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  • David Petrush on 1 Timothy 5:8 - 9 years ago
    Reply to Kristyn Evans: Kristyn, I don 't know if what i am writing here is still relevant to your situation, for the fact that your comment was written in 2013 and now it is 2015. But still I will write. Remember what THE LORD says concerning marriage, "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore GOD has joined together, let no man split apart. " So you and your husband are now one single flesh. Let us compare that to a single unmarried person. An unmarried person is one flesh with themselves, therefore if they have a problem they cannot simply divorce it, but they must work it out, sacrifice, and and do whatever good thing needs to be done to fix it in their single body. Therefore compared to a married couple, their singular emotions and perspectives, and thoughts are no longer preserved to their singular mind and heart only, but also to their spouse 's for they are now one flesh . Then the same as the single unmarried person worked out the problem in their single body, the married must in one body and mind, through GOD, work out whatever problem they are having. Not cast it aside in divorcement, save for the cause of fornication.

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