1 Corinthians Chapter 6 Discussion Page 6

  • Clemence on 1 Corinthians 6:18 - 10 years ago
    This scripture tells us the true picture of fornication. We can only overcome this if we read the 'Book of the Law ' and meditate on it day and night so that when we find ourselves in such temptations, we can say "it is writen " just as Jesus Christ said to satan when He was tempted. May God strengthen us! Amen.
  • Milli on 1 Corinthians 6:18 - 10 years ago
    Fornication has become rife in recent times, but the only way to flee from it is by reading the bible and understanding each concept. As youth,we should avoid any temptation that leads to fornication.
  • Jafter on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    I 'm reponding to Michael 's com of 7 28 2014. We all feel biter and anger. All you have to doe as a christen, make it a point that you don 't act. A bed stimuler that does not produce action is a dead stimulor. And is an equivalent of faith that bear fruites. Remember faith whithout fruits is daed. Act in faith prayer fully whih thdnks giving of those setuetions. Glorry be to our Father in haven in the name of JESUS
  • Charlesgaston on 1 Corinthians 6:9 - 10 years ago
    lets get right and inherit the kingdom of God.
  • Arthur on 1 Corinthians 6:12 - 10 years ago
    1Corinthians 6 12I believe that Paul is first talking about sacrifice eating of meat that was sacrifice to idols but as Christians we have free choice to what ever we can, but all things are not wise but if a thing being spiritual or carnal if it if caused problem for people and their surrendering to the Love of Christ we as Christian we should not present a stumbling blocks for our bother.
  • Johnnie on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    The will of god is male and female for reproduction and verse 9 says effeminate which is feminine tendancies is among adultry,fornication,idolitry,and abuseing yourselves with mankind, shall not enter the kingdom of God.
  • Ar on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    Michael, If you have accepted Jesus only recently it 's natural that you have still hurt from the past that jump out in front of you. Those moments you have to remember that you are a new person now, washed with the precious blood of Jesus. Close your eyes and ask Jesus to put so much love in your heart so that you forgive them Bless them that have hurt you. There will be new trials in your life, but the best way to overpass them is by praying and blessing them . Remember you have the Holy Spirit in you and ask Him to lead you. And above all remember what Jesus would do or did in such trials. HE kept silent and continued His way to finish the work that He came to do. We all have to carry our crosses and continue the road we chose.It needs the guidance of the HS. Praise the Lord each day for your salvation, and ask Him to be with you all day.In time the past grudges will be forgotten,you will not even remember it.
  • Tim George on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    Michael you can know you are saved by placing all you faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross for your sins. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. Then you will be a new creation, the old is past, and all things become new. Now your bitterness, and not forgiving others will be past away. Study Ephesians 4 31,32 and you will see how to let your past be your past, and move on to new life with your Lord and Savior.
  • Michael on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    greetings, how do yu really know if you are saved when you still have grudges ang forgiving then you are bitter again and again, i love people but my recent circumstance left me bitterly and try not to react but cannot cope at times i wish i was dead
  • Ar on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    To Tsidi Remark on A Cor chapter 6 please note that I am praying for you to overpass the difficult situation you are in, and if you genuinely pray and ask the Lord to forgive you, you will eventually have His peace in your heart and have a blessed relationship with Him. Remember that He loves you and you are too precious for Him to be lost . God bless you plenty and have courage, because the Holy Spirit is in you and He will give you all the strength to continue your journey to Heaven.
  • Ar on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    To Tsidi collect yourself woman! You have already destroyed your marriage and now you want to destroy your sister 's too? The devil is having a good laugh on your account. How can you expect God to bless and agree to this marriage? Look what it says in verse 9 of same chapter. That 's where your answer is. Run , run as far as you can and Repent for even thinking for what you have put in black and white. May the Lord have mercy on you.
  • Tsidi on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    I 'm 42.seperated.in luv with my sisters husband who vows he will never leave me and even thinks our relationship is God sent,I also think we are meant for each other and we even pray God blesses our relationship.If we get married,will we be hell bound?
  • Apostle George on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    Iam responding to Michaela 's question above. She asked "Im openly gay but im also saved. am i still going to hell? " My response to this question is as follows Dear Michaela, First of all, if you are saved by the grace made available through JESUS CHRIST, it may be necessary for you to also research and know what the author of that SALVATION says about being "Openly Gay ". If you ask me as His servant, I will not hide it from you, but tell you openly too that "HE CREATED US MALE AND FEMALE " only. However, claiming any kind of sexual orientation is not the requirement for making heaven or Hell, but what such claims may push you into, would eventually determine a destination. For example, Whatever sexual orientation anyone may claim, if he or she commits fornication or any other sin, then HELL becomes his her possible destination. Finally, it 's worthy to know that sexual orientation is earthly, as there is none in heaven. Again, one great difference between those that are male female, and those that are gays, lesbians and Bisexuals is that the former male female derives their origin from God 's creation, while the later gays, lesbians bisexuals derives their existence from the Law of some countries. Jesus loves you!
  • Apostle George on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    I am responding to Polly 's Question above She asked "I am a 60 year old widow. Recently I have been blessed with a new relationship with a man who has stated will "never marry again ", due to his 25 year experience with a wife who was unfaithful. Since we are both long past child bearing years, is it still considered a sin for us to express our physical desires outside of marriage in this case in the eyes of the Lord? My Response Dear polly, the commandments of abstaining from "Fonication " or Adultery " and their likeness has no age limit, neither is it only for those within the child bearing age bracket only. If you have sex with that man in that your new found relationship, you have committed fornication. As a widow, you are Biblically permitted to marry again and enjoy sex within the confines of marriage, but doing it outside marriage is a sin of fornication.
  • Sonya Bean on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    This chapter, Paul is simply reminding this church that our body is not our own. When you keep your mind upon him these sins want come up. You get lifted knowing that God paid a ransom that no one could ever pay!!!! Amen!!!!
  • Edna Fitts on 1 Corinthians 6:20 - 10 years ago
    I AM NOW A NEW PERSON Christ for I don 't do the things I use to do. I now go to church and read my Bible an pray every day for the lord to save my soul and my house hold, and others.
  • Polly on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    I am a 60 year old widow. Recently I have been blessed with a new relationship with a man who has stated will "never marry again ", due to his 25 year experience with a wife who was unfaithful. Since we are both long past chid bearing years, is it still considered a sin for us to express our physical desires outside of marriage in this case in the eyes of the Lord?
  • Chikekm Ekenna N on 1 Corinthians 6:19 - 10 years ago
    Be happy my brothers and sisters. It is a great thing that the spirit of God is in you. Thank u jesus.
  • Shirley Ragin on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    I must tell you the truth according to the word of God you repented and have not turn from your wicked ways, then what are you saved from, you need to be delivered from that demon of being Gay, God create Male and Female, anything else is just sin being perform through your lust that dwells in you. Please read Roman 1 16 32
  • Michaela on 1 Corinthians 6:9 - 10 years ago
    Im openly gay but im also saved. am i still going to hell?
  • Shay on 1 Corinthians 6:18 - 10 years ago
    Fleeing from fornication includes avoiding pornography, moral uncleanness, sexual fantasizing, flirting anything that can lead to fornication.
  • Lavel on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    First thank God Almighty.through Jesus Christ, 1Corinth.6 just spoke the truth ,i believe every word so as a christian Christ like so i 'm no angel,but Christ like he died for me and the world,however the world receive him not,as individuals we do,saints of GOD,if he judge then we judge.Love ' 'love thy neighbor as thy self ' '.
  • Gail Green on 1 Corinthians 6:15 - 10 years ago
    It is saying that we. Should honor god with our. Life .
  • Cliff tomlinson on 1 Corinthians 6:3 - 10 years ago
  • Wongie on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    1 Corinthians v9 submit your selves to God? Paul tells us that when we belong to christ and we have given our selves to him then that is submission to God. we are washed in the blood of Christ no longer siners. focus on what christ has done for you. and not on what your sin is once we are born again we are baptised in the Holy Spit,and made rightousse in Gods sight Paul here in verse 9 is talking about the un saved those who are not of christ so take comfert my freinds because you are clean through the blood of our savior Amen
  • Ar on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    To Opelola Tope Kehind I say AMEN to that and God will bless you in all ways in your life If all we believers thought like you the world would have been a better place to live in as we would reflect Jesus image everywhere Thanks for you encouraing words
  • OkelolaTope Kehinde on 1 Corinthians 6:20 - 10 years ago
    I m no longer my own I NOW belong to a New management entirely The PRICE WITH WHICH THE TRANSACTION WAS SEALED IS WITHOUT COMPARISM MEANING I belong to This New management NOW AND FOR LIFE
  • Bruce on 1 Corinthians 6:3 - 10 years ago
    1st Cor.6:3 "more things that pretain to this life"
    When we except Jesus and walk the course He has laid out for us, then we are angels of God. We are not the same as the Angels that are in heaven now, but we are servants of God. We have now the right to tell someone that what they are doing is wrong and against our Lord Jesus's teaching. We can judge the sin but not the person. Just remember "When we have love we have peace" and that comes by accepting our Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour

    Bruce B

  • Tina on 1 Corinthians 6:9 - 10 years ago
    I love the bible I am a follower of Christ I believe Corinthians . I believe the bible and god
  • Rick on 1 Corinthians 6 - 10 years ago
    I feel verses 9-11 are very poignant, We have to stay true to our virtue, Self gratification is not the way in our fathers eyes.

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