1 Chronicles 19:4 MEANING

1 Chronicles 19:4
(4) Shaved them--i.e., the half of their beards (Samuel).

Hard by their buttocks.--Literally, unto the extremities. The chronicler has substituted a more decorous term for the one which appears in Samuel.

Cut off their garments.--To look like captives (Isaiah 20:4).

Verse 4. - The classical scholar will not fail to be reminded, so far as the shaving here spoken of is concerned, of the account contained in Herodotus, 2:121. The parallel place makes the resemblance close, in that it tells us that "one-half of their beards" was shaved. To shave them was an affront to their customs, dignity, and religion: to shave them half added mockery; and to cut off half their garments completed the tale of ignominious and contemptuous insult (Isaiah 20:4). The beard was held almost in reverence by Easterns.

19:1-19 David's wars. - The history is here repeated which we read 2Sa 10. The only safety of sinners consists in submitting to the Lord, seeking peace with him, and becoming his servants. Let us assist each other in a good cause; but let us fear lest, while made instruments of good to others, we should come short of salvation, through unbelief and sin.See Chapter Introduction
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