1 Chronicles 2:9 MEANING

1 Chronicles 2:9
(9-41) The Hezronites, who were sons of Pharez (1 Chronicles 2:5), and their three lines of descent, Jerahmeel, Ram, and Chelubai.

(9) Jerahmeel.--Godpitieth.

Ram.--Called Aram in our Lord's genealogy (Matthew 1) The two names are synonyms, both meaning high, and are used interchangeably in Job 32:2 (Ram) and Genesis 22:21 (Aram).

Chelubai.--Strictly, the Chelubite or Calebite, a gentilic term formed from Caleb (1 Chronicles 2:18). This seems to show that we are concerned here not so much with individual sons of Hezron as with families or clans of Hezronites.

Verse 9.-3. THE LINE OF JUDAH PURSUED THROUGH THE THREE BRANCHES OF HEZRON'S SONS. The track of genealogy then returns upon Pharez, and to the name of Hezron, the most important by far of the seven grandsons. His three sons are annou

2:1-55 Genealogies. - We are now come to the register of the children of Israel, that distinguished people, who were to dwell alone, and not be reckoned among the nations. But now, in Christ, all are welcome to his salvation who come to him; all have equal privileges according to their faith in him, their love and devotedness to him. All that is truly valuable consists in the favour, peace, and image of God, and a life spent to his glory, in promoting the welfare of our fellow-creatures.The sons also of Hezron, that were born unto him,.... The Targum adds, in Timnath; but most likely in Egypt:

Jerahmeel, and Ram, and Chelubai; afterwards called Caleb.

Courtesy of Open Bible