Discuss Jeremiah 25

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    God's plan for the nations (conclusion)

    As for the eternal new heaven and earth it seems verses indicate there still will be nations although some seem to merge with promises from the Millennium. However; Revelation 21:24 says: And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. So it is clear that there will be nations still in some geographic sense; although no more sea and the heavenly Jerusalem will clearly be the dominant vista wherever you roam on this new planet.

    Jesus stated from the O.T. that the Temple was supposed to be a place of prayer for all nations ( Mark 11:17). This surely will be fulfilled in the future!

    There are nations that are said not to know God. Isaiah 55:5 shows that they will wake up at the end of the Tribulation as well as return captives (see Isaiah 49:22-25). They also shall bow down as kings and queens to worship God ( Isaiah 49:23) and take care of children. These are wonderful promises to show even from the wicked Tribulation some even in royalty will be saved! We see an interesting prophecy in Ezekiel 39:2 that a sixth part of the Gog army will remain; I would deem it likely many of these people will repent; although a remnant it will probably be a fairly substantial number of those remaining at the end of the Tribulation (also we don't see those in that invasion who appear to have the mark or fight God). This and other verses show various campaigns which lead up to Armageddon; and perhaps linger on until Christ and His returning saints establish control to rule and reign.

    It seems pretty apparent that with all nations against Israel ( Zech. 12:3) in the end so that mainly they will be reprobate with the dead being as dung on the earth ( Jeremiah 25:33). This is a sobering thought; thankfully in Israel 1/3 make it through the fire but 2/3 die ( Zech. 13:9). Some say this is harsh but compared to the stats from the whole world it isn't
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    2 Thessalonians 2:1-14.

    Part 2.

    Continuing with just a few of the Day of the Lord verses.

    Zephaniah 1:15

    Isaiah 13:9

    Lamentations 2:1

    Isaiah 13:13

    Isaiah 51:22

    Jeremiah 25:15

    Revelation 16:19

    Revelation 14:10

    Revelation 16:1

    Isaiah 63:1-6.

    This is what Paul is telling them is not at hand. This is what we all agree on besides a few that the Church will not see.

    However some see the Rapture in Revelation 20:4-6 sadly mistaking it for the Resurrection.

    That would place the Church on the Earth during the wrath of the Lord that comes upon all the Earth.

    When we take 2 Thessalonians 2:3

    "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, AND THAT MAN OF SIN BE REVEALED, the son of perdition;

    Paul gives them the sequence of events in chronological order of what happens "AFTER" that what he reminded them of previously in

    1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

    That's why he opens up saying "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by "OUR" gathering together unto him," 2 Thessalonians 2:1.

    Paul included them and himself in this gathering! So did they see the son of perdition? No.

    We take 2 Thessalonians 2:3 with the following scriptures to pitch our viewpoint. 2 Thessalonians 2:6-15.

    The son of perdition can't come while the light bearers is in the world. The Church! Who sits in the midst of the Church? Christ/His Holyspirit.

    2 Thessalonians 2:6-8.

    God bless.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 75 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 75.

    Once again; we see Asaph as he does quite often give a prophetic statement as to the fate of the earth in the end with several cross references of interest.

    Verse 2 seems to be a veiled reference to the Rapture; or possibly those who are Jews that believe and survive to the end of the Tribulation in the reference to "when I shall receive the congregation I will judge uprightly. (see 2 Cor. 5:10; Exodus 20:35-38 in the context of Exodus 20:34 as a future event of gathering from the nations).

    Verse 3 reminds us of heaven and earth passing away in Revelation 21:1-4 and Matthew 24:35).

    Verses 4 through 7 remind us of the "little horn" ( Dan. 7:8) who is Antichrist himself. God allows Satan and his throne in the Tribulation to suit his purposes; ultimately to separate wheat from chaff; and to draw everyone together at Armageddon ( Rev. 19; Psalm 2).

    Revelation 14:10 is much like verse 8 referring to the "wine of the wrath of God". That theme is also seen in Jeremiah 25:15-17; and similar themes in Isaiah and without a doubt in other scriptures.

    Again the end of this Psalm shows that only praising God is worthwhile (v. 9) and right wins out in the end. That is basically a big theme in all of scripture; the meek shall inherit the earth ( Matt. 5:5).
  • Chris - In Reply on Jeremiah 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Meliah. I'm unsure whether you're asking about Jeremiah the man, or Jeremiah the prophetical book that he authored. So, I'll share on both points.

    Jeremiah received the Word from God, that he was separated (set apart) from pre-birth & ordained to be God's prophet for that time in history ( Jeremiah 1:5). This was during the reign of King Josiah & his prophetical work went on till Judah's last reigning king, King Zedekiah - at which time Babylon invaded Palestine, occupied Jerusalem & captives taken back to Babylon.

    The Book of Jeremiah is Jeremiah's account of God's dealings with him, Judah, their captors, and the other nations. Even though Jeremiah was reluctant to do as commanded by God, he nevertheless did not fail to bring out the prophetical message to the people. For over forty years, he faithfully proclaimed God's stern Judgement on apostate Judah, all the while Jeremiah had to endure fierce opposition, beatings & imprisonment ( Jeremiah 11:18-23; 12:6; 18:18; 20:1-3; 26:1-24; 37:11-38:28).

    Even though warnings against sin & coming judgement are uppermost throughout the book, God still sent out messages of hope & future restoration. Predictions of a coming Messiah ( Jeremiah 23:5,6); the duration of the Babylonian captivity ( Jeremiah 25:11); and the revelation of the New Covenant ( Jeremiah 31:31-34) are the bright lights seen in this book.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Letter of Jeremiah 1 - 2 years ago
    Letter of Jeremiah 1, it's warning the people before they were captives of Babylon that Babylon would have fake gods made of gold, wood, etc. NOT to fear the fake, not to bow, to the fake. It also explains in detail how useless all those were & are.

    Note: Daniel 3, Daniel 9:2, Jeremiah 25:11, the 3 men that served GOD, obeyed

    Hopefully these are helpful

    If you have more questions please ask, or if I didn't fully answer the topic you're addressing
  • Ronnette - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 2 years ago
    Hello Mr. Adam Clark:

    God is a God of numbers. In Matthew and Mark, God was speaking to the Jews about the end time.

    Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Mark 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains: I agree with you about Jeremiah. I also put in bold letters key words, Jeremiah 25:11 And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. Jeremiah 25:12 And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the LORD, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it PERPETUAL desolations. Jeremiah 29:10 For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place. Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in EVERLASTING righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to ANOINT THE MOST HOLY. I agree with you about Daniel 9:24 speaks about Jesus. It may very well be a double applications. The next verse 25 is saying the going forth to restore and to build Jerusalem seven weeks=49 years, and threescore and two weeks=434 years. Then v26 talks about the flood as in Rev 12:15-16 Rev 11:2; 13:5 talks about 42 months that equates to 3.5 years within the 70th week=7 years in v27 (49+434+7=490). The saints are no longer exist here as stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:9. 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3. Acts 20:28; Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 2:19. BeComforted.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    JEREMIAH 50. There has been much contention as to the national depiction of the final Babylon; and whether it is in the Middle East; it signifies the USA or perhaps the EU. There is a spiritual side and economic leadership aspect to it as well. Certainly; we here in the good ol USA have sins piled high to heaven as Revelation states. In some sense; it doesn't matter as man will be as Isaiah 13:12 states "rarer than the gold of Ophir". Dead men; i.e. corpses will be covering the earth ( Jeremiah 25:33).

    There is no doubt that we are heading to one world government and religion; and I doubt that I need to include proof here.

    Even in utter destruction where no man will inhabit the land; God in His providence provides a place for unclean animals ( Isaiah 34:11). Such is the case also with the "feast" of Armageddon. The birds of the air are summoned; and no doubt hungry after the Tribulation. ( Rev. 19:18; 21). So in essense we either attend a great supper or we ARE the meal; for a large portion of men in those days.

    There are many good books on the subject. Alexander Hislop wrote "Two Babylons" which gives some context for these concepts. There are more recent writings where a strong argument based on many verses in Jeremiah seem to point to the USA being referenced in a veiled manner. The main points would be a nation founded on the truth yet with an occult bend from it's origin; a melting pot of many nations divided by many rivers and surrounded by many oceans; the port Babylon in NYC (where the Statue of Liberty kind of represents the lady in Revelation and the great city destroyed the world mourns after; etc.)

    There are also compelling arguments of the Arabia area today where the 3 Monotheistic religions are planning joint worship and a city 30 times larger than NYC with drones prevailing are upcoming the next few years. Whatever the case; our hearts are not to be in the world where things are perishing but in the unseen treasures of God.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jeremiah covers the capture of each area & continues to warn them to repent. Jeremiah 1:1-3, Jeremiah 4:1-2, Jeremiah 5:1, Jeremiah 7:1-15, Jeremiah 10:20-21, Jeremiah 11, Jeremiah 12, Jeremiah 34:8-22,

    Jeremiah 20:1-2, Jeremiah 21:1-2, king Zedekiah, Jeremiah 22, Jeremiah 24:1, Jeconiah son of Jehoiakim King of Judah, Jeremiah 25:1-3, 4th yr. of Johoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah . Jeremiah 32:1-2, Jeremiah 34:1-7,

    Prophetic promise: Jeremiah 23:3-7, Jeremiah 30:3-4, Jeremiah 31, Jeremiah 33:7-17,

    Jeremiah 29, note Jeremiah 29:1-4,

    Daniel was taken into captivity as young boy, Daniel 1:1, Daniel 9:1-2, Jeremiah 29:10, but looks to have returned in Ezra 8:2

    Note: Jeremiah 37:1-3, king Zedekiah instead, Coniah only mentioned here & Jeremiah 22:24,28, not in Isaiah or other Books in Bible of this account, including the Books of Kings, nor the Books of Chronicles.

    Hebrews 5, Hebrews 6, Hebrews 7,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your study
  • S.Spencer. - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Amen. I think it's a great idea to keep our Governing nation in prayer, and pray they let God govern their hearts!

    When Israel did right by the Lord he gave them rest and the spirit of the lord rested on the leaders! Numbers 11:25-29.

    As a nation we've put together great writings on paper and we Identfied ourselves by these writings but we never accomplished what we have in writing. Sort of reminds you of Israel doesn't it? Actually Israel didn't just have the law written on skin, they had the Lord in their midst. But his laws wasn't written on there hearts! And this is the only geographical nation/Country that has been set apart by the Lord.

    That ought to humble every other nation! God has raised up nations in the past to do his will and then judge that nation!

    Habakkuk 1:5-6.

    Jeremiah 25:11-12.

    God used Assyria and Babylon to chastise Israel and turn the rod on them.

    God raises up great kings to do his will!

    Isaiah 45:1.

    Ezekiel 29:18-20.

    Pride goeth before destruction and an haulty spirit before a fall.

    All these nations fell! Now Let's look at Israel. Ezekiel 16:48-50. Notice verses 49 and 50? You noticed God called sodom Israels sister! When God brought Israel out of Egypt God called them his son. He was a father and a husband to them. But they turned from God so at this point he's telling them they have the same father as Sodom, and we know who that is!

    "He's not governing there heart" but there will come a time he will. Jeremiah 31:31-34. Noticed verse 33? He will put his law in their inward parts!

    Looking at Israel and the way the Lord raised up nations and later judged them should humble us!

    There will come a time when his nation will be taken out of the world and he will deal with all the worlds nations.

    Joel 3:2.

    So let's pray the lost people of ALL nations humble themselves and get on a tract they have NEVER been on.

    God bless and goodnight.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Jeremiah 25:33

    Daniel 9:24-27

    Daniel 12

    Job 26:10

    Matthew 10:20-23

    Matthew 24:11-14

    1 Corinthians 1:8-9

    Revelation 2:25-27

    1 Peter 4:7

    1 Peter 1 whole chapter relevant

    Ephesians 3:19-21

    Hebrews 3:12-15

    Luke 21:8-10

    There are many more, I hope these help
  • Gabby phillips on Jeremiah 25:32 - 3 years ago
    god is good he die for you for you thank him he loves you so much and we do to jesus is the son of god he love you the so of god he will love you every day but god died for you
  • Umani Bryant on Jeremiah 25 - 3 years ago
    But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."

    1 Peter 1:15-16

    god is good

    The lord my god who died for us and all his people!
  • James brooks - In Reply on Job 34:10 - 4 years ago
    I am no Prophet;but I do Believe there is a message in what we are going through the whole world right now.And I hope and pray that we don,t miss the message,as individuals,as a nation,and all over the globe;And especially the CHURCH.Is this a plague?I don,t know.I do know that GOD warned and punished through plagues(if don,t let my people go;speaking to pharaoh).I believe in my heart GOD is saying ,turn to me you unsaved,and to you the saved but back slidden,turn back to me. 2chronicles 7:14;if my people who are called by name humble themselves,and pray and seek my face and turn from there wicked ways,then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.( Jeremiah 25:5 says Turn now everyone of you,from his evil ways,and evil deeds,and dwell upon the land that the LORD has given to you and to your fathers from of old and forever). Jeremiah 26:3 says;it may be they will listen,and every one turn from his evil way,that I may relent of the disaster that I intend to do to them because of their evil deeds.so I say let,s take down the things in our lives that we give a higher priority than we give GOD.Let,s LOVE(I capitalize LOVE because GOD is LOVE)with all our Hearts, with all our minds, bodies,and souls.Look at ourselves ; Do we love HIM?or is it all lip service?Do we put our money,our pleasures,our luxury homes and cars jewelry,and yes the economy;all of that on the throne of our hearts where GOD should be.Give GOD HIS rightful place in your life.In our in our minds, in our

    hearts,in our bodies,and souls.HIGH AND LIFTED UP IS OUR GOD.LET us pray without ceasing.
  • Obbie Beal on Jeremiah 25 - 5 years ago
    Yes!! during that day all the above did not obey GOD and the rest is history....nevertheless NOTICE in the above how GOD 1st sentenced HIS chosen people and with the same breath GOD sentenced all of the whole world, all the way through 2020. They and we are guilty of the same sin against GOD.... all the human race refused to hearken to GOD where applicable either individually or collectively. 2020 the whole world is next in line to receive the exact same as they above received yesteryear. Nevertheless THANK GOD for SALVATION through John 3:16-21 thereby all, if one chose to, are able to secure SALVATION for them-self.
  • SHANTI - 5 years ago
    continue question 2. Scripture says in Jeremiah 25:35 -- there is not hidding place on that day
  • KANABADY on Jeremiah 25 - 6 years ago
    Pertaining to the Apocrypha, I will have to agree that it contradicts God's Word. It was actually written to substantiate the false doctrines of the roman catholic cult. Their concern was that the 66 books were aligned with scripture (key word being "aligned") and rather hard to bend, thus they incorporated writings that would somehow blend in with the biblical theme whilst allowing defilement.
  • Anthony M Grubb on Jeremiah 25 - 6 years ago
    The book of Enoch is apocalyptic, but not apocryphal, and was NOT part of the 15 books and portions designated "Apocrypha" found in the 1611 KJV. It is part of the Pseudepigrapha, the spurious or pseudonymous writings from c. 200 B.C., and Jude clearly quotes from Enoch 1:9, which tells us this quote was an accurate oral tradition that made it down to Jude and thus to us in the New Testament age.
  • Charley on Jeremiah 25 - 6 years ago
    sorry the scribes new the apocrypha were never allowed in the
    66 books of the bible jesus christ never quoted the apocrypha
    nor the the prophets nor apostles, it contradicts itself
    rome loves it because they have purgatory and praying
    for the dead which is an abomination, wakeup the apocrypha
    books are not inspired by GOD nor is the book of enoch
    lie,it only has history and fables. 2nd tim 3-16
  • Brianna vs. 26-27 on Jeremiah 25 - 6 years ago
    Vs. 6 highlights how turning away from God bring calamity upon us. Without Jehovah's protection we are exposed to all of Satan's influence. Vs. 7 highlights how when we decided to follow our own way instead of God's wise counsel, we ultimately bring calamity upon our own head.Sometimes the trials we experience are because of our own doing.
  • A disciple on Isaiah 3 - 7 years ago
    "And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbor: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honorable." In Jeremiah 25:28-30 is the Word of wrath upon the Nations of the world, and that as judgment begins at the house of God (Israel), so it must follow upon all the rest of the world who are under God's Elect People.
  • BSP on Jeremiah 25 - 7 years ago
    In this chapter Jehovah God is expressing the consequences that will befall Jerusalem, Babylon, and several other nations. They failed to listen to God so they would have to suffer the consequences of disobedience. If they would have repented, the outcome would have been very different.
  • Irene123 on Jeremiah 25 - 8 years ago
    The Bible was the word of God long before any church council ever convened. Canonicity is determined by God. A book is called canonical because it is inspired and placed in the Bible by God. When the scriptures were written, they immediately possessed absolute authority; they did not need for men to pass judgment and decide whether to place them in the Bible.
  • Mutt on Jeremiah 25 - 8 years ago
    Mac, Jude doesn't speak of "the book of Enoch" He only says that Enoch prophesied. There were LOTS and LOTS of prophets, but they didn't write books in the Bible. Gen 5:21-24 also doesn't say any thing about "the book of Enoch"
  • Mac on Jeremiah 25 - 8 years ago
    Oh my brothers and sisters. You do not have the full word of God if you do not have the apocrypha books. These books were in the kjv 1611 bible. you can check this on line. There is much knowledge you do not have. Both God in Gene 5:21-24. And Jude speak of the book of Enoch. To all who truly seek Jesus may God bless your understanding. Amen.
  • Michael C. on Jeremiah 25 - 8 years ago
    All the Prophets, and Apostles spoke of these things; and likewise their manner of life reflected the terror of the Lord's words, and the kind of persons we ought to be, KNOWING THESE THINGS! Is there a western country, or any of their leaders, that do not know these things? Yet they do not tremble and repent of the evil that is in their hands. Instead they are arrogant, indolent and indifferent.
  • Norm on Jeremiah 25 - 9 years ago
    Father in heaven, our LORD and Saviour, thank You for giving us wisdom of which comes understanding. That Assyrian, the rod of Your anger, who's last name in Arabic is "the lion": and is the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, has definitely forsaken his covert and laid SYRIA desolate. Father, in CHRIST JESUS, save us all from this hell: save us all for Your glory. Amen Jeremiah 25:38 He hath forsaken his covert, as the lion: for their land is desolate because of the fierceness of the oppressor, and because of his fierce anger.
  • Norm on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 9 years ago
    To all of my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus: That man of sin, the son of perdition, has been revealed to us by the Holy Spirit of God. The same is Lucifer Isaiah 14:8 thru 15 and the Assyrian Isaiah 10:5 and Isaiah 14:25 . The same is the great dragon, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world Revelation 12:9 . The same is the lion Job 4:10, Job 38:39, Psalms 22:21, Psalms 91:13, Jeremiah 4:7, Jeremiah 25:38, Amos 3:8, Nahum 2:11, Nahum 2:12, 2 Timothy 4:17 and 1 Peter 5:8 . The same was involved in the 2005 Cedar Revolution in Lebanon Isaiah 14:8 . The same speaks very softly in his interviews see Job 41:3 yet the mighty of the world are terrified of him, and rightly so, to the point of urinating their pants Job 41:25 . The same was born in Damascus on 11 September 1965. His last name in Arabic means "the lion". Pray to our Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST, that we may be found worthy to escape this evil! May the Lord JESUS be glorified. Amen
  • Richard nidever on Jeremiah 25:31 - 9 years ago
    I does sound like trumpets as the sound of the shofar. When heard together with similar sounds from around the world, a deep base drum can be heard as a sound of a precursor to heavenly war against the earth. We as Christians could go through the first three and a half years of tribulation, but as yet, there has been no seven year peace agreement for Israel and the assaulting mid-east, as well, anti Christ has not come to power, or has he?! I believe we are certainly in the final hour and the Lords return iminent.
  • Daniel on Jeremiah 25:31 - 10 years ago
    I think the strange sounds around the world these last couple of years describes perfectly Jeremiah 25 31. The sounds of the sixth seal, sixth trump, sixth vial. The Tribulation is here.
  • Stephen on Jeremiah 25 - 10 years ago
    As yaweh Punished the children of Jacob,So He will also do the same to all other nations because of their inequities

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