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John Chapter 6 Discussion Page 9

John Chapter 6 Discussion Page 9

  • Bill on John 6:67 - 10 years ago
    Many fall away, but to whom can we go? You Lord Jesus, you have all that we need, and we need it. Your words of assurance of Gods love and care. Your guidance thru the storms. You are the ONE, we need you Lord, to whom can we go? You are the only ONE.
  • John on John 6:53 - 10 years ago
    I think of John Book 1 where we read that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, that of the only begotten of the father full of Truth and grace, so here we must eat this flesh, or fully believe in the Word which is God, and drink His blood, the blood that is the light that lighteth every man that comes into the world. The light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not. The blood of god is that light, we bring these words together in a deep place in ourselves Jesus inhabits these mysterious connections, no to abandon them, as more and more they reveal his love meant for us.
  • Garrett bock on John 6:49 - 10 years ago
    Jesus the word of God became flesh declared, I am the bread of life. If you eat my flesh word of God logas drink my blood revelation given by the Holy Spirit rhema. Then..you will know me,see the Father have eternal life. The leter killeth but the Spirit giveth life. The life of the flesh is in the blood. leviticus .Both are required to dwell in Him. The letter only creates religion. Jn 6 66 delclares those who won 't submit to this instruction will eventually walk with him no more.
  • Sam on John 6:63 - 10 years ago
    Daily consumption of the word of GOD to stupor, brings a supernatural regeneration from the adamic spirit of sin which profits nothing to that spirit which raised Jesus Christ from the dead which now profits something i.e. "life in abundance " . Glory be to God!!
  • Bro Jared on John 6 - 10 years ago
    More people followed Jesus for the provision and miracles then they did out of a believing heart. And when there bellies were full and He starts preaching they leave and He 's left with His faithful twelve. He is the Father manifested in the flesh, so when He speaks of His Father He is speaking if the Spirit that dwelt in the Son flesh . Read Colossians 2 7 11 the Godhead is in Him.
  • Mary Harris on John 6:35 - 10 years ago
    This statement to me means that whatever your problems or situation is Jesus is there for you if you believe. Jesus never leave us it is the other way around, we forget him. He is there all the time today and forever.
  • LOVEMYKIDS on John 6 - 10 years ago
    ETHEL WARE COMMENTS JOHN6 27 Jesus was not applying man should not work for food, but rather seek the kingdom, by receiving Him and the words that He was teaching of His farther, and by receiving the son massage, you will have everlasting life , and just like God raised Jesus from the dead Jesus will raise you from the dead.
  • D.GRAY on John 6 - 10 years ago
    D.Gray note that JESUS CHRIST had twelve disciples but one was a devil.theres always one but they were all called by GOD to do a work.every body has a calling on there life but the thing is well you ANSWER your calling when it comes even if you have to give up money house land s and jobs by answering GOD S call on your life.will you do it or not this may take place after you answer the call of JESUS CHRIST ON YOUR LIFE.IF SO YOU ARE BLESSED BIG TIME KEEP GOING BECOUSE THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS YOURS.note that you must be born fo water and spirit to inter the KINGDOM OF CHRIST some time you have to give it up to get it back. NOTE THAT WHEN YOUR CALLING COMES BY THE HOLY SPIRIT SAY YES LORD.BECOUSE YOUR NUMBER WILL COME UP LOVE YOU ALL PEACE.
  • Darlene on John 6:63 - 10 years ago
    New study student please continue your comments it helps so much in understanding God s Word
  • Mark on John 6:63 - 10 years ago
    We are told what the SPIRIT is I don t see the problem it is plain from Jesus the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life So words live and the spirit in his WORDS are truth John 4 24 John 8 43 Why do you not understand my speech even because ye cannot hear my word
  • D.Gorecke on John 6:53 - 11 years ago
    Protestants do not have this kind of teaching they are thinking worldly flesh There is nothing unclean about the Lord s flesh and blood because He is God For my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed Remember He is pure undefiled He is God in the flesh When our Lord says Verily Verily he is saying Truly Truly Believing in Him is believing in His word Every spoken word This is Faith belief in this Holy Communion is the true test of a christian believer God will ask you what you thought of His son and did you take Him at His word will your answer be All but John chapter 6 it was too much I thought he meant spiritually Thou in me and I in thee Union with the Spirit alive in you Physcially literally spiritually figuratively on this our Lord is very specific and stresses over and over again that UNless you eat gnaw in the Hebrew the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood remember WHO HE IS GOD then you have NO LIFE in you Remember He s alive The True Bread of Life Manna from Heaven Spotless Lamb Undefiled Uncorrupted untouched by the flesh world He is our Holy God come down from Heaven to give us eternal Life in Heaven Don t break His heart again by thinking anything about God as impure This is your faith test HE TRULY TRULY IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS
  • D.Gorecke on John 6:53 - 11 years ago
    Jesus said that the flesh profiteth nothing because some of His disciples were thinking of this world fleshly thoughts re His body and blood But Jesus as God the Son who would soon ascend up to God the Father and be glorified was trying to still convince some of the disgusted disbelieving disciiples who He was He went on to say that it is the Spirit that quickeneth makes alive He is speaking of the Holy Spirit He further clarifies that the words that He speaks ARE SPIRIT and THEY ARE LIFE Those words again are This is MY Body and This is MY BLOOD Believing in the faith that is in Jesus Christ and who He says He is God the Son those spoken words over the bread and wine by faith truly become what Jesus the Son of God said that they are This is Faith believing in the spoken words of Christ Every word
  • Drew Laudie on John 6:68 - 11 years ago
    The meaning of Thou hast the words of eternal life is when The Savior appears to you and tells you that you now have eternal life see 2nd Peter 1 10
  • ALEX .O.Ejiro on John 6:66 - 11 years ago
    Initially they could not underscore the words of christ in its real fashion this is hard saying who can hear them they were not new born babies that desire the sincere milk of the world But they among those that follow christ from the feeding with the five loaves To me their God is their belly they thus stumble at the stumbling block and went back to the things they left behind Nevertheless he destroy them not because of his holy covenant which he made with his faithful abraham
  • Jennifer on John 6 - 11 years ago
    This passage clearly shows the true heart of Men most people seek Christ only in time of need and for what they can get from him Verse26 Jesus answered them ye seek not because ye saw miracle but because ye eat the bread and was filled he went further to advice them not seek for earthly satisfaction but rather the kingdom of God There was so much doubt and fear in them because they see his teachings as that which is against their law but behold Christ read their mind What I can say is that one should follow Christ with all his heart let one not seek for him only in time of need but to live by his words he already knows our need and his always there for us
  • Mockingbird on John 6:35 - 11 years ago
    I believe that this verse says a lot: To me; the things that the world has to offer leaves you wanting more and more; therefore more thirsty and hungry(in spirit ,soul, and, body). When we come to Jesus and allow Him to fill that hunger and thirst with what He has: I will not hunger and thirst for that which does not meet what I thought would fill my hunger and thirst from what the world and/or the devil has to offer. The devil:death. Jesus Life ,Peace, Love, Security.
  • Napiliko on John 6:63 - 11 years ago
    The Holy Eucharist is the food for our souls which gives it life. Our Lord Jesus explains it like crystal clear water, but sadly so many of us cannot grasp its true meaning. Glory and Praise to Almighty God.....forever. Amen.
  • Adepoju Clara on John 6 - 11 years ago
    Studying the word of God and taking the Holy Communion is a prove of eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Jesus.As we do this often,we will hav the strength,nature and live the life He lived while He was on earth.
  • Bielie on John 6:44 - 11 years ago
    This is the great chain of salvation:

    Only one who is drawn by the Father can come to the Son. He who is drawn by the Father is saved by the Son.(raised up on the last day.)It is clear from the verse that this raising on the last day is unconditional, therefore infallible.

    This verse is the absolute refutation of Arminianism, but note how the Arminians handle this verse:
    --Westley simply ignores the second part of the verse, "and I will raise him up on the last day."
    --The same with the "People's Bible." The Peoples Bible goes further and adds words to the Bible: "If our will consents."

    Adding to the text what isn't there is a grave sin. Beware!

    Arminians should find it unsettling that Jesus is a Calvinist...
  • Odaba Michael on John 6:26 - 11 years ago
    Many times we tend to seek for Jesus only for fringe benefits not for what He is or what He has come for. This is why Jesus rebuked them for their wrong motive. But seek ye first the kingdom of God,and his righteousness,and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33. Many only remember God when they are need, once the need is solved no more God or prayer. Seek God for your soul to be saved first, then other things come next.
  • William on John 6 - 11 years ago
    Chapter 6 is full of miracles. Walking on water, multiplication of loaves and His flesh for us to eat. Hard to believe because many walked with him no more. John 6:66 Its interesting that he also wrote Rev 13:18 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." (666)
  • Bud on John 6:51 - 11 years ago
    Jesus was clearly preparing Himself and His
    followers for the conclusion of His mission on earth.. Prophecy foretold exactly his purpose.
    He came to earth fully man yet fully God showed us how we should live and love.

    He was the perfection that we could never be.
    So He who was perfect willingly died for we who are imperfect.

    Less we forget the agony and cruelty of His suffering for us.

    Jesus said: take eat for this is my body which is broken for you and likewise He took the cup and said drink you all of this for this is my blood of the new covenant which is poured out for you and as often as you do this do so in rememberance of me.

    Thank you Jesus
  • Angel on John 6:54 - 11 years ago
    We are to observe the Lord's supper in that we continually ingest Christ into our lives and being. We are to allow Him to take over our lives by surrendering all to Him and allowing Him to work through us. We are the vessels but He is the one controlling and using the vessel for His purpose so that we show forth Him to others. Others see Him and not us even to the point that a stranger can walk up to us and say, "You are a Christian aren't you"? We should show forth that much difference that our very appearance shines Christ to others w/o a word spoken. We must decrease and He must increase. We have to empty ourselves of us and allow the Holy Spirit to fill us for the glory of God.
  • Evonne on John 6:63 - 11 years ago
    John's words move us, allow our hearts to grow closer to God, as they were given to him through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • _Rosalina_Sayson_Ko_Tapay_ on John 6 - 11 years ago

    These were all meant by Our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 26:27-28 and Mark 14:22-24 based on the meaning of the BREAD and BLOOD in John 6:35:
    "TAKE" this "COMING TO ME AND YOU SHALL NEVER HUNGER"... "DRINK" this "BELIEVING ON ME AND YOU SHALL NEVER THIRST"... now, the breaking of bread and the drinking in a cup in Luke 22:19-20 are for "REMEMBRANCE" of those He said.

    SINCE: ALL THOSE who "HEARD" (the teaching of the GOSPEL) and were "BAPTIZED" (in the NAME of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost) in "ALL NATIONS" are now "SCATTERED" all over the world, THEREFORE: the only way to determine IF THE SPIRIT of the PASTOR or TEACHER or MINISTER is OF GOD, He MUST be among those who "OBSERVE all things WHATSOEVER" that Jesus Commanded. IF HE PREACH AND BAPTIZE the SAME way as, THEN: HE IS AMONG THE "SENT" to "PREACH" the "GOSPEL of the KINGDOM of HEAVEN".......OTHERWISE: ANOTHER SPIRIT HAS SENT HIM TO PREACH ANOTHER KINGDOM as it is written in 1- John 4:1, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world".
  • Ock on John 6 - 11 years ago

    I assume you are referring to the Last Supper ? Lets read what those present had to say about what Jesus said at the Last Supper.....

    I agree with you Rosalina that the bread and wine are symbolic for you in that, your church and minister have no Apostalic Authority (alredy discussed )and cannot perform Consecration. So yes, for you it would only be a symbol.
  • _Rosalina_Sayson_Ko_Tapay_ on John 6 - 11 years ago

    The summary of all I discussed here is that, JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD "VIVIDLY" EXPLAINED ALL THE "SPIRITUAL" meaning of the "material": breaking of bread and drinking in a cup and also of the flesh and blood.
  • _Rosalina_Sayson_Ko_Tapay_ on John 6 - 11 years ago

    "Breaking of bread and drinking" by Apostles and Disciples is ANOTHER topic from the one which I discussed from John 6 regarding the "spiritual bread and drink", which is, "to come to him and to believe on him" that was represented by the "material flesh and blood" of our Lord Jesus Christ.. The PURPOSE of the "breaking" of the unleavened bread as HE said was for "IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME" and the PURPOSE of "to drink" in a "CUP" also as HE said was for in remembrance of the "NEW TESTAMENT IN MY BLOOD" ( Luke 22:19-2). SINCE: the BREAD is "TO COME TO ME AND YOU SHALL NEVER HUNGER" and the BLOOD is "TO BELIEVE ON ME AND YOU SHALL NEVER THIRST" ( John 6:35) THEREFORE: What HE meant to say was, [Do the breaking of bread in remembrance of that "YOU WHO CAME TO ME, SHALL NEVER HUNGER"] and likewise [Do the drinking in a cup in remembrance of the new testament that "YOU WHO BELIEVED ON ME, SHALL NEVER THIRST"]
  • Ock on John 6 - 11 years ago

    St. Paul explained clearly what "breaking bread" meant. 1 Cor 10:16 "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a participation in the Blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a participation in the Body of Christ?" St. Paul continued, 1 Cor 11:27 "Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the Body and Blood of the Lord." St. Paul in these words confirmed Catholic teaching that the "bread … of the Lord" is truly Christ's Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, and that the "cup of the Lord" is the same substance: "Whoever … eats the bread or drinks the cup … will be guilty of profaning the Body and Blood of the Lord."
  • _Rosalina_Sayson_Ko_Tapay_ on John 6 - 11 years ago

    Those who "walked away" THOUGHT of the "LITERAL" FLESH AND BLOOD of Jesus which they cannot accept to eat and drink. BUT the "disciples and apostles" did not walk away because they fully understood that Jesus was talking about HIS "SPIRITUAL FLESH AND BLOOD" and that was to "COME to HIM" and to "BELIEVE on HIM".

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