(1) And David assembled all the princes of Israel.--As he had called the National Assembly before removing the Ark (1 Chronicles 13:1; 1 Chronicles 15:3). Who the princes (s?rim) were is defined in the following clauses.
The mighty men.--"The heroes" (ha-gibb�rim) or "warriors" of 1 Chronicles 11:31-47; 1 Chronicles 11:12. But the LXX. and Vulg. interpret men of rank and wealth, magnates (???? ????????, Luke 1:52).
And with all the valiant men.--Literally, and every mighty man ("gibbor") of valour, a phrase meant to include all other persons of importance. It is noticeable that in this meeting of the estates of the realm all the dignitaries of 1 Chronicles 27 are present (contrast 1 Chronicles 15:25; 1 Chronicles 23:2; 1 Chronicles 13:1), except the priests and Levites. (But comp. 1 Chronicles 28:21.)
Verse 1. - One Hebrew word (שׂרֵי) stands for the princes (twice), captains (three times), and stewards (once) of this verse. The classification of the verso speaks for itself. There are the princes of Israel; i.q. the princes of the tribes (1 Chronicles 27:16, 22). Otherwise the former of these expressions may be of an entirely generic kind, and apply to all that succeeds. There are, secondly, the princes of the twelve military companies... by course of the months (1 Chronicles 27:1-15). Thirdly, there are the princes of thousands and hundreds (Deuteronomy 1:15; 1 Samuel 8:12; 1 Samuel 17:18; 1 Samuel 18:13; 1 Samuel 23:7; 1 Chronicles 12:14; 1 Chronicles 27:1). There follow, fourthly, the princes of all the substance and cattle of the king, and (as seems to be added here) of his sons. There can be no doubt that the Hebrew text does say this, and does not merely register the fact of the attendance and presence of the sons of the king, as also it does not specialize the attendance of Solomon himself, though it is certain that he was present. Otherwise it may be doubtful, considering the facts of the occasion, and comparing 1 Chronicles 29:24, whether the original document is not misrepresented here. Next, fifthly, mention is made of the officers (סָרִיסִים), the Hebrew for which word generally means "eunuch," and such use of it must have become much more familiar during and after the Captivity, and, therefore, of course, at the time of the compilation of this work; but it does not necessarily mean it. Eunuchs are never mentioned elsewhere in David's reign. There is no reason to suppose the word means "eunuch," for instance, in Genesis 37:36; Genesis 39:1; 1 Samuel 8:15; 1 Kings 22:9; 2 Kings 24:12; 2 Kings 25:19; Jeremiah 34:19. Under any circumstances, it would seem unnecessary that such officers of a royal establishment as eunuchs should be under summoned that description to an assembly of this kind. Sixthly, the mighty men (1 Chronicles 11:10-25) were called to the assembly. And perhaps a seventh division may be made of all the valiant men (1 Chronicles 11:26-40), who belonged to other places, or who were at this time more especially in Jerusalem, as residents.
28:1-10 During David's last sickness, many chief priests and Levites were at Jerusalem. Finding himself able, David spoke of his purpose to build a temple for God, and of God's disallowing that purpose. He opened to them God's gracious purposes concerning Solomon. David charged them to cleave stedfastly to God and their duty. We cannot do our work as we should, unless we put on resolution, and fetch in strength from Divine grace. Religion or piety has two distinct parts. The first is knowledge of God, the second is worship of God. David says, Know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and a willing mind. God is made known by his works and word. Revelation alone shows the whole character of God, in his providence, his holy law, his condemnation of sinners, his blessed gospel, and the ministration of the Spirit to all true believers. The natural man cannot receive this knowledge of God. But thus we learn the value of the Saviour's atonement, and of the sanctification of the Holy Spirit, and are influenced to walk in all his commandments. It brings a sinner to his proper place at the foot of the cross, as a poor, guilty, helpless worm, deserving wrath, yet expecting every thing needful from the free mercy and grace of God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Having been forgiven much, the pardoned sinner learns to love much.
And David assembled all the princes of Israel, the princes of the tribes,.... Whose names are given in 1 Chronicles 27:16.
and the captains of the companies that ministered to the king by course; monthly, each having 24,000 men under him, whose names are expressed, 1 Chronicles 27:2.
and the captains over the thousands; of which there were twenty four in a course, at the head of each 1000, under the chief captain:
and captains over the hundreds: centurions under the second captains:
and the stewards over all the substance and possession of the king, and of his sons; whose names may be read in 1 Chronicles 27:25.
with the officers: the courtiers:
and with the mighty men, and with all the valiant men; both men of valour, and of wealth and riches: these David
assembled unto Jerusalem; the metropolis of the kingdoms and where his court and palace were.
The princes of the tribes.--See the list of them in 1 Chronicles 27:16-22.
Captains of the companies.--Rather, princes of the courses, who served the king: viz., those enumerated in 1 Chronicles 27:1-15.
Stewards.--See 1 Chronicles 27:25-31. Both "captains" and "stewards" are s?rim in the Hebrew.
Possession (miqneh).--A word generally used, like the Greek ????? (??????), of possessions in cattle--live stock.
And of his sons.--Perhaps considered as his heirs, or rather, from the old tribal view of property, as sharing the royal domains with him.
With the officers.--Heb., sarisim, eunuchs. The word appears to be used in a generalised sense, and to denote simply courtiers or palace officials. (Comp. Genesis 37:36; 1 Samuel 8:15; 1 Kings 22:9; Jeremiah 38:7; Jeremiah 41:16.)
The mighty men.--"The heroes" (ha-gibb�rim) or "warriors" of 1 Chronicles 11:31-47; 1 Chronicles 11:12. But the LXX. and Vulg. interpret men of rank and wealth, magnates (???? ????????, Luke 1:52).
And with all the valiant men.--Literally, and every mighty man ("gibbor") of valour, a phrase meant to include all other persons of importance. It is noticeable that in this meeting of the estates of the realm all the dignitaries of 1 Chronicles 27 are present (contrast 1 Chronicles 15:25; 1 Chronicles 23:2; 1 Chronicles 13:1), except the priests and Levites. (But comp. 1 Chronicles 28:21.)
and the captains of the companies that ministered to the king by course; monthly, each having 24,000 men under him, whose names are expressed, 1 Chronicles 27:2.
and the captains over the thousands; of which there were twenty four in a course, at the head of each 1000, under the chief captain:
and captains over the hundreds: centurions under the second captains:
and the stewards over all the substance and possession of the king, and of his sons; whose names may be read in 1 Chronicles 27:25.
with the officers: the courtiers:
and with the mighty men, and with all the valiant men; both men of valour, and of wealth and riches: these David
assembled unto Jerusalem; the metropolis of the kingdoms and where his court and palace were.