(2) For Judah prevailed above his brethren.--Literally, was mighty among his brethren. Comp. Jacob's blessing (Genesis 49:8-10): "Judah, thou--thy brethren shall praise thee, Thy hand shall be on the neck of thy foes, Thy father's sons shall bow before thee. Sceptre shall not depart from Judah, Nor doom-staff from between his feet," &c. (See also Judges 1:1-2, where Judah is divinely commissioned to lead the attack upon the Canaanites.) At the census of Moses, Judah greatly outnumbered any other single tribe (Numbers 1:27).
And of him came the chief ruler.--"And from him (one was to become) prince." Literally, and for a prince--out of him. (Comp. Micah 5:1.) LXX., ??? ????????? ?? ?????. David is meant, as in 1 Samuel 13:14. We may also remember the word of the apostolic writer: "It is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah" (Hebrews 7:4). The prophecy concerning the royal dignity of Judah is only thus exhausted of its meaning.
But the birthright was Joseph's, who actually received the "double portion" in the two tribal domains of Ephraim and Manasseh.
5:1-26 Genealogies. - This chapter gives some account of the two tribes and a half seated on the east side of Jordan. They were made captives by the king of Assyria, because they had forsaken the Lord. Only two things are here recorded concerning these tribes. 1. They all shared in a victory. Happy is that people who live in harmony together, who assist each other against the common enemies of their souls, trusting in the Lord, and calling upon him. 2. They shared in captivity. They would have the best land, not considering that it lay most exposed. The desire of earthly objects draws to a distance from God's ordinances, and prepares men for destruction.
For Judah prevailed above his brethren,.... That is, the tribe of Judah prevailed above the rest in number, in valour, and courage, and in dignity; wherefore the genealogy is not reckoned according to birthright, but dignity and dominion; hence this genealogical account began with Judah:
because of him came the chief ruler; David and the kings of Judah, his successors; and above all, from him the Prince Messiah was to spring, and did, according to Genesis 49:10 so both the Syriac and Arabic versions read,"out of Judah should go forth the King Messiah:"
but the birthright was Joseph's or "though" (p) it was; yet Judah having the dominion and dignity, that tribe is first genealogized.
And of him came the chief ruler.--"And from him (one was to become) prince." Literally, and for a prince--out of him. (Comp. Micah 5:1.) LXX., ??? ????????? ?? ?????. David is meant, as in 1 Samuel 13:14. We may also remember the word of the apostolic writer: "It is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah" (Hebrews 7:4). The prophecy concerning the royal dignity of Judah is only thus exhausted of its meaning.
But the birthright was Joseph's, who actually received the "double portion" in the two tribal domains of Ephraim and Manasseh.
because of him came the chief ruler; David and the kings of Judah, his successors; and above all, from him the Prince Messiah was to spring, and did, according to Genesis 49:10 so both the Syriac and Arabic versions read,"out of Judah should go forth the King Messiah:"
but the birthright was Joseph's or "though" (p) it was; yet Judah having the dominion and dignity, that tribe is first genealogized.
(p) Licet, ibid. (Tigurine version)