Christian is saved UNTO good works. Ephesians 2:10.

    This is why the Lord says you shall know them by their fruits. It doesn't say you shall know them by their works! You see your fruits is something only God can produce such as Love/Agape, Faith, ect.. and fruit determines what type of works it is. "OF God/Spirit. or of Self/flesh. Matthew 7:15-20.

    God bless.
  • Giannis - In Reply on Acts 1 - 2 years ago
    Well said GiGi.
  • Mae - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Thank you so much for sharing the scriptures related to my question. These has really done a great impact in my understanding and finding the truth. I need to ponder on the given verses and have to read the Bible diligently and heartily.

    I am so grateful to God today and forever

    Glad to have someone out there to answer my questions because I am still a baby Christian :)

    God bless you bro!
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1Kings 18, Obadiah 1,

    Possibly, thanks for pointing that out.

    I did a small study in researching:

    Obadiah is referred to as governor of Ahab's house, but Obadiah 1:1, doesn't call him a Prophet. Same with 1Kings 18:3-15, doesn't show Obadiah with Spiritual discernment or faith GOD would direct him. But Amos 1:1, Amos 3:7,8, Amos 7:14-15, shows us GOD can choose anyone to be a Prophet.

    Interestingly: Amos 1:11, & Obadiah 1, also speak very similarly

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear LaNette

    You are asking for details that the scripture doen't give us, so everything else would be a guess. But you must know that at that time people got ill and die and nobody knew why, i.e its written that Lasarus had fever, but fever is due to thousand different reasons. But at a time that the ancient people had no knowledge about illnesses and medicines, nobody really knew what was the illness that often killed them. Many of those illnesses today are cured by simply giving antibiotics for a few days, but at that time those things were fatal.
  • Mae - In Reply - 2 years ago

    This is so powerful. I am so grateful again today to God for revealing to me this amazing truth.

    Thank you for sharing the wisdom and knowledge that God has given you.

    I am not yet done checking the scriptures stated in your reply I have to ponder on it yet.

    I was already asleep when replies showed up, I am from HI.. Going to read also Jesse's reply and others..

    Have a Blessed Sunday morning!

    God bless you!

    May is the real spelling of my name.
  • May - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I really appreciate your help. This is so enlightening. I have learned something priceless. It has opened a vast understanding within my spirit. The Lord must be working on your wisdom and the zeal to help fellow believers like me to get a better understanding of His words. I am so happy knowing that my efforts or choice to do good signifies that I am saved or this must be how God the Father draw us.. I would like to say it loud that this is indeed the day that the Lord has made ! we will rejoice and be glad in it. This is a chance to do good works. Glory to God in the Highest.

    God bless you!
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    This site has free download of KJV, under "More" tab,

    Hopefully helpful
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Well stated
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Matthew 24, Mark 13, please read whole chapters

    2Thessalonians 2:1-4, Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesse Biblically speaking jesus christ was the first fruits and in the gathering together we will have a body like his incorruptable.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Thank you for reaching out with your question. Romans 14:12,13
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Mae By the grace of god we are born again when we confess Romans 10:9+10 and start applying Gods word in our lives.

    Even to get born again takes an individuals actions confessing with mouth and thought and heart which are all things we do the

    then God does the miracleof all miracles and were born again a child of God spiritually. The work for a believer daily is to walk

    by gods word which in Romans 12:2 which is a lifetime process. All of chapter 3 of collosians has renewed mind keys in thought

    and action. Again the work is the process of change in our walk which is required to walk by the spirit. Agapeo.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Being saved by grace: Genesis 6:8, Genesis 19:12,13,15,16, Exodus 33:12,17,

    By The law: Romans 3:10-31,

    Faith : Romans 4, Romans 5,

    Obedience, yeilding to GOD: Psalms 84:11, Romans 6, Romans 12, 1Corinthians 3:9-15, 2Corinthians 9:8, Ephesians 2:1-10, Titus 3:7,8, 1Peter 4:10, 1Peter 5:1-11,

    Romans 11:16-22, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 7: , Hebrews 10, James 2,

    Watch out for: Jude 1:4,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your walk, with GOD
  • One Eighty - In Reply - 2 years ago

    You've been provided with sound advice from Laura and Texsis. From my own experience, I can only add that your husband is in a state of depression, dealing with extreme guilt, and obvious unforgiveness on his part and in denial of Perfect Love that will heal. He is living (which is not really much of a life at all) in a hellish nightmare. I know it's difficult for you, to say the least, but try to deny yourself from falling into the victim mode as the devil desires for you to live in a state of fear where peace cannot coexist.Do your best to not make this nightmare your reality. Continually practice the forgiveness that heals, leaving all self thoughts of how and when the Holy Spirit works this out. Have deep compassion for this man. Don't allow yourself to take on any guilt in this matter, as it ultimately will result in self attack and possible regretful attack on him, which is unproductive. Consider this: The cause of all this is fear due to a lack of love.

    Father, I pray for your comfort and peace for Alicia. In your time and manner I pray for this man's healing; a moving out of fear leaving a vacancy for your unfailing love to enter and be received. Your grace is sufficient. Thank you Jesus, in Your Name. Amen,
  • Bob yarberry on Psalms 136 - 2 years ago
    What is the time frame of the book of Acts?
  • Billallen78 - 2 years ago
    I have been working with your app for quite a while now but never signed in. I find it a great aid in my studies. Noce work
  • Ronnette - In Reply on Revelation 21 - 2 years ago
    Hello David:

    This is one of those topic that in the end whether Mathias or Paul is the answer, I have had the privileges to have known people like you and others who are willing and able to discuss Bible verses in a Godly way. That alone is very precious in my walk in spirit. I respect your belief on this topic and thank you so much for sharing your point of view. Kind regards. Agape.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Good works is the result of salvation. It is God's Spirit in a believer that produces the work. It is His Spirit that persuades us to do good. We cannot produce anything spiritual that pleases God. All we can produce is flesh. It is God's Spirit in us that does the work so that we have nothing to boast. ( Ephesians 2:8-9).
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Mae.

    Part 1.

    Yes salvation is by grace alone.

    Romans 3:28.

    Galatians 2:16.

    Every verse emphasizing salvation in the Bible presents this grace when read in context.

    When the Lord judge the quick and the dead you are going to have to present yourself spotless!!


    We had to be bought by THE "UNBLEMISHED" BLOOD OF CHRIST.

    When we attempt to add our works/filthy rags to Christ unblemished sacrifice those filthy rags shows up at the judgment seat alone without Christ and is rejected.

    That's what Jesus is saying in Matthew 7:22-23.

    Man working for salvation doesn't change the Heart of Man. The Lord came to give a new Heart, not repair the old one.

    Let's look at Ephesians 2.

    Notice what's highlighted.

    Ephesians 2:3-5. Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, FULFILLING THE DESIRES OF THE FLESH AND OF THE MIND; AND WERE BY NATURE THE CHILDREN OF WRATH, even as others.

    But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,

    Even when we were dead in sins, hath QUICKENED us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

    We "WERE" by nature children of wrath. What happened? We were QUICKENED!!

    Notice the order of events.

    Ephesians 2:8-10. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

    Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    For we are his WORKMANSHIP, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS UNTO GOOD WORKS, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

    Now let's take this mindset to the book of James and see what he is actually saying.

    See part 2.
  • Rick Colombe on Isaiah 13:10 - 2 years ago
    As I read God's word, and He points out Babylon the great, and how sudden destruction will come upon her.

    "Babylon the great has fallen has fallen.." Rev. 18:2. In fact, the whole of chapter 18 appears to describe the United States!

    I pray people will wake up, and take His word as it is written. As I talk with many "born again" Christian's, I find that many are thinking they do not have to worry about what's coming upon the earth, because God is going to "rapture" them out of harms way. That is NOT what God's word says! 2 Timothy says, " Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution".

    What makes us so special that God is going to snatch us up and away from trouble? Did he not protect Daniel while in the lions den. His word shows us that He'll protect us as we go through tribulations. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Many Christians are saying that God is "doing a new thing. Really .? God's word doesn't change to fit one's own narrative. Look what's happening in our country. The Biden democrat/Marxist party is destroying everything good about our nation, and filling influential positions with godless people who hate our country, while at the same time claiming to be good Christians. I correct myself such that Biden and Pelosi claim to be good Catholics, which opens up another ungodly can of worms. I pray God gives us eyes to see and ears to hear during these corrupt and evil times. Thanks you for reading this post.
  • Donna - 2 years ago
    Please join with me today in prayer for

    Daniel (in rehab, Salavation, miracle healing of an old major TBI from an assault as a child. deliverance from addiction. God use him mightily. Take what the enemy meant for evil and use it mightily to advance Your kingdom and save souls! )

    Gabriel and Gabby (Gods will, Gabriel trust me on this one, don't backslide, and you'll be so much better off, remember, the devil desires to sift you as wheat. Take the high road to the Lord's house)

    Sister LaTonya ( where are you sis? Strength and healing )

    Tasha (help her Jesus. She's going thru some bad painful effects of chemotherapy. She's my baby sister. Please help me pray for her miraculous healing and salvation)

    Mason (lost his grandma a little while back, I know she meant so much to him. Lord comfort, bless, and strengthen him today)

    Kent Bass ( who blesses and prays for others. You know where he's at Lord)

    Let Your kingdom advance Lord Jesus! Our children need a great awakening. Please send revival Lord, let it rain Holy Spirit!!!

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