1 John Chapter 2 Discussion Page 5

  • Clara N. Offord on 1 John 2 - 8 years ago
    "And hereby we do know that we know him, (if we keep his commandments)..." See v. 4-5 go to the 3rd Ch. 10th v. This is about locating your self.
  • Wayne on 1 John 2 - 8 years ago
    These things John writes that you sin not. And if any man sin we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ The Righteous.
  • Son of god on 1 John 2 - 8 years ago
    The bible is so great
  • Arnold McCall on 1 John 2 - 8 years ago
    For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world
  • Sandra Owusu on 1 John 2 - 8 years ago
    If this verse talks about the world as we not to love it. We live in it n for that matter we should love it but not to adore what entice in it. We should walk in the Lord and seek ye first the kingdom of the world and not the world that we live in now.
  • Timothy on 1 John 2 - 8 years ago
    To be able to withstand the end time attacks, we need to properly understand the relevance of ministry of Holy Spirit giving us his auction to stand.
  • Christine on 1 John 2:18 - 8 years ago
    Where in that time now so let us bring glory to God telling of the gospel to everyone maen
  • Christine on 1 John 2:15 - 8 years ago
    The Great Commission is to love one to love as Christ loved us clothing freedom by this day know you are my disciple usual yourtime show Christ to a dying world so whatever electronic you got uses it for the glory of God amen
  • Dr. Fresh on 1 John 2:15 - 9 years ago
    LOVE NOT THE WORLD: Do not be carried away by the ways, the order, the govt, the behaviour, and more importantly, the fashions of the world. All these are fleeting and temporal pleasures, which will all pass away. ...AND THE THINGS OF THE WORLD: The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. If your happiness comes from the things of the world, the moment it is taken away from you, the next moment you are down and sad. Happines comes from God. Seek HIm
  • Charles Milton on 1 John 2:14 - 9 years ago
    Good morning, I serve at a community nursing home. This is a great scripture to share. Many times the old are pushed aside. They possess an abundance of wisdom that hasn't been explored. God bless
  • John madden on 1 John 2:1 - 9 years ago
    Thank god for our advocate or lawyer.christ who represents us before the father.he is always intercedeing for believers.
  • John madden on 1 John 2:29 - 9 years ago
    This is one of the birth marks of a true believer they practice the things of god .which is contrary to practiceing sin .walking in the light .loveing.people and god .these all are traits of aborn again believer
  • John on 1 John 2:2 - 9 years ago
    Jesus gave up his life as our Passover Lamb. God was appeased. And the wrath of God passed over. All who claim this blood, the wrath of God will Passover them as well.
  • Mongezi88 on 1 John 2:14 - 9 years ago
    he called the young because they strong the old because they know the way, its never too late learn.
  • HARY COLLINS on 1 John 2 - 9 years ago
    Thanks be to God Almighty who has giving us His Holy Spirit who lives with us and guide s us through this great journey of eternity.Because of the presence of His Holy spirit in our lives no one can mislead or deceive us anymore, His Holy spirit teaches us everything that we need to know about Him and the journey.
  • BERNADETTE on 1 John 2 - 9 years ago
  • Robert on 1 John 2:28 - 9 years ago
    "when he shall appear " this will be where I get my sixth crown. 1 crown of life, 2 crown of Faith, 3 crown of Righteousness 4 crown of Incorruptible 5 crown of Rejoicing God praise Glory the crown I am talking about 6 crown of joy Happiness His coming will be a joy beyond joy will be electrifying soooo soooo happy at his coming! Halleluiah, Halleluiah........God Bless all Amen......
  • Phillip Jarman on 1 John 2:15 - 9 years ago
    I believe it speaks of the worlds system that seeks to dominate and rule apart from acknowledging God as Soverign and his law the 10 commandments as supreme. The tower of Babel was an example of the world and it that sort of "world " exists today in the form of all human governments that seek to rule us without any thought of what God says.
  • John madden on 1 John 2:19 - 9 years ago
    They went out ..they appeared as one of them but.did not remain in the felliwship of true believers .
  • Omonira Monday .T. on 1 John 2:15 - 9 years ago
    love not the world or the things of the world..... two things that God commands us not to love. 1. ' 'The world ' ',this describes the order,the fashion,the behaviour, and the government that makes up the world, Genesis 6 vs 5,12 2. "things in the world ",these are the evil elements that come out of "the world ". 1st John 2:16,the lust of the flesh works of the flesh, Galatians 1:19 ,the list of the eye 2nd Peter 2:14,the pride of life,this involve power,riches,beauty,position etc. These are what the Bible described as mammon,that is why is a command from God that we should not love them but instead love God with all your hearth.Thank
  • John madden on 1 John 2:17 - 9 years ago
    Not every body crying lord lord but those who do the will of god..will inherit eternal life .
  • John madden on 1 John 2:20 - 9 years ago
    Our guide is gods word by the holy spirit these will guard us from false teachers.but they also carry a bible but use it for gain and not godliness
  • John madden on 1 John 2:26 - 9 years ago
    Seduced by false teachers.were to keep our guard up against heresies Nostics were teaching that all matter is evil then do what you want live how you please .some to day teach this
  • John madden on 1 John 2:24 - 9 years ago
    Preserverance..abideing in the faith once delivered to the saints.
  • Lugano on 1 John 2 - 9 years ago
    God is good
  • Giorgio on 1 John 2 - 9 years ago
    He is anointed saviour the Holy One. Almighty true pure righteous beautiful in splendour and Glory. In the last days God is pouring out His Spirit onto all flesh and, All those that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. I did and He saved me and gave me a new heart. I love you Jesus. Thank you. May you know Him and the power of His Ressurection!
  • Lilian on 1 John 2 - 9 years ago
    Jesus is the word of God he feed us with heavenly manna the word of God. Jesus lead us to the living water in order for us to see the Glory of God and to have life in abundance. We will be surely saved and we will meet Jesus in the mid air when the rapture is happening. Our Faith comes only by hearing God 's words. Only from his words we receive Peace, Joy, blessing and life in abundance. God is so faithful to his promises that he will never leave us nor forsake us. He who drinks the living water will never be thirsty. Our job now is to believe Jesus and keep his words. thanks to Jesus for his precious blood that shed for us. Amen
  • ANGELA on 1 John 2 - 9 years ago
    abide ourselves with the word of God
  • Abraham on 1 John 2:7 - 9 years ago
    i am agreeing spending time with lord but Not only one day weekly seven days we should worship him and have fellowship with fellow brothers
  • Juan c dominguez on 1 John 2 - 9 years ago
    I feel crippled and cannot walk as Jesus walked. I can daydream of how I can walk like Jesus.its impossible for me. If its not one commandment its another no one can keep gods commandment perfectly.

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