1 Chronicles 23:18 MEANING

1 Chronicles 23:18
(18) The sons of Izhar.--Second son of Kohath. The sons of Izhar made one clan, that of Shel?mith (or Shel?m?th, 1 Chronicles 24:22). The same variation occurred in the Hebrew of 1 Chronicles 23:9, above.

Verse 18. - Of the sons of Ishar. While six names in all are mentioned under Amram, only one, Shelomith, is found under his next brother, Izhar. This Shelomith (spelt Shelomoth in 1 Chronicles 24:22) is not the same with the Shelomith of 1 Chronicles 26:25, 26.

23:1-23 David, having given charge concerning the building of the temple, settles the method of the temple service, and orders the officers of it. When those of the same family were employed together, it would engage them to love and assist one another.Of the sons of Izhar,.... Another son of Kohath, the son of Levi, 1 Chronicles 23:12.

Shelomith the chief; the principal descendant of Izhar at this time.

Courtesy of Open Bible