(14) With the family.--By (near) the house. The preposition is wanting in Samuel, according to older usage.
In his house.--In its own house (shrine). Instead of this, Samuel has "the Gittite," and for the concluding words, "And the Lord blessed Obed-edom, and all his house." (Comp. 2 Samuel 6:12.) As to the nature of the blessing, see 1 Chronicles 26:4-8; and comp. Psalms 125
13:6-14 Let the sin of Uzza warn all to take heed of presumption, rashness, and irreverence, in dealing with holy things; and let none think that a good design will justify a bad action. Let the punishment of Uzza teach us not to dare to trifle with God in our approaches to him; yet let us, through Christ, come boldly to the throne of grace. If the gospel be to some a savour of death unto death, as the ark was to Uzza, yet let us receive it in the love of it, and it will be to us a savour of life unto life.
So David gathered all Israel together,.... The principal of them, even 30,000 select men, 2 Samuel 6:1.
from Shihor of Egypt; or the Nile of Egypt, as the Targum and other Jewish writers, called Shihor from the blackness of its water, see Jeremiah 2:18 though some think the river Rhinocurura is meant, which both lay to the south of the land of Israel:
even unto the entering of Hamath; which the Targum interprets of Antiochia, which lay to the north of the land; so that this collection of the people was made from south to north, the extreme borders of the land:
In his house.--In its own house (shrine). Instead of this, Samuel has "the Gittite," and for the concluding words, "And the Lord blessed Obed-edom, and all his house." (Comp. 2 Samuel 6:12.) As to the nature of the blessing, see 1 Chronicles 26:4-8; and comp. Psalms 125
from Shihor of Egypt; or the Nile of Egypt, as the Targum and other Jewish writers, called Shihor from the blackness of its water, see Jeremiah 2:18 though some think the river Rhinocurura is meant, which both lay to the south of the land of Israel:
even unto the entering of Hamath; which the Targum interprets of Antiochia, which lay to the north of the land; so that this collection of the people was made from south to north, the extreme borders of the land:
to bring the ark of God from Kirjathjearim; where it then was, and had been a long time, see 1 Samuel 7:1, from hence to the end of the chapter the account is the same with 2 Samuel 6:1, see the notes there; what little variations there are, are there observed. See Gill on 2 Samuel 6:1, 2 Samuel 6:2, 2 Samuel 6:3, 2 Samuel 6:4, 2 Samuel 6:5, 2 Samuel 6:6, 2 Samuel 6:7, 2 Samuel 6:8, 2 Samuel 6:9, 2 Samuel 6:10, 2 Samuel 6:11