(7) Of the Gershonites.--1 Chronicles 23:7-11 give the names of nine Gershonite houses, or guilds. David's "courses" of Levites were formed according to the natural divisions already existing: i.e., they coincided with the father-houses. They were doubtless twenty-four in number, like those of their brethren the musicians (1 Chronicles 25:31), and like the priestly classes (1 Chronicles 24:4). So states Josephus (Ant. vii. 14, 7).
Laadan, and Shimei.--See 1 Chronicles 6:2, where the two principal branches of the Gershonites are called "Libni" and Shimei. "Laadan" is hardly the same as Libni, but a branch prominent in the time of David.
Verse 7. - The heads of the houses of the first Levite family, viz., of Gershon, are now enumerated. The subject occupies the five verses that close with the eleventh. The family of Gershon branches into two - the name of the one Laadan (so written again in 1 Chronicles 26:21; but in 1 Chronicles 6:17, 20, as well as in Exodus 6:17 and Numbers 3:18, written Libui), and the name of the other Shimei.
23:1-23 David, having given charge concerning the building of the temple, settles the method of the temple service, and orders the officers of it. When those of the same family were employed together, it would engage them to love and assist one another.
Of the Gershonites were Laadan and Shimei. These two were the immediate posterity of Gershon; are the same with Libni and Shimhi, and heads of families, Exodus 6:17.
Laadan, and Shimei.--See 1 Chronicles 6:2, where the two principal branches of the Gershonites are called "Libni" and Shimei. "Laadan" is hardly the same as Libni, but a branch prominent in the time of David.