There are things that God has bound together. These cannot and should not be separated. The Lord has bound Faithful return of tithes and offering with (1) "open windows of heaven", (2) "poured out blessing", (3)"rebuke to the devourer", (4)" being called blessed" and and (5) "being a delightsome land", saith the LORD of hosts.
it is obvious to me they said and answered the question it was not god speaking after "In tithes and offerings" it was the priests and i come to this conclusion because god said "But ye say, In what have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings."
Jesus said well render unto god what is gods and he gave us free will to humble it back to him and life by faith that pleases him!
We do not give because we have, But we have because we Give. Just as the scripture says "test me therefore, and see if I will not POUR YOU OUT a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it"
Jesus Christ has now come and fulfilled the Mosaic Law. We now live under Grace. If we live under the Law, we have fallen from Grace. We now give as we purpose in our hearts. However, if we choose to live by the Law, we must keep the whole Law and not pick and choose the ones we like best.
The gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek, for therein the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written the just shall live by faith. When it refers to the just, that talks about those that have, genuinely and truly given their lives to Jesus Christ, so that He can become, their LORD and Saviour, Romans 1:16, 17. Interestingly, Paul the apostle was not ashamed of it, and hence, we should not be ashamed of it either. And therefore, with reference to the issue of payment of tithe and giving of offering, these are doctrines that the New Testament dispensation approves- and because it is in the Old Testament does not mean it should be discarded. The Word says: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes Him should not perish, but have eternal life, John 3:16. It also says: As many as received Him, He has then given the power to become sons of God, even those who believe in His name, John 1:12. When you believe the Word of God and diligently act upon it, the power of the Holy Spirit will comes upon you. Have you not heard it when it says: Seek ye First the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you? Matthew 6:33. God is the covenant keeping God, hence when God’s Word is received , believed and acted upon, based on the law of love, God has no option but to honour His part of the covenant. That means, when God’s dictates are put in place, all argument ceases and that is because of God’s integrity, and the infallibility of the Holy Writ.
For I am the Lord I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. After such an assurance what other question do you have? Friends let’s just pay the tithe and offering and see if HE will open the windows of heaven. Of course HE WILL.
The "seed" is Jesus. At the time of Haggai's given prophetic word, Jesus was still in heaven, with the Father. The connotation of "seed" is holy all throughout the scriptures. Genesis 3:15 is the first messianic prophecy referred to Jesus as the "seed", of a woman would come to crush the head of Satan. Paul speaks of the "seed" of Abraham as not being many but one and that "seed" is Christ. The "seed" was literally in a stable on the ninth month twenty fourth day, which after God said, in verse 18, from this day and upward will I bless you. At the writing of Haggai, Jesus was literally, in the storehouse or barn of heaven. Malachi 3:10, 11, but God opened the windows of heaven and sent His son to be the saviour of the world, in due time. After which the rebuke of the devourer ie Satan; began and was manifested on the mount of temptation, where Jesus rebuked him. As yet the vine (Church), fig tree (Israel), pomegranate (Resurrection of Jesus), and the olive oil (Baptism in the Holy Ghost) were not brought forth, for the real laying of the foundation of the glorious eternal Temple of God. Until the "Seed" came, prophesied from Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 53, Psalms 22 and many other scriptures. The "Seed" left heaven and was referred to as "Seed", by Christ himself, in His parables as the "Good Seed" sown, bringing forth much fruit 30, 60, and 100 fold. God said from this day I will bless you. Peace on earth and good will to men, sounds like Christmas to me, the greatest gift ever! Agape. – Reggie.
The Old Testament Tithe law was just that, part of the Mosaic Law, and that law is no longer in use today because of what Christ did on the cross. If you still preach this today you may want to read Galatians 1:8.
I heard this today ''in my spirit'' I heard God say this to me... I am so blessed. I was a very sad few weeks before. BUT GOD "IS GOOD" and WORTHY TO BE PRAISED.
Malachi 3 is one of the chapters in the bible where God presents himself both a stern judge and a loving father. He tell us the consequences of our sins and at the same time encourages us to repent and return to him. God's words are sure. If you bring your tithes to him , he will pour out blessings on you, much more that you can store. He promises to preserve us from that dreadful day and select us as fine jewelry. Let us not take this for granted.
touching jesus is allll that realy matters i kno sumtimes i may mess up up at times but when i thick about is name and what he did just for me i just want tio serve him more for get about the thing that ive done I LOVE YOU MOST RIGHTIOUS JESUS.........................
God does not change, cannot lie, and Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. It is required of a steward to be faithful. know that God is faithful. Obedience to God's will is the duty of every Christian. Will you rob God? Just as God commands his covenant people to keep his commandments, he commands ibedience
Malichi is a book written by the Holy Living God that is a Prophecy come true, "today 2012".
It refers to a company, "microsoft" that is to preach the Gosple of the Holy Living God for the second time to all Nations, Gods truth written in the book of Matthew, "For the Gosple shall be Preached to All Nations, then the end shall come.
The written words of the Holy Living god through
man by the gift of the Holy~Spirit given by the most selfless sacrifice by God himself, "Jesus Christ" the soon coming King of Kings and Lord Lords, the only begotten Son of the Great Holy Father, Our Father who art in Heaven Hollow Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come.........
Malichi is a Revelation by Jesus Christ through his servant, David for Micro-Soft Baptised Members, Where Satan's Seat is....... satan was Rebuked by the Arch-Angle of the Holy God not to
take the form of a human, Lucifer is a real deciever, "copy cat" of the Holy Living God who made Man in his own Image six thousand years ago, Lucifer was created as an angle millions of years ago that decieved one-third of Gods Holy Angles because he was created a little greater than them.
So it is not surprising Lucifer can so easily decieve a man that on his own took on the same characteristics as being greater than his fellow man.
This is Wisdom of God, he who has Understanding of God, let him count the number of the Beast for it is a Man and his name equals 666, also known as Satan, the same characteristics as Lucifer, the fallen angle, Spiritual babalon is Micro-Soft, the Sanagougue of Satan, "Where Satan Seat Is As A Human Form, "Lucifer did not listen to the Holy Living Gods Arch-Angle Micheal.
The Simplicity that is Christ Truth. His Servant
David. Give Glory to God, "Christ is Lord"
God is not man to lie, he honours his word. When he says 'Give and it shall be given back to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over' it shall surely come to pass,therefore try him and see if he will not pour out a window of blessing in your life where you not have enough room to receive it.
Jer.31 speaks of a new covenant and as far as tithing goes Deut 26:12 Jesus said that He did not come to do away with the law but to fulfill it. Their are churches practice tithing on the first day of the week. I personally believe that Jesus has and will shows how to tithe. But some ministers ask for $1000.00's of dollars and use the scriptures abusively. They have their reward with the false Prophets. I believe that tithing is a personal walk with the Lord; as you grow so will your obedience to Him and you'll become a cheerful giver. Thanks for the opportunity to express my personal opinion. May God's blessing encamp about you all
First of all, God DOES NOT want ANY of his children to suffer. He DOES NOT want anyone, espcially those on fixed incomes, to go without food or medicine, so on.. As hard as it is for some to accept, common sense is of God. And if after you have paid bills and taken care of your costs of living you have anything left, a tenth of that would be your tithe. If you have nothing left, a tenth of nothing is nothing. Also, you are to tithe where you are tought the truth of God's word, which as it would seem by some of these comments isn't happening anyway. Just a thought.
To God love's comment
I hope that u dont still believe in what u have said. your own scripture references totally contradict that worldly belief. Leviticus 24:8 Every Sabbath he shall set it in order before the LORD continually, being taken from the children of Israel by and everlasting covenant. keywords:everlasting covenant. And the reference to Hebrews is the same as it is contradictory to your belief. tithes are still paid like Eldon's commentary says as faith in the blood of Jesus Christ.God is in control of all things as everything runs through his hands before it is allowed and he is testing our faith in a way that is very easy of only requiring 10% of what he already owns. In what u said about people feeling oligated to tithe that is wrong in so many ways. if they feel obligated to do it then they r in the wrong spirit. it is an act of faith that God blesses everytime. and tithing is a form of worship. even if God allowed that family to suffer, in his name, death would be more glorious for them that God found them worthy for such a trial as that. Hebrews 7:7 And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better. just like the woman who put her last two mites in the offering plate. she was found in higher praise of her giving to God than the rich who gave a percentage of their wealth, which was a lot more money than the widdow had put in, it wasnt about who put in the most but about the giving of what u do have. she gave all that she had and the Lord blessed her for that. and that should not b our initial thought to do it to recieve a blessing because if that is all that we r looking for then God will see that not to be worship.yes we do give offerings and alms as well as tithes in support of the church or fellowship that u belong to. and that reference to looking at the times is not right in context either. we still sacrifice ourselves on that alter every time we can in order to allow for God to change us just like the burnt offerings did and sin offerings. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. now by grace we r saved through Jesus Christ. But we still offer ourselves a sacrifice to either repent (turn away from sin)or we heed what God is trying to change in us as we sacrifice our flesh at the alter. And that reference to the one time perfect sacrifice is true in a sence of he did it once for all sin but that does not mean, as the baptist belief is, that once saved always saved. people backslide and that means turned away from God to follow fleshly desires. we cannot serve God and the devil and if we desire the things of this world more than the things of God then we r serving the devil. So being backslidden means that in order to be found in the Lambs book of life you have to repent, or sacrifice yourself at the alter, of your sins once again. This comment is not meant to be harsh but is meant to steer youin the right direction. We, as christians, have to watch what we say because others do hear and listen and if we steer them wrong then we r doing work for the devil.
God is the richest and the fountain of all riches and blessings. Giving according to His counsel is a marvelous opportunity. But we all know that opportunities only profit the wise.
"NO ONE CAN OUTGIVE GOD" BUT THE WISE CAN LET GOD OUTGIVE HIM, THROUGH OBEDIENCE TO DIVINE COUNSEL." Give and it shall be given unto you. Don't give and it shall not be given unto you. The choice is yours like the results. PLS LIVE TO GIVE AS YOU GIVE TO LIVE
Well, this story of Ananias and his wife actually discovers as plainly as it could be done, that entire project with books after the Gospel of John is nothing but a diabolical deception for mean an ignorant masses. The very aim is clear enough, but let me try to mention a couple of facts. First of all, in times of Moses and before, God required a tenth of wealth to be offered in public, to priests. It was an usual percentage from the beginning (see 'tithes' in Old Testament, from Abraham with Melchizedek and further in Numbers, also Malachi 3:10). New Testament is changing everything about it, there is no more valid system of priesthood and no sacrifice of that kind. If someone wants to do something really good with his own wealth, the way is explained in the Sermon on the Mount. On the other hand, when certain rich young man approached to Jesus asking him for everlasting life, instruction was 'If you want to be perfect, go and sell everything you own. Give the money TO THE POOR (not to Jesus himself) and yo will have riches in Heaven.' Now, it seems that this detail is taken, turned upside down and abused to fright, threat and control senseless mob which is thrusting to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Of course God would never kill such a man like Ananias for such a 'crime'. Moreover, whatsoever is offered should be done with good will, with joy, fear and pleasure. This story is a quintessence and a quoin of EVERY single church that ever existed later, does not matter if it is some primitive idolatrous nationalistic community or 'advanced' protestant clan. And to conclude this essay, let me say that there is no doubt about the meaning of the parable of good seed and the weed. While Jesus sets a childish state of mind as a ticket to enter the Holy kingdom, that bloody lizard is proudly putting childish things away. Every bird to its flock, at least similar creatures shall not be boring people in world to come. And above all, the whole scandal is done in the name of the High Priest, which makes the whole criminal case many times heavier. That also explains his sigh 'I am come to send fire, and how will I, if it already were kindled!' Even Pharisees were noble gentlemen comparing to this villains...
Malachi 3:6 I am the lord God and I change not..
God does not change neither does His word. Men and their wiser than thou wisdom is revolving daily, twisting the word of God to their benefit.
Man does not hate God. Satan does. Satan's spirit gets into man which cause man to flaw and rebel. That is why God is almighty and His wisdom and might is not like our own nor can be understood by those that seek there own way.
God is so good that he gives us a choice to choose right or wrong. He is not a forcful God.
From the beginning of time God uses a man to guide, lead and instruct those that will receive him. (First reference) Deuteronomy 18:15-22
God uses a man not women. 1Timothy 2:12,13, Isaiah3:12, 1Corinthians 11:3
Jeff - Eating the blood is still a sin, just like all the other laws in the Scripture. Our Heavenly Father does not change - Malachi 3:6. If it was a sin then, it's still a sin now.
Many people think that the Old Testament laws were "Mose's Law" or "the Jew's Law," but they're not. They are His Laws. If you worship Him, then obey His Laws, not what the "Churches" teach. Christ said in Matthew 5:17-18 that he didn't come to do away with the laws, and until heaven and earth pass the law is still here. Over and over in the Scriptures it states that if you love Him, keep his commandments.
I know some will say that I'm being legalistic or "Judaising" or whatever, yet that is not true. In 2 Thessalonians 2:8 the Antichrist is called the "lawless one." The Hebrew word for "law" is Torah. The Torah is also the first 5 books of the Old Testament - where the "laws of Moses" are found. So the Antichrist doesn't obey these laws - and yet the "churches" also teach this exact same doctrine.
Aleister Crowley is a Satanist who wrote "The Book of the Law"(on how to usher in the Age of the Antichrist), said that the 1 law in Satanism is "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of The Law." Anton Levay, founder of the Church of Satan, also declares this as the 1 universal law, except to "do it under love because more people will buy it."
Doesn't that sound like modern day 'Christianity"?
All the "old laws" are still in effect, as are the Feast Days. The only difference is that Christ is our sacrifice - transfered, not abolished.
The named of my God is Jesus Christ. This named was not brought by mother's Mary. Through his announcements/characteristics of what is God is to be watch of to believe. These are the writing of the prophets/apostles to believe. No. 1. Num. 23:19 God is not a man, neither the son of man. 2. Hoses 11:9 for I am God, and not man. 3. Malachi 3:6 For I am the Lord, I change not. 4. Jh. 1:18 No man hat seen God at any time. 5. Jh. 3:6 Which is born of the flesh is flesh, born of the Spirit is Spirit. 6. Jh. 4:24 God is a Spirit. 7. I Tim. 1:17 God is immortal, invisible. 8. James 1:17 God is no variableness. For these reason my God is purely Spirit without flesh and bones.
Let us not forget that Chapter 11 of Leviticus as well as Deuteronomy 14 are the food laws that we are to keep forever and they are not just ceremonial laws as Doug suggests. Yahweh is the same today and forever, He changes not; see Malachi 3:6, nor does Yahshua change either, see Hebrews 13:8 and 9. Sin is the transgression of the law period; see I John 3:4. Take note of I Timothy 4:3 "to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. His Word is the Truth, so let's obey Him and not eat any abominable thing such as pork, etc. See Deuteronomy 14:3; Thou shalt not eat any abominable thing. And finally see John 14:15; If you love me keep my commandments. Enough said!
The named of my God is Jesus Christ and was not brought/delivered of a lady or a human being. Because of his announcements and his characteristics of what is God is? No. 1. Num. 23:19 - God is not a man, neither the son of man; 2. Hosea 11:9 - for I am God, and not man; 3. Malachi 3:6 - For I am the Lord, I change not; 4. Jh. 1:18 - No man hath seen God at any time. 5. Juan 3:6 - which is born of the flesh is flesh, born of the Spirit is Spirit; 6. Juan 4:24 - God is a Spirit; 7. I Tim. 1:17 - God is immortal, invisible; 8. James 1:17 - God is no variableness. These are the reasons of my God was not delivered by mother's Mary based of the prophets and spostles saying.
The Levites were the priestly tribe. They worked in Solomons temple. This is talking about the the return of Christ the 2nd advent foretold in the old testament.
Hebrews 7:2 Abraham gave tithe to the High Priest before the law of the Jews, out of faith to God. We give tithe to God after the law because of our faith in the blood of Christ. Priesthood of the believer 1st Peter 2:5-10.
Jesus said well render unto god what is gods and he gave us free will to humble it back to him and life by faith that pleases him!
It refers to a company, "microsoft" that is to preach the Gosple of the Holy Living God for the second time to all Nations, Gods truth written in the book of Matthew, "For the Gosple shall be Preached to All Nations, then the end shall come.
The written words of the Holy Living god through
man by the gift of the Holy~Spirit given by the most selfless sacrifice by God himself, "Jesus Christ" the soon coming King of Kings and Lord Lords, the only begotten Son of the Great Holy Father, Our Father who art in Heaven Hollow Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come.........
Malichi is a Revelation by Jesus Christ through his servant, David for Micro-Soft Baptised Members, Where Satan's Seat is....... satan was Rebuked by the Arch-Angle of the Holy God not to
take the form of a human, Lucifer is a real deciever, "copy cat" of the Holy Living God who made Man in his own Image six thousand years ago, Lucifer was created as an angle millions of years ago that decieved one-third of Gods Holy Angles because he was created a little greater than them.
So it is not surprising Lucifer can so easily decieve a man that on his own took on the same characteristics as being greater than his fellow man.
This is Wisdom of God, he who has Understanding of God, let him count the number of the Beast for it is a Man and his name equals 666, also known as Satan, the same characteristics as Lucifer, the fallen angle, Spiritual babalon is Micro-Soft, the Sanagougue of Satan, "Where Satan Seat Is As A Human Form, "Lucifer did not listen to the Holy Living Gods Arch-Angle Micheal.
The Simplicity that is Christ Truth. His Servant
David. Give Glory to God, "Christ is Lord"
I hope that u dont still believe in what u have said. your own scripture references totally contradict that worldly belief. Leviticus 24:8 Every Sabbath he shall set it in order before the LORD continually, being taken from the children of Israel by and everlasting covenant. keywords:everlasting covenant. And the reference to Hebrews is the same as it is contradictory to your belief. tithes are still paid like Eldon's commentary says as faith in the blood of Jesus Christ.God is in control of all things as everything runs through his hands before it is allowed and he is testing our faith in a way that is very easy of only requiring 10% of what he already owns. In what u said about people feeling oligated to tithe that is wrong in so many ways. if they feel obligated to do it then they r in the wrong spirit. it is an act of faith that God blesses everytime. and tithing is a form of worship. even if God allowed that family to suffer, in his name, death would be more glorious for them that God found them worthy for such a trial as that. Hebrews 7:7 And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better. just like the woman who put her last two mites in the offering plate. she was found in higher praise of her giving to God than the rich who gave a percentage of their wealth, which was a lot more money than the widdow had put in, it wasnt about who put in the most but about the giving of what u do have. she gave all that she had and the Lord blessed her for that. and that should not b our initial thought to do it to recieve a blessing because if that is all that we r looking for then God will see that not to be worship.yes we do give offerings and alms as well as tithes in support of the church or fellowship that u belong to. and that reference to looking at the times is not right in context either. we still sacrifice ourselves on that alter every time we can in order to allow for God to change us just like the burnt offerings did and sin offerings. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. now by grace we r saved through Jesus Christ. But we still offer ourselves a sacrifice to either repent (turn away from sin)or we heed what God is trying to change in us as we sacrifice our flesh at the alter. And that reference to the one time perfect sacrifice is true in a sence of he did it once for all sin but that does not mean, as the baptist belief is, that once saved always saved. people backslide and that means turned away from God to follow fleshly desires. we cannot serve God and the devil and if we desire the things of this world more than the things of God then we r serving the devil. So being backslidden means that in order to be found in the Lambs book of life you have to repent, or sacrifice yourself at the alter, of your sins once again. This comment is not meant to be harsh but is meant to steer youin the right direction. We, as christians, have to watch what we say because others do hear and listen and if we steer them wrong then we r doing work for the devil.
"NO ONE CAN OUTGIVE GOD" BUT THE WISE CAN LET GOD OUTGIVE HIM, THROUGH OBEDIENCE TO DIVINE COUNSEL." Give and it shall be given unto you. Don't give and it shall not be given unto you. The choice is yours like the results. PLS LIVE TO GIVE AS YOU GIVE TO LIVE
God does not change neither does His word. Men and their wiser than thou wisdom is revolving daily, twisting the word of God to their benefit.
Man does not hate God. Satan does. Satan's spirit gets into man which cause man to flaw and rebel. That is why God is almighty and His wisdom and might is not like our own nor can be understood by those that seek there own way.
God is so good that he gives us a choice to choose right or wrong. He is not a forcful God.
From the beginning of time God uses a man to guide, lead and instruct those that will receive him. (First reference) Deuteronomy 18:15-22
God uses a man not women.
1Timothy 2:12,13, Isaiah3:12, 1Corinthians 11:3
Many people think that the Old Testament laws were "Mose's Law" or "the Jew's Law," but they're not. They are His Laws. If you worship Him, then obey His Laws, not what the "Churches" teach. Christ said in Matthew 5:17-18 that he didn't come to do away with the laws, and until heaven and earth pass the law is still here. Over and over in the Scriptures it states that if you love Him, keep his commandments.
I know some will say that I'm being legalistic or "Judaising" or whatever, yet that is not true. In 2 Thessalonians 2:8 the Antichrist is called the "lawless one." The Hebrew word for "law" is Torah. The Torah is also the first 5 books of the Old Testament - where the "laws of Moses" are found. So the Antichrist doesn't obey these laws - and yet the "churches" also teach this exact same doctrine.
Aleister Crowley is a Satanist who wrote "The Book of the Law"(on how to usher in the Age of the Antichrist), said that the 1 law in Satanism is "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of The Law." Anton Levay, founder of the Church of Satan, also declares this as the 1 universal law, except to "do it under love because more people will buy it."
Doesn't that sound like modern day 'Christianity"?
All the "old laws" are still in effect, as are the Feast Days. The only difference is that Christ is our sacrifice - transfered, not abolished.