King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

Q: Spelling: Does the 1611 King James Bible have spelling errors?
A: Text which contemporary English readers sometimes assume are spelling errors are not spelling errors, but the English language from a different time period. The 1611 King James Bible was written in 1611 A.D. when the English language was noticeably different and had more Latin influence. It is considered archaic compared to the English spoken today. English speakers in the 1600s may likewise have had a challenge understanding today's English. The King James Bible had a significant revision in 1769 which modernized the language.
The 1611 English wording reveals its influence from Latin. The I's in 1611 later become J's; for example, Jesus was originally spelled Iesus. V's and U's were also exchanged as the language developed. Learn more about the English Spelling of the King James Bible.
Q: Where can I buy the original 1611 King James Version?
A: Beware of Bibles that claim to be the 1611 KJV, as some are 1900s KJVs. If you want the original 1611 King James Bible the language is noticeably different than today's English. This 1611 KJV on Amazon has the original 1611 text in an easier-to-read Roman typeface. The original typeface was Gothic, like this.
Q: Can You Ship a Free Bible to me?
A: We do not have physical Bibles available at this time, but would suggest for affordable KJV Bibles. We have free digital Bibles for smart phones, tablets, desktops. This website KJV Bible is always free to read the Bible on along with the mobile version. If you are looking for an inexpensive physical KJV Bible for less, thrift stores, such as Goodwill, often have them for less than $1. You may also buy a KJV Bible at in the USA at Dollar Tree for $1, although the text size is very small. If any of the above options are cost prohibitive, you may consider borrowing a KJV Bible from a local library, church, or friend. There are also some organizations which sometimes offer free Bibles to those in legitimate need.
Q: Can I quote the King James Bible?
A: Yes, if you live in the United States or most countries outside of the United Kingdom, you may freely quote the King James Bible (KJV). If you live within the United Kingdom and are wanting to quote the KJV, you may likely do so with no fee if your quote meets certain requirements. Rights to the King James Bible in the United Kingdom are vested in the Crown and administered by Cambridge University Press, the Crown's patentee.
Q: How can I cite the King James Bible for a book or school paper?
A: For use within the body of your document, simply put the chapter and verse in parenthesis after each sentence, like this (John 3:16), or may include reference to the King James Version (KJV) like this (John 3:16 KJV). For a works cited or reference section of a paper, you may use this MLA citation format:
The Holy Bible, King James Version. Cambridge Edition: 1769; King James Bible Online, 2025.
See Wikipedia for more citation info.
Q: May I use your website content for personal or commercial use?
A: You may quote and use scripture text from the King James Version.
All other content, including but not limited to, other Bible translations, images, comments, trivia questions and answers, postings, and its arrangement is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and may not be copied or reproduced without express written permission.
Q: May I link to this website?
A: Yes, you may link to this website with no further permission required. Click for more information on linking to this website.
Q: What do the words in italics or [brackets] mean?
A: These are words the translators added from
Hebrew and Greek to make the English complete. It is also seen in italics in some Bibles.
Genesis 1:10
And God called the dry [land] Earth; and the gathering together of
the waters called he Seas: and God saw that [it was] good.
Proverbs 30:11
[There is] a generation [that] curseth their father, and doth not bless
their mother.
Romans 6:5
For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall
be also [in the likeness] of [his] resurrection:
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Q: Why do people read the King James Version?
A: The King James Version is a widely trusted English version of the Bible. The process of the translation was done with meticulous attention to detail in its accuracy from converting the original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. Learn more facts about the King James Bible or learn why people read the King James Version.