Bible Discussion Thread

  • Getting attacked by antichrist spirits on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    I have been getting attacked by antichrist spirits and by neighbors through witchcraft for a longtime now for taking a stand for my Lord Jesus Christ. It has been going on practically my whole adult life as long as I can remember. Please pray for me in the name of Jesus Christ The Son of God.
  • Mishael on Spiritual Warfare Genesis - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    Go through every drawer, closet, attic, box, bookcase clothing jewelry, Horoscopes, movies, Sexual themes, EVERYTHING! Anything that could even remotely be an idol Or occult: put them in boxes and pour PAINT all over it and kitty litter. Put it on the curb for pickup.

    I noticed that both of these books ARE ON YOUTUBE. Despite Bennys stage presence that people denounce now; in his earlier days He helped a lot of people get free from demonic persecution, including ME.

    Angels by Charles Capps

    War in the Heavenlies by Benny Hinn (5 hrs Long)

    The other thing: Get more Bible into you. Read New Testament: a Chapter a day.

    You need information about spiritual warfare. The history of it and this present day tools to fight it. Benny takes time to explain what the Hebrew words are, and what they mean.

    For Everybody that is studying Pre-Adamic creation and the Genesis account of Creation; you will want to get pencil and pad ready to get a complete picture of creation with the Prophetic scriptures spoken by Gods Prophets in the Bible.

    It's all there. We just didn't put it together right. I challenge you to listen to and watch this on YouTube.

    It's going stop stop all the arguing. I know I stand convicted about things I said. I'm excited to see what you think.

    I've already looked at these other passages and it's going to take time to relearn what I thought was plain as the nose on my face.

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