BIRTH PAINS INSTEAD OF pre, mid, post Trib - In Reply on John 17 - 3 years ago
I believe the 10 virgins inbe ready and looking for Jesus every moment.
Be a watchman of Matthew 24 and Luke 21.
Perceive Birth Pains. Starts off slow. Events speed up. It's painful to witness the signs of the times speeding up. The sheer amount of population, clueless, as to why life is becoming jaded, and unable to discern that events are becoming harder to bear. Kind of like how our government is becoming more oppressive every day; the earth is hemorrhaging in floods, storms, earthquakes, fires, volcanos; very very hot or much too cold. The discomfort of labor increases to Intolerable!! Second stage continues until birth.
We can discern that transition is imminent, by what is happening in the world.
If we act like ostriches any put our heads in the sand (acting like nothing is wrong or blaming it on global warming) we will not see Jesus COMING IN THE CLOUDS.
If you scripture search that phrase "Coming in the Clouds", it gives us more info on Jesus's Arrival.
I believe we will clearly see the beginnings of Tribulation Happenings. We see them now. One being, Israel being surrounded by her enemies. The Third Temple in Jerusalem being built. That's happening. You can view the progress on YouTube or Google, every day. Israel will swap land to have full access to all of the Temple Mount.
This presidency has withdrawn financial and military protection to Israel; and our nation is being invaded by foreign nations. A curse ( Genesis 12:1-3) ( Leviticus 26)
Only people who are good sign readers are not going to sleep their way through these final moments of earths history, and the reality of the Tribulation to advance in terror and pain.
See the Signs! Look Up! Your Redemption draws Closer!
There's a YouTube site that people all over the planet send them videos of daily disasters In their country. "The Two Preachers" , go have a look.
Revelation 1:11, Rev 3:7-13, when I researched online the only Philadelphia I found was the USA, where our Declaration of Independence & United States Constitution were signed.
Psalms 33:12
Genesis 12:1-3
Prayer discerment, wisdom, fortitude to serve GOD ALMIGHTY is what we need.
They go all over capturing videos of the Earth hemorrhaging in destruction and natural (?) Disasters. That's all they do. So we need to see this stuff so we can get a grip on the reality that this world WILL PASS AWAY. Even before our very eyes. AND SOONER THAN WE THINK.
Read the dates on the videos. If you doubt, google the story online (put down the dates and places).
Up until Joe Biden, this nation was Blessed. According to Genesis 12:1-3 .I WILL BLESS THEM THAT BLESS THEE
Heads up. America is going to suffer curses as a result of leadership that persecutes and purposes to help ISRAELS ENEMIES to destroy them. To withhold our support and protection.
Don't dare blame God for these disasters. TEAD JOB 1. SATAN IS THE DESTROYER. We HAD Gods protection. Not anymore.
White, representing the purity and power of Jesus Christ!!
This has nothing to do with REPUBLICAN (red) OR DEMOCRAT (blue). ALL BLESSING COMES FROM GOD.
Get it straight between your heart and your head. Anyone remember the old saying: Pride goth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a Fall.
We think it's us against them. IT IS SATAN DIVIDING US!!!!!!
He wants to destroy USA and we are making it easy.
Go look at the daily disasters around the world at large. The End is here. Stop making it easy for the devil to divide us. It may be too late
Hi Jan The things your asking in Genesis is Gods design and in His order its either believed or not, the other question about God or lord God. Yes there is a difference depending on context of usage, two examples in Genesis 12:1 the word lord is yahweh which means He who Is, in Genesis 17: 1 the lord appeared to abraham and said I am the Almighty God translated from El Shaddai and said walk before me and be thou perfect. This is just one example that you can look up yourself. There is also Jehovah which means God in relationship to his creative works. It is a very inspiring study to get into you can find the info in strongs concordance or young's analytical concordance. Have fun Its Very eye opening.
Pray This Chapter For Unsaved Loved Ones - 3 years ago
Comment by Mishael: God had purposed to kill the idol worshippers, BUT, Moses interceded on their behalf. It says God changed his mind. (He does hear our prayers for people)
The LORD's next statement to Moses is dramatic and terrifying: "Now let me alone, so that . . . I may consume them" (32:10). The LORD plans to destroy all the Israelites there in the wilderness and end the whole experiment with God's chosen people. Moreover, the LORD makes Moses a tempting offer: "I will make you a great nation" (32:10). In effect, the LORD offers to Moses the chance to become a new Abraham, the sole originator of a whole new people who will be a substitute for the destroyed Israelites (see Genesis 12:1-3).
Moses' Intercession:
Moses denies himself the opportunity to become a new Abraham. Instead, Moses prays and intercedes for Israel with three strong reasons why the LORD should not carry out the planned destruction of the Israelites.
1. Remember, these are not my people. They are "your people," LORD, whom "you brought out . . . of Egypt" (32:11).
2. Destroying your own people, Israel, in the wilderness would be bad for your international reputation. What would the Egyptians say? (32:12)
3. Remember the promises of land and descendants that you made to Abraham, Isaac and Israel/Jacob long ago. You always keep your promises! (32:13)
Moses had not always been successful in changing God's mind in the past (see the call of Moses in Exodus 3:7-4:17). But advocating for others, denying one's own interests, and appealing to the mercy of God has a particularly powerful effect that God takes very seriously. In this case, remarkably, in response to Moses' prayer, "the LORD changed his mind about the disaster that he planned to bring on his people" (32:14).
As it happened, they wandered 40 yrs until the older generation died and were buried; on the Egypt side of the Jordan River.
Sarai did not have a wife with Pharaoh because when God told Abram he will give him a child within a year Sarai had laughed at that thought because she has not beared a child up until that point. Abram was not a coward in my eyes for lying on his wife but he knew the wickedness he faced so he ended up saving his and possibly even Sarai's
It may seem that Abram lied about his wife but he did not. There was not a punishment given, as a matter of fact, Abram was given many animals and many servants. Sarai was Abrams half-sister so there was no lie;
Genesis 20:12 And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.
We must understand that at this time, at that point, the Law had not been given. The lifespan and human genetics were different than they are today. Having kids with close relatives was to repopulate the land. If we recall after the flood there were only eight people, so people married their cousins, half-sisters and many had more than one wife. All the earth at this time served strange gods and God took him out of this land
Joshua 24:3 And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.
Back then if someone wanted the property of someone, especially a King or Pharaoh, they would merely wipe out the person and take it, because it was only the strong-will survive world, and women were considered property.
Whether Abram did this out of fear of his life and willing to sacrifice his wife, or God instructed him and let him know it would turn out ok, it is not written. If we do the will of God, there is no guarantee we will not be harmed, for our hope is not in this world. Look at all the disciples before, many suffered greatly.
There may be several opinions on this, so keep studying to be confident in your own heart, but this is what I see. God had already blessed Noah and his sons. Noah could not curse what God had blessed. So Noah cursed Hams son whether God had told him is not written. Canaan the son of Ham, after the dividing of the people and the lands after the tower of Babel, Canaan's descendants would occupy the lands God would give the house of Israel for a possession.
Genesis 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
Genesis 9:22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.
Genesis 12:6-7 And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.7 And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him.
Thanks for your input Bendito. The reference to 'seed' of course does mean as you suggested, but we have to allow for a wider meaning as prescribed from the Hebrew: which is, 'zera', & this includes 'child, descendant, posterity, race, etc.', as seen in other Scriptures showing this (e.g. Genesis 12:7 & others).
So we could read as you state that the Embryo that was Jesus in Mary's womb, was of her seed coupled with the Divine, or as I believe, that she only carried God's Seed to be brought out into the world. If she supplied her seed for the Word of God to become flesh, then Jesus would have been tainted with the sinful nature of humanity as I don't believe that Mary was sinless. To say that Jesus wouldn't have been so tainted then denies the transmission of the sin nature throughout humanity. Now I know that some believe that Jesus was born with a sin nature & during His testings with Satan & throughout His earthly sojourn, He resisted Satan so that He wouldn't feed that Nature & commit sin. I don't know if you subscribe to this view, but I believe that Jesus didn't have such a nature but His testings from Satan were to instil such a nature in Him as was done to Adam & Eve.
You also state: "Else he would have not truly been the Son of Man, but another life form." I couldn't quite get my head around this one: I understand that a human being can only be one from both the male & female contributions. If one part was of the Divine & the other human, does this also constitute a human being? Or, if both parts were Divine, could a human be formed in such manner? Or seen in another way, if God could create Adam from dust & Eve from his rib, can God not produce another human only from His compilation of seed(s)?
PG 1: Hi anonymous, the wages of sin is death, and eternally separated from God: Romans 5:12. Wherefore, as by one man entered the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for all has sinned... Romans 5:19, For by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one "Christ" shall many be made righteous. In Genesis 3:21, God made coats of skins to clothed Adam and Eve, rejecting them attempting to clothed themselves, in which he made an atonement for their transgression pointing to a future sacrifice lamb "Christ" that would take away the sins of the world. In Genesis 12:3, God tells Abraham in him all the families of the earth shall be blessed, In Genesis 15:1-6, God promise Abraham a son "Isaac" through which his seed be called, "AND ABRAHAM BELIEVED" In Genesis 15:8-17 God puts Abraham to sleep to perform an unconditional covenant with him, Which depends on Gods promise not Abraham efforts. In Genesis 16:1-4, Abraham and Sarah decided to assist God in his promise and decided to parent a child through Sarah's handmaid and bared him a son Ismael, Genesis 17:18-21, God rejects Ismael as the covenant child, "Heir" according to the promise.
One can't be certain that Pharaoh at this point did what was unseemly to Sarai ( Genesis 12:19). It's only stated in verse 15, that she was taken into Pharaoh's house, which could mean that she was placed in a separate dwelling as part of his harem & being groomed to become his wife later on. But if she was brought straight to Pharaoh, the Word doesn't give any details of that encounter.
Abram lied to pharaoh about Sarai being his sister and God sent a plague on pharoah"s land was this acceptable by God that he lied? He did'nt lie. Sarah was his sister. Half sister. Read again. The plague had nothing to do with Abrams none lie.
The Holy Spirit performs the the spoken Word of God
When we speak the Word of God over an issue or condition in our lives; according to the Known Will of God (the Bible, OT and NT); the Holy Spirit moves to accomplish it.
All three are one; not Separated.
Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:7
1 John 5:7, John 10:30
Acts 17:27-30
Isaiah 6:8
Romans 1:20
Colossians 2:9
They speak amongst themselves.
Write these scriptures on the inside cover of your Bible now. This subject comes up often. The scriptures are plain enough to be understood.
Debates and arguing theologies according to varying opinions cause confusion. Acts 17 should dispel that.
As I believe the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One. I do not believe they are they same exact "person", or "being",as some believe. Which I really have no problem with. As I believe they are One in each other and work through each other. Here is one verse that was just shown to me. Which, to me, seems to be the Father(Ancient of Days) giving glory and dominion to Jesus Christ(Son of Man) in the Old Testament. Before Christ was born. A vision of Daniel. Daniel 7:13-14.
Christians don't believe in 3 separate Gods. Christians believe the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one, because it literally says that in the Bible in 1 John 5:7 and Christians believe the Bible is the Word of God. It also is mentioned in other verses: Link
Jesus often spoke of Himself as Son of Man as He sometimes referred to Himself as Son of God. He was correct in doing so, as He was both: He was the Word of God made flesh (man) John 1:1-14 and He was also a Man (by that same reference & the account of His human birth: Matthew 1:20-25). For His Own reasons, Jesus used these designations interchangeably depending on who He was speaking to & in what context. In any case, those that heard His teachings & saw His miracles knew that Jesus' claim to be the Son of God was clear & specific. Even at the cross, they cried out to Him, "If Thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross" ( Matthew 27:40).
Adam & Eve were our first parents & it wasn't until a specific calling (of Abraham) that a holy line of people began to form. True, of the sons of Noah (i.e. prior to Abraham), Shem was elected to be the forefather of the later nation of Israel. And from Shem, Abraham came & became the promise of being the father of a great nation ( Genesis 12:1-3) & of many nations ( Genesis 17:1-5). As the nation of Israel grew in number & expanded by conquering opposing lands, they began to intermarry with the Canaanite nations, when clearly forbidden to do so by God: Deuteronomy 7:1-4; 1 Kings 11:1,2; Nehemiah 13:3, 23-27. Therefore, I feel that there are no pure Jews today; even though some would have stayed true to the Word of God, maybe their children (even a few) chose to intermarry, then that purity would continue to diminish over succeeding generations. I hope that is what you were seeking to know Joseph.
Infact God told Abraham to live his country and his father's house into a place He will show him with a promise to protect him wherever he may go. So if Abam said the truth , God would have protected him. This also paved way for Sarah to give her maid to Abram to fulfill the promise of God to bless the decendants of Abram. We must be always faithful to God and he save us like He did to Joseph, but yet though if we sin, he is still with us. May God bless us all Amen
That's a fair comment you made, Veronica. I don't believe that Abram got away lightly over this deception as all sin is abominable to the Lord. Yet, we aren't told anymore about this matter apart from God's dealing with Pharaoh by sending plagues on him & his household. Rather this portion emphasizes God's action against Pharaoh for taking another woman, & especially, though not mentioned, one from a holy (a set apart) lineage. Maybe Pharaoh was ignorant over this & our ignorance over a possible objection by Abram & Sarai to her being taken, but his act of acquiring was sufficient to bring on God's displeasure.
So it's difficult to give a clear opinion based on what is revealed to us. What took place before Pharaoh & God's Actions as a result of the wrongs by both Abram & Pharaoh, are things we're not privy to & best left in the 'Unknown Tray'.
Daniel, you bring up some good points in this account of Lot & his family. Unfortunately, the whole story of Lot's life is not given to us (& this is not a cop out to excuse him or even to suggest something that's not written). So we can only guess what might have happened. We do know that the Apostle Peter ( 2 Peter 2:6-8) speaks of the righteous aspect of Lot, in that he was vexed by the wickedness of Sodom & Gomorrah, which might have meant that he did, in some small way, try to influence the people to turn from wickedness - he had some authority there in Sodom as he "sat at the gate of Sodom". Yet, Peter doesn't refer to what he did that we regard as sinful behaviour.
It's noteworthy, that in eastern cultures, certainly in times of the Old Testament, that when a guest comes to your house, he is regarded with the highest honour possible, both in receiving the best you have to offer as well as full protection. The only right thing for Lot to do when confronted by those depraved men at his door was to offer his daughters so that his guests would not be humiliated or hurt. I did wonder why Lot didn't offer himself - it would have been the more noble thing to do. I realize that this type of behaviour is a difficult concept for us to grasp & should not be used as an excuse for such sin, but that's how it was.
In regards to God dealing with Lot - we just don't know. Did God severely chastise him & judge him & ultimately relegated him to the abyss? Or, did Lot realize his great folly & cry out to God in repentance, having also been witness to his Uncle Abraham's sins of the past & possible repentance at the altar he made ( Genesis 12:12-20; 13:1-5)? We can only speculate, rather than condemn Lot & his daughters entirely. And we know that God never overlooks sin & judgement remains for those who spurn His Love by sinning. Yet His Mercy extends to all sinners & His Grace to fully forgive the penitent.
Be a watchman of Matthew 24 and Luke 21.
Perceive Birth Pains. Starts off slow. Events speed up. It's painful to witness the signs of the times speeding up. The sheer amount of population, clueless, as to why life is becoming jaded, and unable to discern that events are becoming harder to bear. Kind of like how our government is becoming more oppressive every day; the earth is hemorrhaging in floods, storms, earthquakes, fires, volcanos; very very hot or much too cold. The discomfort of labor increases to Intolerable!! Second stage continues until birth.
We can discern that transition is imminent, by what is happening in the world.
If we act like ostriches any put our heads in the sand (acting like nothing is wrong or blaming it on global warming) we will not see Jesus COMING IN THE CLOUDS.
If you scripture search that phrase "Coming in the Clouds", it gives us more info on Jesus's Arrival.
I believe we will clearly see the beginnings of Tribulation Happenings. We see them now. One being, Israel being surrounded by her enemies. The Third Temple in Jerusalem being built. That's happening. You can view the progress on YouTube or Google, every day. Israel will swap land to have full access to all of the Temple Mount.
This presidency has withdrawn financial and military protection to Israel; and our nation is being invaded by foreign nations. A curse ( Genesis 12:1-3) ( Leviticus 26)
Only people who are good sign readers are not going to sleep their way through these final moments of earths history, and the reality of the Tribulation to advance in terror and pain.
See the Signs! Look Up! Your Redemption draws Closer!
There's a YouTube site that people all over the planet send them videos of daily disasters In their country. "The Two Preachers" , go have a look.
Revelation 1:11, Rev 3:7-13, when I researched online the only Philadelphia I found was the USA, where our Declaration of Independence & United States Constitution were signed.
Psalms 33:12
Genesis 12:1-3
Prayer discerment, wisdom, fortitude to serve GOD ALMIGHTY is what we need.
Rev 17:14
Hopefully it's a good start in your studies.
They go all over capturing videos of the Earth hemorrhaging in destruction and natural (?) Disasters. That's all they do. So we need to see this stuff so we can get a grip on the reality that this world WILL PASS AWAY. Even before our very eyes. AND SOONER THAN WE THINK.
Read the dates on the videos. If you doubt, google the story online (put down the dates and places).
Up until Joe Biden, this nation was Blessed. According to Genesis 12:1-3 .I WILL BLESS THEM THAT BLESS THEE
Heads up. America is going to suffer curses as a result of leadership that persecutes and purposes to help ISRAELS ENEMIES to destroy them. To withhold our support and protection.
Don't dare blame God for these disasters. TEAD JOB 1. SATAN IS THE DESTROYER. We HAD Gods protection. Not anymore.
White, representing the purity and power of Jesus Christ!!
This has nothing to do with REPUBLICAN (red) OR DEMOCRAT (blue). ALL BLESSING COMES FROM GOD.
Get it straight between your heart and your head. Anyone remember the old saying: Pride goth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a Fall.
We think it's us against them. IT IS SATAN DIVIDING US!!!!!!
He wants to destroy USA and we are making it easy.
Go look at the daily disasters around the world at large. The End is here. Stop making it easy for the devil to divide us. It may be too late
The LORD's next statement to Moses is dramatic and terrifying: "Now let me alone, so that . . . I may consume them" (32:10). The LORD plans to destroy all the Israelites there in the wilderness and end the whole experiment with God's chosen people. Moreover, the LORD makes Moses a tempting offer: "I will make you a great nation" (32:10). In effect, the LORD offers to Moses the chance to become a new Abraham, the sole originator of a whole new people who will be a substitute for the destroyed Israelites (see Genesis 12:1-3).
Moses' Intercession:
Moses denies himself the opportunity to become a new Abraham. Instead, Moses prays and intercedes for Israel with three strong reasons why the LORD should not carry out the planned destruction of the Israelites.
1. Remember, these are not my people. They are "your people," LORD, whom "you brought out . . . of Egypt" (32:11).
2. Destroying your own people, Israel, in the wilderness would be bad for your international reputation. What would the Egyptians say? (32:12)
3. Remember the promises of land and descendants that you made to Abraham, Isaac and Israel/Jacob long ago. You always keep your promises! (32:13)
Moses had not always been successful in changing God's mind in the past (see the call of Moses in Exodus 3:7-4:17). But advocating for others, denying one's own interests, and appealing to the mercy of God has a particularly powerful effect that God takes very seriously. In this case, remarkably, in response to Moses' prayer, "the LORD changed his mind about the disaster that he planned to bring on his people" (32:14).
As it happened, they wandered 40 yrs until the older generation died and were buried; on the Egypt side of the Jordan River.
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you."[a]
Whose words are these?
I want to hear you be long winded on how TMH prophesied a particular spirit in the world to do the evil they do...!
It may seem that Abram lied about his wife but he did not. There was not a punishment given, as a matter of fact, Abram was given many animals and many servants. Sarai was Abrams half-sister so there was no lie;
Genesis 20:12 And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.
We must understand that at this time, at that point, the Law had not been given. The lifespan and human genetics were different than they are today. Having kids with close relatives was to repopulate the land. If we recall after the flood there were only eight people, so people married their cousins, half-sisters and many had more than one wife. All the earth at this time served strange gods and God took him out of this land
Joshua 24:3 And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.
Back then if someone wanted the property of someone, especially a King or Pharaoh, they would merely wipe out the person and take it, because it was only the strong-will survive world, and women were considered property.
Whether Abram did this out of fear of his life and willing to sacrifice his wife, or God instructed him and let him know it would turn out ok, it is not written. If we do the will of God, there is no guarantee we will not be harmed, for our hope is not in this world. Look at all the disciples before, many suffered greatly.
God bless, Ron
There may be several opinions on this, so keep studying to be confident in your own heart, but this is what I see. God had already blessed Noah and his sons. Noah could not curse what God had blessed. So Noah cursed Hams son whether God had told him is not written. Canaan the son of Ham, after the dividing of the people and the lands after the tower of Babel, Canaan's descendants would occupy the lands God would give the house of Israel for a possession.
Genesis 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
Genesis 9:22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.
Genesis 12:6-7 And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.7 And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him.
Hope this helps Ron
Thanks for your input Bendito. The reference to 'seed' of course does mean as you suggested, but we have to allow for a wider meaning as prescribed from the Hebrew: which is, 'zera', & this includes 'child, descendant, posterity, race, etc.', as seen in other Scriptures showing this (e.g. Genesis 12:7 & others).
So we could read as you state that the Embryo that was Jesus in Mary's womb, was of her seed coupled with the Divine, or as I believe, that she only carried God's Seed to be brought out into the world. If she supplied her seed for the Word of God to become flesh, then Jesus would have been tainted with the sinful nature of humanity as I don't believe that Mary was sinless. To say that Jesus wouldn't have been so tainted then denies the transmission of the sin nature throughout humanity. Now I know that some believe that Jesus was born with a sin nature & during His testings with Satan & throughout His earthly sojourn, He resisted Satan so that He wouldn't feed that Nature & commit sin. I don't know if you subscribe to this view, but I believe that Jesus didn't have such a nature but His testings from Satan were to instil such a nature in Him as was done to Adam & Eve.
You also state: "Else he would have not truly been the Son of Man, but another life form." I couldn't quite get my head around this one: I understand that a human being can only be one from both the male & female contributions. If one part was of the Divine & the other human, does this also constitute a human being? Or, if both parts were Divine, could a human be formed in such manner? Or seen in another way, if God could create Adam from dust & Eve from his rib, can God not produce another human only from His compilation of seed(s)?
Abram lied to pharaoh about Sarai being his sister and God sent a plague on pharoah"s land was this acceptable by God that he lied? He did'nt lie. Sarah was his sister. Half sister. Read again. The plague had nothing to do with Abrams none lie.
The Son is the Word of God, speaks it
The Holy Spirit performs the the spoken Word of God
When we speak the Word of God over an issue or condition in our lives; according to the Known Will of God (the Bible, OT and NT); the Holy Spirit moves to accomplish it.
All three are one; not Separated.
Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:7
1 John 5:7, John 10:30
Acts 17:27-30
Isaiah 6:8
Romans 1:20
Colossians 2:9
They speak amongst themselves.
Write these scriptures on the inside cover of your Bible now. This subject comes up often. The scriptures are plain enough to be understood.
Debates and arguing theologies according to varying opinions cause confusion. Acts 17 should dispel that.
As I believe the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One. I do not believe they are they same exact "person", or "being",as some believe. Which I really have no problem with. As I believe they are One in each other and work through each other. Here is one verse that was just shown to me. Which, to me, seems to be the Father(Ancient of Days) giving glory and dominion to Jesus Christ(Son of Man) in the Old Testament. Before Christ was born. A vision of Daniel. Daniel 7:13-14.
God Bless.
Father son and holy ghost?
Adam & Eve were our first parents & it wasn't until a specific calling (of Abraham) that a holy line of people began to form. True, of the sons of Noah (i.e. prior to Abraham), Shem was elected to be the forefather of the later nation of Israel. And from Shem, Abraham came & became the promise of being the father of a great nation ( Genesis 12:1-3) & of many nations ( Genesis 17:1-5). As the nation of Israel grew in number & expanded by conquering opposing lands, they began to intermarry with the Canaanite nations, when clearly forbidden to do so by God: Deuteronomy 7:1-4; 1 Kings 11:1,2; Nehemiah 13:3, 23-27. Therefore, I feel that there are no pure Jews today; even though some would have stayed true to the Word of God, maybe their children (even a few) chose to intermarry, then that purity would continue to diminish over succeeding generations. I hope that is what you were seeking to know Joseph.
So it's difficult to give a clear opinion based on what is revealed to us. What took place before Pharaoh & God's Actions as a result of the wrongs by both Abram & Pharaoh, are things we're not privy to & best left in the 'Unknown Tray'.
It's noteworthy, that in eastern cultures, certainly in times of the Old Testament, that when a guest comes to your house, he is regarded with the highest honour possible, both in receiving the best you have to offer as well as full protection. The only right thing for Lot to do when confronted by those depraved men at his door was to offer his daughters so that his guests would not be humiliated or hurt. I did wonder why Lot didn't offer himself - it would have been the more noble thing to do. I realize that this type of behaviour is a difficult concept for us to grasp & should not be used as an excuse for such sin, but that's how it was.
In regards to God dealing with Lot - we just don't know. Did God severely chastise him & judge him & ultimately relegated him to the abyss? Or, did Lot realize his great folly & cry out to God in repentance, having also been witness to his Uncle Abraham's sins of the past & possible repentance at the altar he made ( Genesis 12:12-20; 13:1-5)? We can only speculate, rather than condemn Lot & his daughters entirely. And we know that God never overlooks sin & judgement remains for those who spurn His Love by sinning. Yet His Mercy extends to all sinners & His Grace to fully forgive the penitent.