1 Chronicles 14:17 MEANING

1 Chronicles 14:17
(17) This verse is not in Samuel. It looks like a concluding reflection of the chronicler's, similar to 2 Chronicles 17:10; 2 Chronicles 20:29.

The fame of David went out.--David's name. The same phrase recurs in 2 Chronicles 26:15.

All lands.--All the lands. (Comp. Psalm 19:4.)

And the Lord brought the fear of him upon all nations.--Yet this fear was, as we should say, the natural effect of his victories. In the view of the chronicler, David's success in arms, with all its consequences, was the work of Jehovah. The Hebrew phrase is similar to that in Esther 8:17.

14:1-17 David's victories. - In this chapter we have an account of, 1. David's kingdom established. 2. His family built up. 3. His enemies defeated. This is repeated from 2Sa 5. Let the fame of David be looked upon as a type and figure of the exalted honour of the Son of David.See Chapter Introduction
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