1 Chronicles 2:7 MEANING

1 Chronicles 2:7
(7) The sons of Carmi.--See Note on 1 Chronicles 1:41.

Achar, the troubler of Israel.--See Joshua 7:1, where the man is called "Achan, son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah." The family of Carmi, therefore, were Zarhites. Joshua 7:24 calls him "Achan, the son of Zerah," an expression which shows, if other proof were wanting, that we must be cautious of interpreting such phrases literally in all instances.

Achar . . . troubler of Israel.--There is a play on the man's name in the Hebrew, which is, "Achar 'ocher Yisrael." So in Joshua 7:25 Joshua asks, "Why hast thou troubled us?" ('achartanu), and in 1 Chronicles 2:26 the place of Achar's doom is called "the valley of Achor" (trouble). Probably Achan is an old error for Achar.

Verse 7. - We have then so far seven grandsons to Judah, when a new name, unmentioned before, is introduced - Carmi. He is neither described as one of the seven grandsons nor as descended from any one of them, but unenviably enough is marked as the father of Achar - later form of Achau - the troubler of Israel. Joshua 7:1-18 supplies the missing link, and states that Carmi is son of Zimri (Zabdi), one of the aforesaid seven grandsons. By the punishment of death, visited upon this Achar, with his sons and daughters (Joshua 7:24, 25), it may be presumed that the line of Judah through him became extinct.

2:1-55 Genealogies. - We are now come to the register of the children of Israel, that distinguished people, who were to dwell alone, and not be reckoned among the nations. But now, in Christ, all are welcome to his salvation who come to him; all have equal privileges according to their faith in him, their love and devotedness to him. All that is truly valuable consists in the favour, peace, and image of God, and a life spent to his glory, in promoting the welfare of our fellow-creatures.And the sons of Carmi,.... The Targum adds, this is Zimri; but in Joshua 7:1 Carmi is said to be the son of Zabdi, who seems to be the same with Zimri; and some supply the word here, and read (o) the sons of Zimri, Carmi, Achar, who was the grandson of Zimri; his proper name was Achan, Joshua 7:1, but called Achar here by way of reproach, as Jarchi and others observe; being, as it follows:

the troubler of Israel, as Achar signifies: "who transgressed in the thing accursed"; devoted to the Lord, by taking it away for his own use, see Joshua 6:17, hence the valley in which he was put to death was called Achor, Joshua 6:26.

(o) So Junius & Tremellius, & Piscator.

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