Discuss Ezekiel 22

  • Tunney on Exodus 27 - 9 months ago
    Just as in the materials used in the tabernacle, in GOD'S hands everything is good and precious in HIS sight. The worst sinner, who I am, when confessed and repented according to scripture will be a "pearl of great price" in the hands of my SAVIOR GOD.

    1 Corinthians 1:

    27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

    28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

    29 That no flesh should glory in his presence.

    As the time of the LORD'S return is imminent, may we be encouraged and diligent in our desire to praise the LORD and declare the gospel to as many as we can.

    The LORD to shine HIS face and bless each of us gloriously as we faithfully await HIM. May our hearts and mind continually stay on JESUS, that we may be at peace because our mind is stayed on our GOD. Isaiah 26: 3, 4

    Happy New Year brethren. As we pray for the peace in Jerusalem, and the ministries of the LORD around the world. May we be found faithful to stand in the gap and make up the hedge as the LORD requires for the land to be blessed. Ezekiel 22:30

    December 26, 2023
  • Tunney on Ezekiel 22:30 - 9 months ago
    GOD to be magnified in our hearts and mind as we go forward carrying out HIS will. Let's be the person the LORD is looking for ...30 And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

    31 Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD.

    Isaiah 9


    6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

    7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

    Luke 2

    10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

    11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

    LORD to shine HIS glorious face upon all...

    Merry Christmas to all the brethren on this forum.

    December 25, 2023
  • Tunney on Luke 16:22 - 10 months ago
    May the LORD give us wisdom in reading, studying and applying HIS word.

    2 Timothy 2:15

    James 2:

    10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

    Romans 4:

    2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.

    3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

    4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.

    5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

    Ephesians 2:

    8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

    9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    Titus 3:

    4 But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared,

    5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

    6 Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;

    7 That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

    May we be intercessors in CHRIST name, Isaiah 59:16, for those who have been blinded by the god of this world, 2 Corinthians 4:3, 4.

    We are called to stand in the gap for others, Ezekiel 22:30, and plant the seed of the word that others may water and that GOD will give the increase.

    Acts 15:

    8 And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us;

    9 And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.

    10 Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?

    11 But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

    Salvation is by faith in CHRIST alone.

    GOD bless everyone!
  • Tunney on Ezekiel 22 - 1 year ago
    As we recognize the dire situation in our country as in the current reading; let us also recognize that each of us may become that "... man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it:"

    Let us agree to walk with the LORD and put forth HIS will and commandments first by carrying out HIS promises.

    1- Let us confess and repent of our own sins. 1 John 1:9

    2- Ephesians 2:8-10 Remember we are ordained to do good works!

    3- 2 Peter 3:9 love the lost

    4- Matthew 28:18-20 Go make disciples

    5- 2 Timothy 2:15 Study HIS word

    6- 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 Love, and apply HIS word

    7- 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 pray for "...all that are in authority..."

    8- Romans 10:1, 2 cultivate the desire and pray to GOD that all might be saved

    This is in no particular order and not exhaustive by any means. I am sure the brethren on this forum are able and capable to add to it to the glory and praise of the LORD.

    Titus 2:11-14 for while we wait and looking for that blessed hope; for HIS

    glorious appearing may we be "...Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;"

    Our hope must be only in CHRIST and no one else. GOD to shine HIS face on all who are on this forum and gloriously bless your situation.

    September 19, 2023
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Page 1.

    Yes Jimbob, I would be happy to & will try to be succinct. Though I should mention that the meaning of the Great Tribulation, or Day of the Lord, needs to be clarified first. I understand, as you do, that the time of the outpouring of God's Wrath upon the World can be understood as the Great Tribulation, but I see the final week (7 years) of Daniel's seventy weeks, 490 years: Daniel 9:24-27, as the final seven years - years that will change the World's existence & future forever. And by the way, you believe in a post-trib rapture & I understand that as being before God's Wrath poured out. I view this position to be one of mid-trib for the reason I've shared above, but that's not the point here.

    Now my Scriptures for a pre-trib (or, pre-Day of the Lord) rapture:

    a. the Church is a mystery ( Ephesians 1:1-13), by which believing Jew & Gentile are united into one Body ( Ephesians 2:11-22). Therefore, the Church's translation is not mentioned in the OT that deals with Christ's Second Coming after the Tribulation, & why the Church is promised deliverance before the time of God's Wrath ( 1 Thessalonians 1:9,10; 1 Thessalonians 5:9; Revelation 3:10).

    b. the 70th week in Daniel, is the preparation of Israel's restoration & regeneration ( Deuteronomy 4:29-30; Jeremiah 30:4-11; Ezekiel 20:22-44; Ezekiel 22:13-22).

    c. the Tribulation (including anti-Christ's reign) is not for the Church, but for those who are in the world ( Revelation 3:10; 8:13; 11:10; 13:8,12,14; 17:2,8). The Church is never seen here & will not participate in Israel's time of trouble.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Aaron,

    Welcome to the discussion, I think I may have seen some posts from you, possibly.

    I think I agree with your statement about the Babylonian captivity because of: Jeremiah 34:8-22, There's also: Jeremiah 22:3,4,5,17, Ezekiel 22:7,29,

    Daniel prophetic dreams & explanations, I try to line up with other scripture when I can.

    However when you say "America" I have learned many people outside of USA, more often of the "America" Continents, will reference themselves as American, especially when immigrating into USA, likewise other Continental countries call them American, USA often called The States; I've learned in recent years. Being this is a globally active website I try to clarify USA. If you're speaking only of USA, I would like to comment to that. I feel it unfair to group all U.S. into that assessment. However many Psalms 62:10, treasonous, tyrannical leaders within industry, Ezekiel 46:18, banking, loans, education, political, etc Isaiah 5:7-8,, definitely fit into that. Quite possibly we, most of us, fall into the category of the oppressed more than the oppressors = that GOD will deliver, protect & bring justice: 2Peter 2, Psalms 37, Psalms 12:5, Ecclesiastes 5:8, Isaiah 54:15-17,

    Hopefully these last few scriptures are encouraging
  • Chris - In Reply on Ezekiel 22 - 2 years ago
    Hi Melissa. 'sostanza' is not an English word. We can see it in the Italian language & it almost always refers to 'substance or matter'. In the Italian Bible we find examples in Daniel 7:1, Luke 8:43, Luke 15:13, Hebrews 10:34. The sense of 'evil' is not found there.
  • Melissa Viles on Ezekiel 22 - 2 years ago
    Which concordance has the word sostanza in it meaning evil
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Last night I thought about how Samuel cryed over Saul, & I wondered if that is why Saul kept the power of the kingdom so long? 1Samuel 16:1 1Samuel 15:35, 1Samuel 28:5-20, 1Samuel 31, it was not GOD's Will for Saul to disobey HIM in multiple ways. Saul's kingdom was "ripped" from him, but was it because Samuel wept for him, mourned & sought GOD on Saul's behalf?

    I remembered how Moses intercedede for all the Israelites that GOD was going to destroy & they are a nation today. Exodus 32:9-14,

    Psalms 122:6, John 17, Ezekiel 22:23-31, John 14:14, John 16:24,

    Hopefully these are helpful too, even though this is on the other spectrum of this discussion, yet fit within question I hope
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Psalms 23 - 2 years ago
    The words "Usury" & "leasing" mean to make money from additional fees like "interest rates" additional profit from the person "giving" usury is "unusualy high rates" Leasing also meaning lying, falsehood.

    Exodus 22:25, Leviticus 25:35-43, Deuteronomy 23:19, Ezekiel 22:12,29,

    Psalms 15:5, Proverbs 28:2,

    Ezekiel 18,

    Hopefully these are helpful also
  • Roman - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago

    I appreciate your knowledge, here. Jesus also comes symbolically at the 6th trumpet, day of the Lord, the day named after Him. Jesus comes like a thief to lay the land desolate (both houses of Israel).

    Jesus participates at the falling away in Spirit:

    Isaiah 13:5 They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, [even the LORD], and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land.

    Luke 12:40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not, 6th trumpet.

    Isaiah 13:6 Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty, 6th trumpet.

    Joel 2:9 Jesus comes in at the windows "like a thief" at the day of the Lord.

    God even calls the beast army, "His army", and praises anti-christ's might, Joel 2:11

    Everything Jesus warns us about is facilitated through anti-christ's scriptural actions against us. Jesus warns us of a surprise attack, a sudden strike, then we find out that that's what anti-christ is preparing for a year, month, day and hour. Jeremiah 15:6-9 "I have caused him to fall upon it suddenly, and terrors upon the city".

    As a cautionary note about the day of the Lord and America:

    Ezekiel 22:30 And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.
  • David on Ezekiel 22:30 - 2 years ago
    We have allowed these things thinking that it would correct it self. But it never does. We provoke the LORD because we have forgotten HIM and HIS great blessings towards us. Though we may have taken the wrong path because of the false teachings we held too, we cannot blame the false prophets. We should have known better. Reading the Bible, seeking HIS knowledge through prayer; we will be able to discern the GODLY path and the righteousness of the LORD. Help us to stand firm in the midst of this perverse generation that we have allowed to creep into our families, communities, churches, government and society in general.

    LORD, help us fight the battle to win lost souls and prepare the hearts of many for the coming of the LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST.

    I should not be asking the same thing in general: I should be the "man" YOU seek LORD. Isaiah 6:8 "then said I, here am I; send me."

    By Knowles Shaw; inspired by Psalm 126:6

    "Going forth with weeping

    Sowing for the Master

    Though the loss sustained

    Our spirit often grieved

    When our weepings over

    He will bid us welcome

    We shall come rejoicing

    Bringing in the sheaves"

    GOD bless everyone on this forum. May we be available for GOD's use. March 30, 2022
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Cecil, please read Psalm 37,

    I knew a guy named Cecil at Myrtle Beach Air Force Base. He adopted a 6month old baby girl that had been horrificly abused. I read your post several times. I closed the ap. Had to pray a little & think on your post. I haven't heard from our friend Cecil since I was a teenager. The MBAFB shut down shortly after those days & everyone moved away.

    Cecil, GOD is Just. Have you heard of Moses? In Genesis, Abraham was promised several amazing things, a son from his 'wife', in their old age, etc. Gen. 12:2,3,7, but also that those heirs would be servant in strange land & afflicted 400 yrs. Genesis 15:12-13, if you read in depth you can find GOD's justice. Genesis 12:10-17, Genesis 16:1-16, Genesis 21:9-19 = it was in Egypt, Abraham's children of Sarah's son Isaac's offspring were afflicted.

    Genesis 18, shows great mercy of GOD that if 10 righteous were in that land (Sodom & Gomorrah) it would've been spared. That's his Nephew Lot's friends & family. ?, Right here is proof the GOD interecedes on People's behalf when they obey HIM.

    GOD's ways are not our ways, Isaiah 55:8,9,

    We cannot blame GOD for wickedness of man = Genesis 6:5-6,

    Yet GOD shows us mercy & unimaginable love, John 3:16-17, salvation through sacrifice, Psalms 18:25-27,

    GOD is merciful, true & Just. If you read the books that go alongside Isaiah you'll get a clearer picture: 2Chronicles 36, Jeremiah 29, Jeremiah 51, Exodus 22:22, Isaiah 1:17, Isaiah 1:23, Jeremiah 7:6, Jeremiah 22:3, Ezekiel 22:7, Malachi 3:5, Zechariah 7:10, you can start with those verses because that's most of what GOD asked of Israel & Judah. Then please read the Books & chapters.

    Then Babylon: 2Kings 20:12-18,19, Daniel 1, 2Kings 25:8-9, I stopped there because that's enough about the evil.

    Hopefully these are helpful if you are trying to search for truth & understanding. You can also ask for wisdom James 1:5-6,21,

    Job 38:1-41, James 4:12,

    * Hebrews 7:25,
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Ezekiel 24 - 2 years ago
    Ezekiel 24:6 Ezekiel is a Prophet of GOD ALMIGHTY as proclaimed Ezekiel 1:1-3, & verified because his prophecies happened. Seething means boiling.

    Ezekiel 24:2 Jeremiah, Isaiah & other Prophets warned Israel & Judah that if they didn't do away with oppression, holding back wages of hired, justice, judgement for widows & fatherless children then they would be captured by Babylon.

    Exodus 22:22, Deuteronomy 24:17, Isaiah 1:11-25, Jeremiah 7:3-7, Jeremiah 22:3-22, Ezekiel 22:7, Zechariah 7:8-11, Malachi 3:5-

    & to stop worship of other false gods: Jeremiah 7:18, Isaiah 58,

    Jeremiah 34:7-22,

    During this GOD talking with Ezekiel, Ezekiel 24:1-14,

    Ezekiel 24:15-19, GOD tells HIS Prophets to do very difficult things at times. "tire = headress, turban ' then explains why & what that meant : Ezekiel 24:20-25

    Ezekiel 24:26-27 is amazing because from, Ezekiel 3:26-27, Jeremiah seems to be unable to speak, until chapter 6. & possibly from & apparently from Ezekiel 24:27, until Ezekiel 33:21-22, therefore fulfilling the Prophecy.

    Sometimes studying much reveals much & more difficult questions sometimes take longer for understanding.

    Hopefully this is helpful.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Psalms 3 - 2 years ago
    Some scripture about not receiving or lover of gifts, of man.

    Exodus 23:8, Proverbs 15:27, Isaiah 1:23,

    Ezekiel 22:12
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Deuteronomy 24 - 2 years ago
    Hope you find these scriptures helpful.

    Matthew 18:21-35, Matthew 6:12,14, Mark 11:26, Luke 11:4, Leviticus 23, Leviticus 25, Numbers 30, Ecclesiastes 5:4,5, Ezekiel 18:7-32,

    Deuteronomy 23, Proverbs 28:8, Psalms 15:5, Ezekiel 22:12,
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Genesis 2:2-3 , Ezekiel 46:1, Mark 1:21, Mark 6:2, Luke 4:16, Luke 4:31, Luke 6:1, Luke 13:10,

    Isaiah 58:1-14, Exodus 20:8, Exodus 20:10-11,

    Exodus 31:13,14,16, Leviticus 16:31, Leviticus 19:3, Leviticus 19:30, Leviticus 23:1-8, Leviticus 24:8, Leviticus 25:2, Leviticus 25:4, Leviticus 25:17, Jeremiah 17:19-27, Lamentations 1:1-7, Isaiah 1:11-17, Isaiah 56:1-8, Ezekiel 20:12, Ezekiel 22:26,

    Amos 8:4-8, Mark 2:27,

    Matthew 12:8, Matthew 12:1-27, Mark 3:1-11, Luke 6:6-11, Luke 13:11-17, Luke 14:3-6, Luke 14:12-24, Luke 23:3-56, John 5:1-16, John 7:22-24,

    Colossians 2:8-17,

    James 2:1-26
  • Edmund Krzeminski - 2 years ago
    [We read] In KJV, Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."

    O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada, Poland, European Union and United Kingdom. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher?

    Dear believers: we continue the good fight to the end.

    Please pray that United Kingdom, European Union, Poland, the USA, Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18).

    * Poland and European Union, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord,

    * the Church in the USA & Canada & United Kingdom - Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

    * my family:

    1. Bad executives are hurting me. Please pray for God's order in that case.

    2. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughters Ann and Kristin, and our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15

    3. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund's work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel, Ann(also God's protection and blessings over the company where she works and she needs a husband) and Kristin,

    4. God's order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work.
  • Edmund Krzeminski - 2 years ago
    [We read] In KJV, Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."

    O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada, Poland, European Union and United Kingdom. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher?

    Dear believers: we continue the good fight to the end.

    Please pray that United Kingdom, European Union, Poland, the USA, Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18).

    * Poland and European Union, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord,

    * the Church in the USA & Canada & United Kingdom - Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

    * my family:

    1. Bad executives are hurting me. Please pray for God's order in that case.

    2. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughters Ann and Kristin, and our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15

    3. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund's work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel, Ann(also God's protection and blessings over the company where she works and she needs a husband) and Kristin,

    4. God's order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work.
  • Edmund Krzeminski - 3 years ago
    [We read] In KJV, Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."

    O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada, Poland, European Union and United Kingdom. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher?

    Dear believers: we continue the good fight to the end.

    Please pray that United Kingdom, European Union, Poland, the USA, Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18).

    * Poland and European Union, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord by faith only,

    * the Church in the USA & Canada & United Kingdom - Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

    * my family:

    1. Bad executives are hurting me. Please pray for God's order in that case.

    2. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughters Ann and Kristin, and our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15

    3. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund's work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel, Ann(also God's protection and blessings over the company where she works and she needs a husband) and Kristin,

    4. God's order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Matthew 6:25 - 3 years ago
    Customizer 2021,

    Verse 8 says be sober, be vigilant. It means to be sober-minded. Vigilant means be on guard. It's the same thing Jesus said to the disciples in Matthew 26:41 when He said can't you wait and watch with me? They kept falling asleep. Be sober thinking, be alert, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks around seeking whom he may devour:

    That's to Christians. The Jews would know that the term lion represented the enemy. Seven times in the Psalms David used the word lion as an example of his enemies. In Ezekiel 22:25, Ezekiel used the lion to describe the false prophets.

    So Satan takes on this ravaging lion that's going around seeking whom he may devour. This is where the attention of the mind comes in. He roams around and scouts. Job Chapters 1 and 2 tell us that Satan scouts God's people. The fact that he's roaming around is continuous.

    Every day, we're being scouted as to what it is that Satan can use to occupy the attention of our minds. He can't take our salvation away from us, but basically, his attitude is "Oh, the Lord saves you and now He wants to renew your mind? Well, I'll just keep you busy!"

    So he occupies the attention of our mind. We're too busy, too tired, and we got too much going on. When he devours, he devours mentally, not spiritually. He cannot devour me spiritually but he wants to occupy the attention of my mind.

    James says to resist. In James 4:7, he says to resist the devil, and he will flee from you. We don't have to fight him. He's already been defeated.

    In Ephesians 6:11, Paul says put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Stand against is the word resist. He's to be resisted.

    Verse 9: Whom resist stedfast, or solid in the faith, doing this, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished, or fulfilled in your brethren that are in the world. Every single brother and sister in Christ around the world is suffering or going through the same thing!
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 16:16 - 3 years ago
    The days of statesmen leaders are long gone: you know the days way back in political history, when a few men governed by their consciences, in the fear of God & instilling righteousness in society. Nowadays, political muscle & job security take precedence over doing what is right & so governments give support to the majority voice & just enough bait to the minority to keep them happy. In my mind, any imbecile could do that work - it doesn't take any skill to work with the numbers. But it would take one of character (both as an individual & party) to go against the tide of people's demands & act upon proper moral & ethical values & for the general good of all: those still in the womb & in the world. But the fact is that such a party would never get in, as the evil one has his say & sway in the hearts of the unregenerate & degenerate.

    Yet, even with such a bleak outlook for the future, we know that God will still have His final Word & that even through our wonder & despondency, He still uses such governments to fulfil His Plans. 2 Kings 14:26-27 reminds us that even with wicked Jeroboam, God could use him to bring Israel out of her bitter affliction - that all things are possible with God. We should pray for those in government ( 1 Timothy 2:1-3) & be as those who that stand in the gap, interceding for them who have not God's love & power in their lives ( Ezekiel 22:30).
  • Olayinka lawal on Ezekiel 22 - 4 years ago
    So much to say here, it was just so amazing that God doesn't take pleasure in the death of a sinner. He called all men to repent. You can see the love of God in the two last verses of chapter 22, despite the anger of God upon their evil works.

    In verse 30. God still looked for a man that can stand in gap for them just as Abraham did in the book of Genesis for his nephew Lot and his household against distruction of Sodom. But God couldn't find anyone. The bible says in verse 31 they consumed their wrath upon themself.

    The lesson for us: We are not supposed to be condemning the situation of others rather we are to be standing in gap for them peradventure the Lord will shew them mercy. SHALOM
  • Alan on Ezekiel 22 - 4 years ago
    Ezekiel 22:3

    "...idols against herself..."

    Not much different than the "modern church"; I.E. christ-mass, e'star, sun-day!

    All refutable "... according to the scriptures..."!!!

    Are we seeing 2 Chronicles 7:13 with the Covid-19 issue?

    Going to be very difficult to say no!
  • Obbie Beal on Ezekiel 22 - 4 years ago
    It is 2020 and the day and hour mention above has arrived again, and most are so drunk on this, that or whatever. individually or collectively so drunk we do not see GOD is allowing the above to repeat globally in 2020. Nevertheless we thank Jehovah /GOD for all HIS BLESSING, especially SALVATION through John 3:16-2. Also as the above WILL of GOD is carried out.... yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for GOD IS WITH ME.
  • Deborah on Ezekiel 22 - 4 years ago
    ezekiel sounds very familiar to me...it fits very well with today in the u.s. the u.s. is so far outside of GOD'S will that i am ashamed for us! i feel we have a lot to answer for when Christ returns and believe me GOD will pour out HIS wrath upon us as HE did israel! they are HIS chosen people and if HE punished them what do you think GOD will do to us!
  • Obbie Beal on Ezekiel 22 - 6 years ago
    This is the whole Earth in 2018.... Wow! Wow! Wow!
  • Alex on Ezekiel 22 - 6 years ago
    When we read about Gods Judgement and Wrath we must remember that our God is a God of LOVE BUT OUR GOD IS ALSO A CONSUMING FIRE THUS HIS JUDGEMENT IS HIS BAPTISM of FIRE, In the natural we chastise our kids simple we love em.Remember the potter saw the vessel was so marred he had to make a NEW VESSEL Gods wants to make NEW CREATURE outta us thus his Baptism of fire,(conversion) by his LOVE/FIRE.
  • Alex on Ezekiel 22 - 6 years ago
    Disciple his judgement is his BAPTISM OF FIRE, He only wants to destroy our old evil Adamic nature.Satans seat, Our carnal minds is his ONLY ENEMY. When he rebuked peter refering to him as Satan he was rebuking PETER'S CARNAL MIND HIS ENEMY, THUS THE NEED FOR HIS BAPTISM,ITS JUST AS MALACHI SAYS WHO SHALL ABIDE THE DAY OF HIS COMING WHO SHALL STAND WHEN HE APEARS HE SHALL BE AS A REFINERS FIRE ETC
  • A disciple on Ezekiel 22 - 6 years ago
    Alex; "He that commits sin IS OF THE DEVIL!" The Lord Jesus Christ is coming with vengeance in His heart to utterly destroy and take away from the earth all the wicked, and all causes of sin. If we still sin every day, then any day we die, we die a sinner; and we will go where sinners go!

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