1 Chronicles 8:30 MEANING

1 Chronicles 8:30
(30) The sons of Abi-Gibeon--that is, the Benjamite clans of Gibeon. The name of Ner has fallen out between Baal and Nadab. (Comp. 1 Chronicles 9:36.) That of Baal is interesting. Comp. 1 Chronicles 8:33-34, where we find Eshbaal and Merib-baal (rather Meri-baal, i.e., "man of Baal"); comp. Merbal in Herod, vii. 88. It appears from Hosea 2:16 that the title Baal (lord) was once applied to Jehovah in common, speech: "Thou shalt call me Ishi, and shalt no more call me Baali." After the name had become associated with a foreign and idolatrous cultus, it was discarded in favour of the synonymous Adon (Adonai).

Verses 30, 31. - These verses contain the names of eight sons of Jehiel instead of the ten of 1 Chronicles 9:36, 37. Both of the missing names, however (viz. Ner after Baal, and Mikloth after Zacher), are introduced in verses immediately succeeding, where their sons are spoken cf. One name, Zacher, also is spelt as Zechariah in 1 Chronicles 9:37. Both these passages agree in representing Net as the grandfather of Saul. Not so the two passages in Samuel (1 Samuel 9:1; 1 Samuel 14:51), the first of which writes Abiel in the place of the grandfather instead of great-grandfather, which, however, need occasion little difficulty; and the second of which would certainly allow Ner to be grandfather to Saul, but seems to call him uncle. Even then, if we accept what the passage allows, it is somewhat remarkable that in the next verse Ner should be signalized as father of Abner rather than of Kish - a difficulty, however, much less considerable if we accept the suggestion (see 'Speaker's Commentary,' in loc.) to translate ver. 51 thus, by the substitution of the word "sons" for "son:" "And Kish the father of Saul, and Ner the father of Abner, were sons of Abiel." It must be remembered at the same time that this is not equivalent to saying that they were necessarily brothers, but only descendants of the chief of the family, of the Demarch or Phylarch under mention in the genealogy.

8:1-40 Genealogies. - Here is a larger list of Benjamin's tribe. We may suppose that many things in these genealogies, which to us seem difficult, abrupt, and perplexed, were plain and easy at that time, and fully answered the intention for which they were published. Many great and mighty nations then were in being upon earth, and many illustrious men, whose names are now wholly forgotten; while the names of multitudes of the Israel of God are here kept in everlasting remembrance. The memory of the just is blessed.And his firstborn son Abdon,.... That is, Jehiel's, the father or prince of Gibeon; other sons follow:

Zur, Kish, Baal, Nadab, Gedor, Ahio, and Zacher; called Zechariah, 1 Chronicles 9:37 and between Baal and Nadab, Ner is placed, 1 Chronicles 9:36 and another son is added at the end of 1 Chronicles 9:37, Mikloth next mentioned.

Courtesy of Open Bible