Discuss Psalms 23 Page 58

  • Merfy Buban De Lozano on Psalms 23 - 13 years ago
    This scriptures give me courage and strengths at all times. My burden get lightened up knowing that I am not carrying it all by myself
  • Revblack on Psalms 23 - 13 years ago
    The Lord is my shepred i shall not want Jesus is my leader and i shall follow him, i konw when thing are tough and i don't know what to do my lead me out of it, my cup may run over but that from joy in my heart for the love of my Lord
  • Joe Glascock on Psalms 23 - 13 years ago
    Although it is true, Jesus lives!, but he died for our sins as Gods pascal lamb, perfect in all ways!, he came to die for our sins and to defeat death, and rose again, his miracle of raising Lazarus, was a prelude to his own death and resurection!, God knew that would be the only way for us to be rid of our sins, and have a relationship with him, that is what Jesus was referring to when He said "It is, finished", sin died with him on the cross, then he said "Father, into your hands , I commend my spirit! the the veil in the temple was torn in two, as the earth quaked beneath him!.
  • Joe Glascock on Psalms 23:6 - 13 years ago
    23:6;"......and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." This is in reference to te Shepherd culture, in Davids time the best and perfect lamb was taken inside of the shepherds house, and dwelt there till it was time for it to be sacrificed for the sins of the family, As Christ was Gods perfect lamb, sacrificed for our sins.
    This lamb was spot and blemish free, perfect in all ways, and had the best place in the house, it was treated as a family pet, eating everything,but meat, that the family ate, it was beloved by the family and slept with the kids sometimes, and was watched by them as well.
    How much clearer was the picture of sacrificing something beloved, to the people in David's time, could this be?, a lot clearer than it is today!
    This phrase paints the picture of Christs Sacrifice, as Gods Pass Over lamb for our sins, he was perfect in every way, without spot or blemish,...The Price is paid, It is Finished!, We are forgiven, and justified, sanctified, soon to be glorified!
    Back to the lamb, this sacrifice was done every year.
  • Joe Glascock on Psalms 23:6 - 13 years ago
    23:6 ; This means that As Gods sheep that His goodness nand mercy shall follow us like a sheepdog follows behind the flock keeping us in line, and bringing us back when we go astray.
    Gods goodness and mercy shall follow us as christians, doing the same, and being noticed for others to see.
    This is a small hint of evidence that David may have used sheep dogs in his time,....Gods mercy and goodness keeping us close to the good shepherd, bringing us back to him when we go astray, and keeping us in line.
  • Joseph on Psalms 23 - 13 years ago
    psalms 23 david was calling out to god knowing that the power lord god had was very grate and no one could stop him with god guiding his foot steps and protecting him from all hert harm and danger
  • Herbert Brown on Psalms 23 - 13 years ago
    I love this psalms, because it let me know that I can make it, and the LORD is on my side.
  • K. D on Psalms 23 - 13 years ago
    This scripture brings protection from all angles.
  • Joe Glascock on Psalms 23:5 - 13 years ago
    23:5 ".....my cup runneth over" : This is Davids attitude as to how God takes care of him, and should also be ours, ....God not only knows our needs, he more than supplies them. This is also a referrence to hospitality in Davids time, if a guest sat at the table for a while with an emty cup, it was time to go, if your cup was full, it meant you were welcome to stay, if it ran over, it meant you were more than welcome!
    That is Gods attitude about us, we are more than welcome to come boldly before his throne, to pray for special requests, but our basic needs are more than met!, they "runneth over", the way and everything we need has already been prepared ahead of time!
  • Dillon on Psalms 23 - 13 years ago
    I love this scripture so much, because it makes me not to be scared and be brave.
  • Christian Wolle on Psalms 23 - 13 years ago
    Please do me favor to get involve with scripture that reveal patience to handle nagging family.
  • Joe glascock on Psalms 23 - 13 years ago
    Ps.23:5b) "Thou annointest my head with oil", Shepherds in those days had to dig a ditch and fill it with oil to dip the sheep in called sheep dip, in which the sheep would be walked in and out of to ward off pests, however their heads could not go under, so the shepherd would have to annoint their heads later to keep the pests from laying larvae in their ears and noses.
    If the flies did lay larvae in their ears and noses, that would irritate them so much, the sheep could not be at rest, and would beat their heads against trees and rocks to relieve the pain, and would even beat their heads to death doing so.
    God takes care of us in the same way, making sure we have what we need to be able to rest, and be at peace, as long as we trust him.
  • Joe glascock on Psalms 23 - 13 years ago
    In reference to my later comment about Christ dying for us, if he were just a man, salvation still would not work, because he was just a man, and would not have been able to have risen from the grave, again, if he was just God, it would not have worked, because you can't kill God, so he had to be man and God inorder for the plan of Salvation to be possible, and therefor he rose from the grave both physically and spiritually.
  • Joe glascock on Psalms 23 - 13 years ago
    23:5 "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:" This is in reference to the Table lands a shepherd has to go to to feed his sheep after passing through the "valley of the shadow of death" known as the shefalah.
    These were plateaus that the shepherd in those days, would prepare for his sheep ahead of time in order to prevent them from eating poisonous weeds, and he had to do this under a time table, and by hand on his hands and knees, thus God does this for us in a spiritual manner, he brings up the pastors, priests, and bishops under His word as babes, and takes the time to prepare them train them, and instruct them, and this takes time, years, etc., and in the presence of nay sayers, and atheists etc., God prepares them in order to feed us spiritually, as David prepared the plateaus for his sheep in the presenceof wild predators, robbers, etc., so his sheep could come and dine!.
    Another comment concerning Nimrods statement, Jesus was both God and man, and it had to be this way in order for salvation to work, because you can't kill God, but the man Jesus had to die in order for the spirit(Gods son) to ascend to heaven.
    At the moment Christ became sin in our stead, God's eyes being so Holy and unable to bear looking at something as unholy as pure sin, Christ had never been so alone in his entire life, but he died for that, he conquered death and sin on the cross, and died in our stead, he is our defense atourney pleading our case before is father, who when he sees us he also sees his son, because we are as close to God as it gets, because of Christ, so every act we do is righteous, we only sin as a choice.
    Btw, God views time all at once, the past present and future are all the same to him, he sees us as already being in heaven with him, as well as being here.
    Also, When God became the man Jesus, he had never been apart from himself before, and he was the best heaven had, the spotless lamb, perfect in every way, the sacrifice that was without blemish.
    On another note, God is a triune God, a trinity, ie; the prayer "hear O Israel, the LORD thy God is one" , in the Hebrew, the word one in this sense, is actually translated as three, one triune God, God the father, God the Son(Jesus), and The Holy Spirit, they are three parts to a whole, but are still one!.
  • Joe glascock on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    That was a typo on yesterdays comment, it should read "In regard to .....", I also want to stress that Nimrod is probably right, BUT IN TRANSLATION ONLY!, and half right in his application, The death of Christ is as important as His resurrection, also is the reason why. Therefor we should not get to involved in a word study, because the thought or dynamic application is more important, often when you do word study only, you get tempted to do an Isogesis, not an exogesis.
  • Joe glascock on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    I regard to Nimrods comment, Not only did christ come to die, but do die for us, all who would accept him, to give us eternal life, He died of a broken heart, because he loved us so, and conqured death for us also, spritually and physically, and in like manner rose again for us as proof, and remember when he appeared to his desiples, and Thomas had to put his hand in his side in order to believe!, proof positive Jesus died in body and spirit, and before he returned to his father one last time, He left us with his Holy Spirit, as a teacher, comforter, and counselor, the best one to help you learn scripture!, as well as your Pastor, Preacher, Bishop, and Priest etc., ....."Trust in the LORD with all thy heart, and lean not unto thine own Understanding". Prov. 3:5-7
  • Joe glascock on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    We are studying this psalm in my sundayschool class in comparison with Phillip Kellers book "A Shepherds look at Psalms 23", and also comparing it with the book of John, where Jesus said "I am the Good Shepherd...",
    God refers to us as Sheep, who will not rest untill our needs have been met, and we should feel protected when reading this Psalm, because as a shepherd protects his sheep, Christ does so for us, we are hie sheep, he is our shepherd, and he is the way (which in those days was a path through a neighbors garden to take your flock through, to get to another pasture).
    Sheep had to be moved to green pastures(23:2): as they eat down to the roots when grazing, so He moves us to a fresh pasture, (23:2) He leads us besides Still waters; sheep will not drink from moving waters, the are ferfull of them , anmd in Davids day the shepherd would have to dig a ditch to water the sheep, keep it clean by closing it off and digging a new one.
    23:4; He restoreth my soul......" he revives us when we are weary, just as David did when he was a Shepherd, as shhep would lie down in a rutt that was contoured to their body, and end up on their backs losing circulation on their legs ( becoming "downcast"), and need to have their legs revived, and led in the right path of safety as God/Christ leads us.
    23:4 God protects us us through dark and troublesome times and is always prepared to do so, In Davids time there were valleys leading through the hills, called the Shefeleh, some had robbers dens, wild predators dens, etc, that lay between the city and coast where Palestine was, and the sheep would look at the shepherd and his weapons, the rod and staff and sling, and know they were protected as they had seen their shepherd protect them before, likewise, Christ protects us, for he neither sleeps nor slumbers.
    As, I learn ore I will comment more later.
  • Joe glascock on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    You are so right to feel as you do Alicia, but Jesus did die for you, but more importantly, he rose again! in body and spirit! out of his love for all humanity, so that those who believe will have everlasting life( Jn. 3:16).
    Try reading Phil Kellers book A Shepherds look at Ps.23, and reading the book of john where Jesus said "I am the good Shepherd".
  • Nimrod Christ Nimrod, Ph.D. on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    (The 23rd Psalm) Again Alica, Jesus did not die on the cursed cross for your sins. Jesus Conquered death on that cursed cross for your sins. The Greek term for Jesus' so-called death is "Thanatos" which means a spirital separation from the body. The last thing Jesus said on that cursed cross was: "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, He said, Father, into Thy Hands I commend My Spirit: and having said thus, He gave up His Spirit" ( Luke 23:46). Jesus dismissed His Spirit into the Hands of His Father. Jesus actually came fully alive when He went back to His Father, back to where He came from. Jesus was not buried in the tomb. His Body was buried. That is the happy ending you should teach your children Alicia and not the bloody horror that has been taught to you. Your choice! God loves you Alicia and your children and so do I. Sincerely, God's son, servant and friend King Nimrod ( Gen. 10:8-10).

    Luke 23:46
    And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

  • BRENDA D. TERRY on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    This chapter reminds me of God.s love for us...that no matter what,s happening in our lives,his love is with us even until the end
  • BRENDA D. TERRY on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    during this season...this gives me hope and peace to know my father is guiding me and protecting me.
  • Bookie on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    God has kept me... He has shown me his love. I shall not fear or want 4 anything.... The lord leads me by still water. My soul rests easy, I shall dwell n da house of da lord.. Amen
  • Nimrod Christ Nimrod, Ph.D. on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    Alicia, Jesus did not "die" for you. Jesus did not come to die. Jesus same to defeat death! Jesus OVERCAME and CONQUERED DEATH for you, by FAITH in His Father's Love. Why do I say this? Because Jesus lives! For the JOY that was set before Jesus He went to the cursed cross. What was the JOY? His Throne. Jesus says in Rev. 3:21 "To him that overcometh I will grant to sit on My Throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His Throne." Jesus OVERCAME the cursed cross! God loves you Alicia and so do I. God's servant, King Nimrod ( Gen. 10:8-10).
  • Alicia on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    i feel love from god and protection every time i read this!!i am going to have my children recite this psalm as i was taught as a child !!i love you god sooooooo much thankyou for sending jesus to die on the cross for our sins lord!!!thankyou father for giving me confirmation of your love for me and protection every time i read this verse!!
  • Theresa on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
  • Angela on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    Psalms 23 Gave me peace of mind, the strength to fight another day and the faith that I need to make Heaven my home.
  • JOHN UZO on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    When I was growing up as little boy; psalm 23 was the chapter I alway study.It has given me the confidence I thought I wouldn't have gotten in all my life.
  • DONNA on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
  • John A. Marlow on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    These are some of the most fulfilling words that
    can take away fear or doubt from the minds of those looking for peace.
  • Doris Early on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
    Ps. 22, 23 and 24 go together, in my view. Calvary is 22, 23 is the grave and resurrection and 24 is another mountain top experience.

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