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Bible Discussion Thread

  • Shabbat Keeper - 11 months ago
    Hello all,

    Here is a topic that is sure to get everyone on this forum in an uproar: the flat earth

    Is the earth flat? When all eyes see Jesus return, how can that be unless the earth is flat? Is the Bible a flat earth book? The Tower of Babel was being built into the sky, and God stopped it. Is that because he gave the earth to man, but the heavens belong to him?

    Is NASA run by free masons? Is outer space real? If all the astronauts are free masons, does that mean they were complicit? Did we really go into space? Was Capernicus a Catholic? Is there a conspiracy hiding the truth of our earthly home? Are they trying to hide God from us? God's calendar uses the moon, but the papal system switched all of us to the sun. Why?

    So many questions. So many conspiracies. What the heck is going on? Who can know for sure?

    LORD God, please help us know what is true. Lead us towards you, through the confusion. Amen.
  • Jema - In Reply - 11 months ago
    I've always wondered about that , a month in the Bible is 28 days , a lunar month , why was that changed ? Does anyone know please ?
  • GiGi - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Jema, I think that it was changed to reflect account for the remaining days in year, one revolution around the sun takes 365 days and some small remainder. (this is why we have a leap year).. But the lunar year is 28 times 12 is 336. The Israelites needed to add a month into their calendar at some point (every so many years to coincide with the actual number of days it takes to go around the sun. 28 times 13 is 364 days. So a 13 month year still leaves 2 days each year (and some remaining minutes) short of what is actually occurring. Perhaps at one time the orbit of the earth around the sun was actually 364 days (13 lunar months) or 336 days (12 lunar months) but some spectacular event may have happened cosmically to change the distance of the earth from the sun or the shape of the orbit.

    Therefore, the calendar was changed to a solar year to more accurately show the number of days it takes to revolve around the sun in a year's time. If a lunar year was strictly kept then the beginning of "spring" according to the Jewish calendar would come earlier and earlier each year eventually occurring in winter, then in fall, then in summer, and then in actual spring again.

    Does anyone know where it says in Scripture that we are to keep time by the lunar phases or the orbit of the earth around the sun? I am not aware of a verse that explains this or that shows how time is amended every so many years to account for the difference between a lunar year and solar year. If there is not a command of God on this topic anywhere, then it is fine to keep track of months and years by a solar means or by a lunar means. (or to us AD and BC for that matter or go by what the Jews do keeping the year being from the creation of Adam up to present.)
  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hi, GiGi, well if you look in exodus, that's where God explains how to order the calendar. And, God tells them about the new moon and so forth. And, God tells them what the first month of the year will be for them. God's calendar is based on the moon always. Never the sun.

    You know, the pagans worshipped the sun. God separated his worship entirely from all their practices.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 11 months ago

    Perhaps in the beginning the year was 12- 30 day divisions (360) days and perhaps the lunar month was also 30 days each. But a major cataclysmic occurrence like the flood or a meteor strike could have altered the orbit of the earth and moon along with the axis of the earth being tilted.

    I think that this happened at some time in history. But with that being said. Nothing in the New Testament tells us that we are to gauge the yearly calendar by the Jewish method. What God asked of the Israelites in Exodus, and Deuteronomy and Leviticus was specifically for them at that time in history. In the world at that time people groups had their own calendars with their feast days and holy days and pagan celebrations. God wanted the Israelites to have this calendar He instituted so that this people would remain separate and distinct from the pagan peoples around them, celebrating the feasts, ordinances, and holy days He decided for them (which all point to Christ in some way).

    In the Christian era, with Jesus being the completion of the promises, prophecies and fulfillment of all OT Scriptures, a calendar reflecting the life and works of Christ is more appropriate and is not prohibited in the NT writings. Paul says that each of us are to keep feast days, holy days, or Sabbaths according to our conscience or not according to our conscience and that whatever is not of faith is sin. In other words, Paul is saying that these aspects of a calendar year are inconsequential in following Jesus. He is our rule and guide for doctrine and faith.

    Having an accurate calendar system helps the Christian family over the centuries with its consistency, aiding in our celebrating Jesus' life, death and resurrection and in conducting life and business in the world we must work in but not be overtaken by worldly ways that are sinful.

    So, those who want to follow a Hebrew type of calendar do not sin, and those wish to follow a solar year calendar does not sin either.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 11 months ago

    How to explain difference of exactly 240 years in the Jewish calendar?

    Based in the Word of GOD,on GOD's six Days of creation and one Day of rest(a total of seven days)plus the Scriptures that teach that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years,so MANKIND would go through six GOD Days of 1,000 years each(a total of 6,000 years) plus a Millennium of 1,000 years rest(now a total of 7,000 years).

    According biblical Chronology, starting by Genesis 5:

    Adam lived .......................130 yrs and begat Seth

    Seth lived --------------------105 yrsand begatEnosh;

    Enosh lived ........................90yrsand begatKenan;

    Kenanlived..........................70yrsand begatMahalalel;

    Mahalalellived .....................65yrsand begatJared;

    Jaredlived ..........................162yrs and begatEnoch;

    Enochlived ...........................65yrsand begatMethuselah;

    Methuselahlived......................187yrsand begatLamech;

    Lamechlived............................182yrsand begatNoah;

    FromNoahs birthuntilthe Flood.....600 yrs.

    Total years fromAdam tothe Flood=1656 yrs

    Notice that the table above is proved by the Word of GOD,Let us study the times until our days by the Word of GOD-the Word is GOD. See the timetable below:


    I - From Adam to the Flood-( Genesis 5)-------------1656 years

    II - From the Flood to Abraham-( Genesis 11&12)----427yrs

    III - From Abraham to Exodus-(Gal.3:17)-------------430 yrs

    IV-From Exodus to king Saul-(1Reis6:1(480-84)-----396 yrs

    V -From Saul to the fall of Jerusalem -----------------508 yrs

    VI -From the fall of Jerusalem to Jesus ---------------587 yrs

    Thus,from Adam to the 1stcoming of Jesus ---------4004yrs

    From Jesus to our days(Christian Calendar)----------2023yrs

    Total from Adam to our days --------------------------6027yrs

    So,we are living in the beginning of the seventh and last millennium, or the turn from the sixth to the seventh and last Day.

    Get ready
  • GiGi - In Reply - 11 months ago
    I do understand that God set out the day for the new year in Exodus 12:2.

    It seems that the Jewish calendar eventually became a solar-lunar one with the knowledge of a true orbit of the earth to be 365 days and some part of a day-about 1/4th. The Jewish nation from the exile in Babylon began to use the Babylonian calendar. Julius Caesar began the Roman calendar in 45 B.C. both of these calendars left many days unaccounted for and a need to add months at intervals. The Julian Calendar was revised to a 364 day year, but then this left open one day and 1/4 each year to be made up. The Gregorian calendar was eventually introduced with a 365 day year with a day added to February every 4th year if this day year could be divided by 400.

    The Gregorian calendar became the international calendar eventually although some people groups still kept their own particular calendars such as the Jews, Chinese, Persians, Hindu, etc.

    Genesis 1:14 says that God put the sun, moon, and stars to give light to the earth and to be used for signs, for seasons, for days, and years. So for me, in the beginning, God declared that all these celestial objects were to be used in creating a calendar that aligns with the equinoxes of the seasons. When science was able to calculate the orbit of the earth more accurately a more accurate calendar year could be set forth. The Gregorian calendar requires only the addition of one day every 4 years instead of weeks and months at the end of the year as the Jewish calendar does.

    I find nothing evil or wrong about using a calendar system that most accurately accounts for the days in a year most closely. The Gregorian calendar is such a calendar and keeps the equinoxes in stable positions in the year more than any other calendar used today. It is not perfect, but it works better than any other calendar at this time;

  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hi Jema, I forgot to say, concerning the day and hour of Christ's return, that some have said that it should read, no one will "make known" except God the Father. Other beings,such as the angels, could know, right now, the day and hour. But God the Father will " make known."

    Food for thought.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Shabbat Keeper" and all

    In fact, concerning the day of Christ's return, even our Lord JESUS said no man know, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But GOD the Father has given an important and wanderful clue for us to discern not the day, but the moment of this wonderful, ineffable, unspeakable, event of Crist's return, through the prophet Daniel.

    Daniel 12:5-7 and 11-12 say:

    5 I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.

    6And one said to the man clothed in linen,which was upon the waters of the river,How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?

    7And I heard the man clothed in linen,which was upon the waters of the river,when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven,and sware by Him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time,times,and and HALF;and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

    11And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away,and the abomination that maketh desolate set up( Matthew 24:15-25.Take a look),there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.(1260 days of the 2nd half of the last week,week 70th, Daniel 9:27,plus a gap of 30 days).But what does the Word of GOD say and rfeveal unto us?It's in Daniel 12:12:

    12Blessed is he that waiteth,and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.Yeah, day 1335, the wonderful, ineffable, unspeakable day, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to know now when will it be in the calendar, except to GOD the Father who is in control of History, and as said JESUS unto His disciples: "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own Power. Note that there will be also a gap of 45 days after 1290 days, then the wonderful, ineffable, unspeakable day 1335 arrives.Then the current world of Devil finish in LITERAL fulfilment of Re.11:15-18.

    Get ready
  • Rainwalker - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hello, one thing to note is that according to Dan. ch 7 we learn that the "prophetic" timeline consist of each day representing a literal year. 360 day Jewish year actually. As the 70 weeks allows us to understand. It was of course 490 "years"until the Messiah was revealed. These "time prophecies" are actually consistent on this.
  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hi Jema,

    One last comment on time:

    Jesus said nobody knows the day or hour of his return , but only the father in heaven.

    Here is the thing, in those ancient days, it was the father that had the privilege of announcing the wedding!

    So , perhaps Jesus is simply saying that no angel, nor he himself will announce his wedding to the bride ( us, the church). It is the privilege of God our Father!

    It is very exciting. Jesus must know the day and hour because he is God. But, he is waiting for the announcement.
  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hi Jema,

    Have you ever heard the notion that the sun and moon are like our clock? The sun is the minute hand and the moon is the hour hand.

    Also, interesting that the term "in the fullness of time", throughout the Bible indicates that God has his eye on our clock.

    Very interesting stuff.
  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hi Jema, I believe the month's number of days was based on the sighting of the new moon. I would have to read up on it again. I have forgotten.

    The thing is that the Pope changed our calendar from sighting the new moon to whatever it is now.

    The new year always began in the spring with Passover. Secular Israel now has the head of the year at Yom Teruah, the feast of trumpets.

    Really it's all messed up. The feasts had symbolic meaning. The different feasts were important as object lessons. And the foreshadowing of future events.

    It's another huge, huge topic. Super interesting though.

  • Adam - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hello sir, you asked a lot of questions here, so I will focus on your first one and your conclusion of "who can know for sure". I assume you believe there's an absolute truth and believe the Bible is true. The words written in the Bible are true. We do have a truth discernment problem in our society today, especially. Much of the news are lies. Some prefer the lies, because truth is inconvenient. I don't know why this subject has any uproar. I think 99.9% of people believe the earth is a globe, because it is.

    The flat earth theory is an easy one to debunk, because of (1) scripture, and (2) God-given logic.

    1. Bible calls the earth a circle. It didn't say it was a pancake or a snow half-globe. God never warned us not to go some places on the earth for fear of falling off?

    2. God-given logic. I've never met someone who believes in a flat earth who has travelled the world. If you fly the same direction you end up back where you started and you started. People have sailed around the world. Ships and planes do this regularly. Seasons: seasons in northern hemisphere are opposite as southern hemisphere. Day/night are also different, consistent with rotation of globe towards sun. Obviously these things prove the earth is a globe, but if someone still isn't convinced, all you have to do is measure shadows. If earth was flat all shadows would be consistent throughout the world. All you have to do is facetime or do a zoom meeting with someone in different parts of the earth and measure shadows while you talk to them. At noon your shadow is different than at dusk and at night, obviously.

    It's also odd how we can look at moon, sun, stars, and planets in space and they're all obviously spherical, but yet assume earth isn't also spherical. Tons of video photos.

    So we already know the truth, but you're asking how can we know for sure as if the truth isn't already known. Praying to know the truth is a good idea in addition to using what God has already provided us. God bless.
  • Shabbat Keeper - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hi Adam,

    Yes, I agree with you that there will be deception in the last days. It behooves us to question absolutely EVERYTHING.

    I feel too tired to write more. If you are inclined then look up flat earth, Eric Dubay on youtube and also David Weiss DITRH. David Weiss ( Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole) also has a website. This flat earth subject is HUGE and both of these people have answers to difficult questions. Also, they address all those points concerning traveling around the "globe", shadows, seasons, etc. For the record, I think the flat earth concept proves God. I think the Bible is a flat earth book. Let us all parse out the truth for ourselves.

    "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when EVERYTHING the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981) Emphasis mine.
  • Adam - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Thanks, but I don't need to listen to someone's conspiracy theory when I already know the truth that the earth is round. God says in the Bible it's a circle, and I use God-given logic to know the truth. I shared 2 ways to quickly know the truth about the earth, but I know you ignore it. If believing in a flat earth was part of my identity, I guess I'd be too embarrassed to do that simple test too, knowing that it might debunk the belief. The one thing I agree with you on is to question everything. God bless.

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