(47) The king bowed himself, that is, in worship (comp. Genesis 47:31), at once joining in the prayer of his servants, and thanking God for the fulfilment of His promise.
Verse 47. - And moreover [וְגַם as before] the king's servants [see on ver. 33] came to bless our lord king David [Jonathan here refers in all probability to the words of Benaiah, vers. 36, 37. He does not know the exact particulars, and ascribes to the "servants" the words of their commander. Of course it is possible that "the bodyguard took up the words of Jehoiada (Benaiah?) their captain and repeated them with some slight alteration." Rawlinson] saying, God [so the Keri. The Cethib has "thy God"] make the name of Solomon better than thy name and make his throne greater than thy throne [This prayer was fulfilled (1 Kings 3:12; 1 Kings 4:21-24]. And the king bowed himself [in worship. Cf. Genesis 47:31] upon the bed.
1:32-53 The people expressed great joy and satisfaction in the elevation of Solomon. Every true Israelite rejoices in the exaltation of the Son of David. Combinations formed upon evil principles will soon be dissolved, when self-interest calls another way. How can those who do evil deeds expect to have good tidings? Adonijah had despised Solomon, but soon dreaded him. We see here, as in a glass, Jesus, the Son of David and the Son of God, exalted to the throne of glory, notwithstanding all his enemies. His kingdom is far greater than that of his father David, and therein all the true people of God cordially rejoice. The prosperity of his cause is vexation and terror to his enemies. No horns of the altar, nor forms of godliness, nor pretences to religion, can profit those who will not submit to His authority, and accept of his salvation; and if their submission be hypocritical, they shall perish without remedy.
And moreover the king's servants came to bless our lord the king,.... To give him thanks for the wise and good provision he had made before his death for the welfare of the kingdom, by making Solomon his son king in his stead, and to congratulate him upon it; which showed that they highly approved of it, and were ready to swear allegiance to Solomon, and therefore Adonijah had nothing to hope for from them:
saying, God make the name of Solomon better than thy name; that is, may he be more famous, and his name be more celebrated in the world than his was, or be more respectable and valued among his people Israel:
and make his throne greater than thy throne; see 1 Kings 1:37;
and the king bowed himself upon the bed; signifying not only his approbation of what was done, but also of their prayers and wishes; as well as he bowed himself to give thanks to God that he had lived to see this work done, as follows.
saying, God make the name of Solomon better than thy name; that is, may he be more famous, and his name be more celebrated in the world than his was, or be more respectable and valued among his people Israel:
and make his throne greater than thy throne; see 1 Kings 1:37;
and the king bowed himself upon the bed; signifying not only his approbation of what was done, but also of their prayers and wishes; as well as he bowed himself to give thanks to God that he had lived to see this work done, as follows.