1 Chronicles 25:2 MEANING

1 Chronicles 25:2
(2) Of the sons of Asaph; Zaccur.--Literally, To the sons of Asaph belonged Zaccur. In 1 Chronicles 25:2-7 the term "sons" appears to mean trained members of the musical guilds, of which the three chiefs, Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun, were masters.

Asarelah.--This singular name is spelt "Jesharelah" in 1 Chronicles 25:14. Ewald identifies it with "Israel," the unaccented ending ah having the force belonging to--literally, towards, unto--so that Jesharelah is in effect the modern Jewish surname Israels. (Comp. "Jaakobah," 1 Chronicles 4:36, to Jacob, i.e., Jacobs.)

Under the hands of Asaph.--Rather, at the hand of Asaph. It is implied that the four leaders here named were subordinate to Asaph, and under his direction. (Comp. 1 Chronicles 25:3; 1 Chronicles 25:6; 2 Chronicles 23:18; 2 Chronicles 29:27; Ezra 3:10.)

Which prophesied according to the order of the king.--Literally (Asaph), who prophesied (or should prophesy, the participle, as in 1 Chronicles 25:1) at the hands of the king: that is, either according to the royal arrangements (2 Chronicles 23:18), under David's own appointment, or under the royal direction.

Prophesied.--That is, made music. (See 1 Chronicles 25:1.)

Verse 2. - Four sons of Asaph are here given, the number, however, not being ex. pressed, although it is expressed in the cases of Jeduthun and Heman (vers. 3, 5). "For Asaph," we find twelve psalms inscribed, viz. Psalm 1; Psalm 73-83; of some of which he was himself the inspired composer. When it is said "for Asaph," the meaning is for those "under his hand," or direction, and who as a band bore his name, and performed among other odes those which he prophesied. Zaccur. A descendant after the Return is mentioned in Nehemiah 12:35. Asarelah. This last of the four sons of Asaph is called in ver. 14, Jesharelah. Under the hands of... according to the order of. The Hebrew words are "to the hand of" and "to the hands of." Between the signification of these two forms, the one expressed in the singular number and the ether in the plural, there does not seem to be any distinction, and accordingly they might be better translated, under the direction of... under the directions of. The latter form is that found in vers. 3, 6.

25:1-31 The singers and musicians. - David put those in order who were appointed to be singers and musicians in the temple. To prophesy, in this place, means praising God with great earnestness and devout affections, under the influences of the Holy Spirit. In raising these affections, poetry and music were employed. If the Spirit of God do not put life and fervour into our devotions, they will, however ordered, be a lifeless, worthless form.Of the sons of Asaph,.... Who were separated, and by lot appointed, to the service of singers in the temple:

Zaccur, and Joseph, and Nethaniah, and Asarelah; called Jesharelah, 1 Chronicles 25:14, these had the third fourth, fifth, and seventh lots, 1 Chronicles 25:9,

under the hands of Asaph; under his instruction and authority:

which prophesied according to the order of the king; which Asaph composed psalms under the inspiration of the Spirit of God, and was ordered by King David to sing them, and by whose command they were inserted in the book of Psalms, where they now stand with his name to them.

Courtesy of Open Bible