1 Chronicles 22:9 MEANING

1 Chronicles 22:9
(9) Shall be born.--Is about to be born (participle).

Who shall be.--He (emphatic) shall become a man of rest, opposed to "a man of war," such as was David (2 Samuel 17:8; 1 Chronicles 28:3). The phrase is further explained by what follows.

And I will give him rest from all his enemies round about--i.e., the surrounding peoples, who are his natural foes, seeing that they were brought under the yoke by his father, will acquiesce in his dominion. The same words are used, in a somewhat different sense. about David (2 Samuel 7:1); and in 1 Kings 5:4 Solomon applies them to himself. (Comp. also Proverbs 16:7.)

Solomon.--The emphatic word. (See 2 Samuel 12:24.) The Hebrew is Sh?l?m?; for which the LXX. gives S?l?m?n; Syriac, Sh?leim-n; Arabic, Suleiman (same as "Solyman the Magnificent"). The original form of the word had the final n which we see in the cognate languages. The Assyrian Shalman (in Shalmaneser) and the Moabite Salamanu seem to be identical. The Vulg. has Pacificus (peace-maker). (Comp. the Greek Irenaeeus, the German Friederich, our "Frederick," peaceful.) S?l?mon is the New Testament spelling.

It would seem that the original name of Solomon was Jedidiah (2 Samuel 12:25), but posterity, looking back with fond regret to the palmy days of his reign, remembered him only as Shelomoh, "The Peaceful." (See on 1 Chronicles 20:5.)

And I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days.--Literally, and peace and quietness will I put upon Israel, &c. His name will be a Divine augury of the character of his reign.

Quietness (sheqet).--Only here; but compare the cognate verb (Judges 5:31 : "had rest").

Verse 9. - Shall be born. This is not the necessary translation of the verb. The form נולָד does not express here future time. Solomon was already born when the word of the Lord came to David. On the other hand, we may suppose special emphasis to belong to the clause, His name shall be Solomon. The name designates the man of peace, and the clause is an announcement, probably intended to throw further into the shade the alternative name Jedidiah, which also had been divinely given (2 Samuel 12:24, 25).

22:6-16 David gives Solomon the reason why he should build the temple. Because God named him. Nothing is more powerful to engage us in any service for God, than to know that we are appointed thereto. Because he would have leisure and opportunity to do it. He should have peace and quietness. Where God gives rest, he expects work. Because God had promised to establish his kingdom. God's gracious promises should quicken and strengthen our religious service. David delivered to Solomon an account of the vast preparations he had made for this building; not from pride and vain-glory, but to encourage Solomon to engage cheerfully in the great work. He must not think, by building the temple, to purchase a dispensation to sin; on the contrary, his doing that would not be accepted, if he did not take heed to fulfil the statutes of the Lord. In our spiritual work, as well as in our spiritual warfare, we have need of courage and resolution.Behold, a son shall be born to thee,.... For this was said to David before the birth of Solomon, see 2 Samuel 7:12.

who shall be a man of rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about: and so should be at leisure for such a work, and his people enjoy great prosperity and riches, and so be capable of contributing largely and liberally to it:

for his name shall be Solomon; which signifies peace, and is one of the six persons that had their names given them before they were born, as the Jews observe (q):

and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days; and so a proper time to begin and carry on such a work; of the fulfilment of this prophecy, see 1 Kings 4:24.

(q) Pirke Eliezer, c. 32.

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