1 Chronicles Chapter 19 Discussion

  • Mary Atkinson on 1 Chronicles 19 - 6 years ago
    Many time through a loss or a tragedy,God will send his Holy Spirit as a comforter,And we fight against what God is using to bring us peace and what will bring us closer to him and in the end God wins,Because we soon find out that fighting against the Holy Spirit our comforter is like fighting a losing battle!we find out that he was there to comfort not to harm us!!Thank you God for our comforter!
  • Peter A. Okebukola on 1 Chronicles 19 - 7 years ago
    God is there to fight our righteous fight. He inspired a great battle plan for the Israelites which modern-day armies now copy in terms of attack strategy. One group facing an army, the other group facing another. What is more instructive is what Joab said- God should do what is right. God did what was right by ensuring victory for the Israelites. Today and always, God will give us victory.
  • Insight 777 on 1 Chronicles 19 - 9 years ago
    Verse 3...I think the word comforter is the same as the word ambassador used today. The plural includes the ambassadors aides. The people were suspicious of the reasons for the ambassador being there and viewed nefarious reasons as probable. They preferred to view the ambassadors presence as an act of war instead of an act of peace. The princes of children of Ammon are the military advisors that want war at any cost and are not willing to settle anything peacefully.
  • Dumisani on 1 Chronicles 19 - 9 years ago
    why is there a contradiction in the 2 sciptures? 2 samuel 24 1 and 1 chronicles 21 1

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