1 Maccabees 8:8
- 8:11
Now viewing scripture range from the book of 1 Maccabees chapter 8:8
through chapter 8:11...
8 And the country of India, and Media and Lydia and of the goodliest countries, which they took of him, and gave to king Eumenes:
9 Moreover how the Grecians had determined to come and destroy them;
10 And that they, having knowledge thereof sent against them a certain captain, and fighting with them slew many of them, and carried away captives their wives and their children, and spoiled them, and took possession of their lands, and pulled down their strong holds, and brought them to be their servants unto this day:
11 It was told him besides, how they destroyed and brought under their dominion all other kingdoms and isles that at any time resisted them;