1 Chronicles 2:10 MEANING

1 Chronicles 2:10
I.--(10-17) The descent of David from Amminadab, of the house of Ram. The royal line naturally takes precedence of the other two. Ruth 4:18-22 gives this line from Pharez to David. (Compare the genealogies of Christ, Matthew 1 and Luke 3) Nahshon is called chief of Judah in Num. ii 3 (comp. 1 Chronicles 1:7; 1 Chronicles 7:12), at the time of the Exodus.

(11) Salma.--So in Ruth 4:20; but in 1 Chronicles 2:21, Matthew 1:4, and Luke 3:32, Salmon.

(13-17) The family of Jesse (Heb., Yishai in 1 Chronicles 2:12, but 'Ishai in 1 Chronicles 2:13).

Seven sons are here named. 1 Samuel 17:12-13 states that Jesse had eight sons; and from 1 Samuel 16:6-10 (Heb.) it appears that he had that number. In both passages, Eliab, Abinadab, and Shimma (Heb., Shim'a, here and at 1 Chronicles 20:7) occur, the last under the form Shammah. He is called Shimei (2 Samuel 21:21); but Shimeah == Shim'ah (2 Samuel 13:3; 2 Samuel 13:32); and this appears to have been his real name.

(14, 15) Nethaneel . . . Raddai . . . Ozem.--Not named elsewhere in the Scriptures. The son of Jesse, omitted in our present Heb. text, is called Elihu in the Syriac version, which makes him seventh and David the eighth. The name Elihu occurs in 1 Chronicles 27:18 for Eliab.

(16) Whose sisters were Zeruiah, and Abigail.--Literally, And their sisters, &c. If the reading in 2 Samuel 17:25 be correct, these two women were daughters of Nahash, who must therefore have been a wife of Jesse. Abigail (there called Abigal) was mother of the warrior Amasa, who became Absalom's general (2 Samuel 19:13), and was afterwards assassinated by Joab (2 Samuel 20:10).

Abishai.--Abshai, here and elsewhere in the chronicle.

Joab, the famous commander-in-chief of David's forces (see 1 Chronicles 11:6-8); and for Joab and Abishai, who, like Asahel, was one of David's heroes (1 Chronicles 11:20; 1 Chronicles 11:26), comp. 1 Chronicles 18:12; 1 Chronicles 18:15; 1 Chronicles 19:10 seq., 1 Chronicles 21:2 et seq., 1 Chronicles 27:24. David's champions were thus his immediate kin, just as Abner was to Saul.

(17) Jether the Ishmeelite.--Incorrectly called "Ithra an Israelite" in 2 Samuel 17:25. The later abhorrence of alien marriages seems to have been unknown in the age of David. The name of Zeruiah's husband is unknown.

II.--The Calebite stock (1 Chronicles 2:18-24).

Verses 10-15. - (B) Ram (the Aram of the Septuagint and of Matthew 1:3; Luke 3:33) is taken first in order, at once to push on the lineage of Judah to the great landmark DAVID, who is reached at the seventh generation from Ram (Ruth 4:19-22; Matthew 1:3-5; Luke 3:31-33), his name being ranked last of seven brothers only, sons of Jesse.

2:1-55 Genealogies. - We are now come to the register of the children of Israel, that distinguished people, who were to dwell alone, and not be reckoned among the nations. But now, in Christ, all are welcome to his salvation who come to him; all have equal privileges according to their faith in him, their love and devotedness to him. All that is truly valuable consists in the favour, peace, and image of God, and a life spent to his glory, in promoting the welfare of our fellow-creatures.And Ram begat Amminadab,.... Ram is the same with Aram, Matthew 1:3 the genealogy is carried down from him to Jesse in the same order as there, and in Ruth 4:19 only here Nahshon the son of Amminadab is called

the prince of the children of Judah; which Kimchi and Jarchi say is written for the honour of David, who descended from him; and Salmon his son is here called Salma.

Courtesy of Open Bible