1 Chronicles 8:32 MEANING

1 Chronicles 8:32
(32) Shimeah is essentially the same word as Shimeam (1 Chronicles 9:38). The latter is a mimmated form (i.e., a more ancient form of the noun, with the original ending m).

And these also dwelt with their brethren in Jerusalem, over against them.--Literally, And they also, before their brethren, dwelt in Jerusalem with their brethren. The verse seems to tell us that of all the stock of Gibeon only the branch of Mikloth-Shimeah settled in Jerusalem. When, we are not informed. Some think the reference is to the repeopling of Jerusalem after the Restoration (Nehemiah 11:1). "Before their brethren."--Before in Heb. means east, as behind means west. The clans in question dwelt in Jerusalem, to the east of their fellow-tribesmen in Gibeon.

With their brethren--that is, with the other Benjamite clans settled in Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 8:16-28).

8:1-40 Genealogies. - Here is a larger list of Benjamin's tribe. We may suppose that many things in these genealogies, which to us seem difficult, abrupt, and perplexed, were plain and easy at that time, and fully answered the intention for which they were published. Many great and mighty nations then were in being upon earth, and many illustrious men, whose names are now wholly forgotten; while the names of multitudes of the Israel of God are here kept in everlasting remembrance. The memory of the just is blessed.And Mikloth begat Shimeah,.... Called Shimeam, 1 Chronicles 9:38.

and these also dwelt with their brethren in Jerusalem, over against them; in another part of the city, right beside them.

Courtesy of Open Bible