1 Chronicles 13:4 MEANING

1 Chronicles 13:4
(4) All the assembly said, So should we do (comp. for the construction 1 Chronicles 5:5; 1 Chronicles 9:25). The thing, the proposal.

13:1-5 David said not, What magnificent thing shall I do now? or, What pleasant thing? but, What pious thing? that he might have the comfort and benefit of that sacred oracle. Let us bring the ark to us, that it may be a blessing to us. Those who honour God, profit themselves. It is the wisdom of those setting out in the world, to take God's ark with them. Those are likely to go on in the favour of God, who begin in the fear of God.And all the congregation said that they would do so,.... They unanimously agreed to the motion:

for the thing was right in the eyes of all the people; they saw the propriety, necessity, and usefulness of it.

Courtesy of Open Bible