"Mentioned in Scripture only in Joel 3:2, 12. This is the name" given in modern times to the valley between Jerusalem and the "Mount of Olives, and the Kidron flows through it. Here" Jehoshaphat overthrew the confederated enemies of Israel (Ps. 83:6-8); and in this valley also God was to overthrow the "Tyrians, Zidonians, etc. (Joel 3:4, 19), with an utter" overthrow. This has been fulfilled; but Joel speaks of the final "conflict, when God would destroy all Jerusalem's enemies, of" "whom Tyre and Zidon, etc., were types. The "valley of" "Jehoshaphat" may therefore be simply regarded as a general term" for the theatre of God's final judgments on the enemies of Israel. "This valley has from ancient times been used by the Jews as a burial-ground. It is all over paved with flat stones as "tombstones, bearing on them Hebrew inscriptions."