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Rob you are the one with a problem GEE WHIZ GET A LIFE, The Father wd NOT instruct all the Angels to worship his Son if he were not God THE SON. The Father himself wd be breaking the 1st commandment if he instructed all the angels to worship his son if he were not God . Jesus though it not robbery to be equal to his Father saying all mine is thine and all thine is mine. The Father said that everything has to multiply after its kind EVERYTHING IN HEAVEN AND EARTH And we see that CHRIST can indeed multiply after the God kind with his good seed the LIVING WORD Saying to whom the WORD came ( his seed )made them Gods,Thats y he said that which is born of the spirit is spirit as God is spirit he is able to reproduce after the GOD KIND which proves he is truly God the Son Everything has to multiply after its Kind no exceptions. His seed is truly the seed of God he wd not refer to his seed as "GOOD" IF IT WERE NOT GOD. There cd not be an Israel of GOD "the kingdom" if the son were not God. His GOOD SEED is gona bring in the Israel of God th woman with CHILD. When the FATHER said go forth and multiply that was addressed to Christ also thats y the son will go forth and sow his precious seed in humanity that he might be multiplied as the stars of heaven in us sinners the H.G is his fruit our new innerman, our new heart and new spirit ok gbu
1 John 4:20, "If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?" In this verse, the word "brother" (Gk. adelphos) refers to one in the community of believers.
However, in other references the word can be expanded to mean all fellow men (e.g. Matthew 22:39, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."). A different word used here (Gk. plesion), but in the spirit of Christian love, we are to show love also to those whom we come across in our life's journey.
And of course, we can demonstrate love in many ways - in fact, we should go out of our way to see that our brother or sister in Christ, or our unsaved neighbours are well cared for both spiritually & physically, making their lives more easy & enjoyable & thus having the witness of God's love shown to them. How can the unsaved ever understand Who God is unless they find visible proof in those who profess to have God in them? How can their hearts & ears ever open to the Good News unless they become genuinely inquisitive to a type of love they have not known? If done for the unsaved, then how much more we need to be to those in the faith, showing a love & care that goes beyond carnal human desires or abilities.
Someone please explain to me what it means to love the brethren ? Especially the part about loving God who you have not seen but hate your brother who you have seen. Is he talking about a christian brother or natural brother?
By nature every person is born in sin through the sinful seed of their natural fathers and conditioned therein ( 1 Peter 1:23). For that reason and in order to become a son of God, which are born of God, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God, a person must be 'Born Again' ( John 1:12,13; 3:3-7; 1 John 3:9; 5:4).
By attending a man-made institution a few hours a week ( Acts 7:48; 17:24), does not mean that a person can make a claim that they are followers of Christ and 'Born Again'. That is falsehood, as in truth they follow after an image of a false god and a false Christ ( Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22; Gal. 4:8; Rev. 12:9). This is how Satan has transformed Himself into an angel of light ( 2 Cor. 11:13-15).
Only through 'True Repentance' will God be able to reveal Himself, and adopt you as His sons and daughters ( Rom. 8:15,23; 2 Cor.6:18; Gal. 4:5; Eph. 1:5; Hebr. 12:5; 1 John 3:1).
The word 'Repent' means a lot more than what people by nature have been conditioned to believe. It is the key principle of all the teachings of Jesus Christ and the axiom (basis) of the Word of God and a prerequisite and primary requirement for the salvation of mankind. It actually means the changing of spirits - to turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God ( Acts 26:18).
For a better understanding and the 'spiritual truth' of what it means to repent, and learn how and by whom mankind has been deceived ( Rev. 12:9), and what people must do to be reunited with the true and living God, we invite you to seek Him according to the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive ( John 14:17).
You need not that any man teach you ( Isaiah 54:13; 6:45; 1 John 2:27), It is only by revelation of God that you will come to know Christ ( Daniel 12:4,9; Amos 3:7; Matthew 16:17; Luke 2:26; Romans 16:25; 1 Cor. 2:10; Gal. 1:16; Eph. 3:3,5; Rev. 1:1). It is a narrow way that leadeth unto 'Life', and few there be that find it ( Matthew 7:14).
I heard as a baby Christian that the Holy Spirit is your teacher, your comforter, convicter of sin, protector. Study the HS
In your concordance in the Bible. He comes alongside you when you call. His love is wonderful :)
Some have asked what the New Testament says about judging others, etc.
Matthew 7:1
Luke 6:37
John 7:24
1 Corinthians 4:5
Concerning unforgiveness, whether in the past or the present: If we don't forgive others, God will not listen to our prayers.
It's not a feeling. It's an act of obedience no matter how others hurt us. Some of need to forgive ourselves. That was hardest fo me to learn. A really great DVD to watch on the subject, is The Shack. Might find it at Walmart. I had to watch it 28 times.
From my understanding reading scripture just believing you are saved Baptism is the first command given to identify with Chris being immersed unto his death and bringing up unto life but lets just say if your in the hospital for example and can t be immersed just believe from your heart and you will be saved had an uncle who was an atheist dying of cancer 6 weeks wen to visit him and started understanding scriptures more and more finally went into a coma we went to visit him while he was yet in a coma came out of the comma briefly accepted Christ went right back in a comma died soon after look in scripture one of the thieves hanging on the cross with Christ read that part of scripture.
Genesis 3:15 I was taught that Christians will bruise the serpent's head, but am I reading scriptures otherwise?: "Bruise thy head" and "Bruise his heel" There must be new testament prophecy fulfilled regarding Gen 3:15?
Thanks for the question. yes you have to receive jesus christ and jesus holy spirit in your heart by faith in accepting the gift of salvation. baptism by full
decent into the water as a declaration of your burial and resurrection with christ as part of your testimony of your acceptance of christ and his spirit.
I got saved at home. I had a lot of trouble with spiritual issues after salvation. I had the Holy Spirit help me with those first weeks. I started going to church and felt strongly I should ask to be baptized. I needed it for me. Read Acts 19:1-6
People get saved watching church, youtube or Christian broadcasts on tv all the time. Watch some Charles Stanley on Sunday tv.
Take notes. Find a Bible teaching church. That's what I did. My most treasured friend is the Holy Spirit. Learn about Him. Turn off the tv and sit beside your bed and simply talk your heart to Jesus. Nothing will shock him. He already knows everything. :) your relationship will bloom.
True righteousness is being bornagain of an incorruptible seed which are the words of God ( the seeds of the sower )The bridgroom seeds which are his words Jesus said the goods seeds are the Words of GOD. THEY ARE HIS CHILDREN that are gonna be born in US via his seed. They are Emanuels that are gonna be as the stars of heaven they are the children of Promise,They are spirits Thats y he refers to the H.G.as the PROMISE. These are the incorruptible seed that are gonna take over our bodies Christ in you.My lil children of whom i travail in birth till Christ is formed in you.As we have borne the image of the earthy we must also bear ( birth ) the image of the Heavenly via that GOOD SEED TH WORD
ACTUALLY I said I was going to refrain BUT I've got some Irish in me and always an opinion I PRAY this opinion is Spirit led! It touches on where our text goes in the 3rd verse ! I teach Sunday School adults at a local REC it's a SMALL OLD SCHOOL ANGLICAN CHURCH! Evangelical for anyone who has read the collection of books a classic ( THE FUNDAMENTALS) all believers need it! 3 REC Priest wrote articles. 3 brings a profound scary issue we see more than I have ever seen in my life! More deadly than hate of Christ! It is an implied Spiritual sleep/apathy sickness! The people are not cussing heaven!! They simply don't acknowledge Christ for who he is! Wow! Think brethren it's the real epidemic!
Hello I've just found this great AV board/community! As far as the verse SOME IF NOT ALL OF YOU..(-: will feel me here I just got a new hand bound dark green Schuyler AV! 11 point type 30 wt paper from Denmark. It is a...rare thing now it's an heirloom bible as well as use! In short I am only reading it now but I introduce myself look to fellowship with the TRUE WORD! Pax
Birds of a Feather Flock Together. With Jesus in our Hearts He Sets us Apart, then Unites Us in Love on the Wings of a Dove with all those who are Born from Above. Freely Sharing Love from our Hearts in Faith, Giving our Lives, Gifts, Resources to Touch Another s Heart so they too will also be Set Apart to Love from their Heart. Isaiah40:31
Birds of a Feather- Isaiah4031 on 1 John 4 - 5 years ago
Birds of a Feather Flock Together. With Jesus in our Hearts He Sets us Apart, then Unites Us in Love on the Wings of a Dove with all those who are Born from Above. Freely Sharing Love from our Hearts in Faith, Giving our Lives, Gifts, Resources to Touch Another s Heart so they too will also be Set Apart to Love from their Heart.
TRIVIA, as defined by thy Dictionary: matters or things that are very unimportant, inconsequential, or nonessential: trifles: trivialities. Verily, the Spirit of the only Lord GOD teaches no man that the birth of the Christ child, even the resurrection of his Son, the very elect, is a trivial matter. No man saved by the faith of, and belief in, Jesus Christ as his Savior speaks so weakly of GOD.
I, even I, am that Michael Isaac Dale: on 1 John 4 - 5 years ago
Send no more letters for they only witness your evil heart. My Holy Father's commandment changes not. Repentance of heart is required, and clearly known, when done. Many gentiles gave good confessions and are not men of the flesh, but repented SPIRITS of God, through belief and faith in Jesus Christ their Saviour. IT IS, Every SPIRIT that confessed that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
Verse 6 It is important that we are able to distinguish between spiritual truth and lies. To do so we must read God's Word and measure what we hear against that. If words are in harmony with what the Bible teaches then this is the truth.
1 John is speaking mainly on loving one another and no one made a comment of
The LOVE of GOD for us and the same LOVE
We are to show toward one another.
O thou devil, thou deceived deceiver, thou antichrist: This living Word of GOD says not: Came in the flesh. But the living GOD now says: IS COME in the flesh. NOW. HERE. TODAY. THIS VERY DAY IS JESUS, EVEN THIS CHRIST CHILD, IN THE FLESH. Yea, I NOW say JESUS CHRIST IS COME IN THE FLESH: And NOW COMES the latter end. Yea, the last days of the last time. And NOW, O wicked, What will ye do?
There are others like it .
But where is the verse that says we need to believe in the deity of Christ ?
Thanks for your input !
To the revealed word of God .
God said this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well please .
I'm very much in agreement with Gods witness on record , don't add to Gods word .
If you truly understand what the witness of God is then you will not add more to it .
I'm not adding you are .
Think twice who is right you or anyone's else , or God .
Gods witness on record is enough to those that believe it , and receive it they have the witness in themselves .
So who or what (I do not know which to use in this case) is Jesus Christ? Please speak clearly.
Peace & Love in Christ
What is the Spirit of Antichrist?
It denies that Jesus Christ the one God gave witness to at his Baptism and on the mount transfiguration.
Is the Christ .
It's a spiritual Christ , not the same as Jesus of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem. Born of God , the Son of God .
If you add to the witness of God on who God said Jesus is you are adding to Gods very witness .
You can find scriptures that could imply more . But now you are contradicting the very solid scriptures . And so many many of them
Over 40 verses call Jesus the Son of God . None say Jesus is GOD of a Godhead . You have a very serious problem here .
Yes Thomas called him my lord and God , and I don't have a problem with that .
Some people call Buddha their God too ! And we know it's just a stone figure like other idols .
The spiritual Jesus is The I AM GOD JESUS. Totally contrary to the real Jesus Christ .
Jesus said before Abram was I am .
He is not saying I A M GOD , but being born of God he has a relationship with God that was before Abraham, quite different.
Because he is Born of God .
And mature in God , so he could say I and my father are one . But the father was in control and Jesus obeyed him . Jesus followed GODs lead .
Only The LORD GOD can say I AM GOD and there is no other . Also known as the Father of All ... and Jesus clearly called Him father .
Anyone else is an impostor. To claim to be I Am GOD .
James said you do well to know there is only 1 GOD . Even the devils know and tremble .
The Anti Christ himself will exalt himself as being GOD , this I AM spiritual Jesus is heading that way .
Read 1 John 4 , 1,2,3,4
However, in other references the word can be expanded to mean all fellow men (e.g. Matthew 22:39, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."). A different word used here (Gk. plesion), but in the spirit of Christian love, we are to show love also to those whom we come across in our life's journey.
And of course, we can demonstrate love in many ways - in fact, we should go out of our way to see that our brother or sister in Christ, or our unsaved neighbours are well cared for both spiritually & physically, making their lives more easy & enjoyable & thus having the witness of God's love shown to them. How can the unsaved ever understand Who God is unless they find visible proof in those who profess to have God in them? How can their hearts & ears ever open to the Good News unless they become genuinely inquisitive to a type of love they have not known? If done for the unsaved, then how much more we need to be to those in the faith, showing a love & care that goes beyond carnal human desires or abilities.
By nature every person is born in sin through the sinful seed of their natural fathers and conditioned therein ( 1 Peter 1:23). For that reason and in order to become a son of God, which are born of God, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God, a person must be 'Born Again' ( John 1:12,13; 3:3-7; 1 John 3:9; 5:4).
By attending a man-made institution a few hours a week ( Acts 7:48; 17:24), does not mean that a person can make a claim that they are followers of Christ and 'Born Again'. That is falsehood, as in truth they follow after an image of a false god and a false Christ ( Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22; Gal. 4:8; Rev. 12:9). This is how Satan has transformed Himself into an angel of light ( 2 Cor. 11:13-15).
Only through 'True Repentance' will God be able to reveal Himself, and adopt you as His sons and daughters ( Rom. 8:15,23; 2 Cor.6:18; Gal. 4:5; Eph. 1:5; Hebr. 12:5; 1 John 3:1).
The word 'Repent' means a lot more than what people by nature have been conditioned to believe. It is the key principle of all the teachings of Jesus Christ and the axiom (basis) of the Word of God and a prerequisite and primary requirement for the salvation of mankind. It actually means the changing of spirits - to turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God ( Acts 26:18).
For a better understanding and the 'spiritual truth' of what it means to repent, and learn how and by whom mankind has been deceived ( Rev. 12:9), and what people must do to be reunited with the true and living God, we invite you to seek Him according to the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive ( John 14:17).
You need not that any man teach you ( Isaiah 54:13; 6:45; 1 John 2:27), It is only by revelation of God that you will come to know Christ ( Daniel 12:4,9; Amos 3:7; Matthew 16:17; Luke 2:26; Romans 16:25; 1 Cor. 2:10; Gal. 1:16; Eph. 3:3,5; Rev. 1:1). It is a narrow way that leadeth unto 'Life', and few there be that find it ( Matthew 7:14).
In your concordance in the Bible. He comes alongside you when you call. His love is wonderful :)
Matthew 7:1
Luke 6:37
John 7:24
1 Corinthians 4:5
Concerning unforgiveness, whether in the past or the present: If we don't forgive others, God will not listen to our prayers.
It's not a feeling. It's an act of obedience no matter how others hurt us. Some of need to forgive ourselves. That was hardest fo me to learn. A really great DVD to watch on the subject, is The Shack. Might find it at Walmart. I had to watch it 28 times.
decent into the water as a declaration of your burial and resurrection with christ as part of your testimony of your acceptance of christ and his spirit.
People get saved watching church, youtube or Christian broadcasts on tv all the time. Watch some Charles Stanley on Sunday tv.
Take notes. Find a Bible teaching church. That's what I did. My most treasured friend is the Holy Spirit. Learn about Him. Turn off the tv and sit beside your bed and simply talk your heart to Jesus. Nothing will shock him. He already knows everything. :) your relationship will bloom.
The LOVE of GOD for us and the same LOVE
We are to show toward one another.