1 Chronicles Chapter 8 Discussion

  • David on 1 Chronicles 8 - 3 years ago
    Genealogy of the tribe of Benjamin from which God chose Saul to be the first king of Israel as the people wanted.

    Though we may not recognize these names, God does! Just as My Lord God knows the names of all His righteous children. I am righteous because of the blood of Jesus Christ the Lord God of Heaven, Earth and all the Universe. I am listed in the Lamb's Book of life because I trusted in the Sacred and Blessed work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross at Calvary. "Not of works that I have done, Nothing but the Blood of Jesus"

    May the Lord shine His face on all who call on Him. May the joy of the Lord be on you and yours as you walk in His Word and Wisdom. God bless us all as we await the coming of the Lord. May our leaders and those in authority learn to govern righteously and fervently in the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. September 2021
  • Annysia on 1 Chronicles 8 - 4 years ago
    This shows the lineage of the line of Benjamin. Their tribe was powerful during post-exile times in Jerusalem. It is clear how influential they are due to the sheer number of members listed in this chapter. Notice how no matter how influential a tribe is though, everything comes to an end. Power and influence are not permanent but our relationship with the Lord persists if we are faithful.
  • Hemalini on 1 Chronicles 8 - 10 years ago
    how old saul when he died?

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