1 Peter Chapter 3 Discussion Page 5

  • Betty Asantewaa Arthur on 1 Peter 3 - 10 years ago

  • Betty Asantewaa Arthur on 1 Peter 3 - 10 years ago
  • Glorious gospel center on 1 Peter 3:12 - 10 years ago
    the eyes of the lord is upon every creatures to reward and render to them according to their works
  • Shanna on 1 Peter 3:12 - 10 years ago
    If we draw near to Jehovah God with complete hearts, his eyes will be upon us, not to condemn us, but to observe our efforts and answer our prayers for help and forgiveness
  • Godwin Inueikwo on 1 Peter 3:13 - 11 years ago
    People that diligently adhere to the commandments of Jesus are protected from the threats from the enemies of the cross.
  • BSP on 1 Peter 3:15 - 11 years ago
    When we give an explanation of our faith we should reply in a mild way and show respect to the other person.
  • Michael Attoh on 1 Peter 3:15 - 11 years ago
    This is the foundational sceipture for christian apollogetics, defending the faith and hope we have in Christ Jesus and anything concerning Him with scriptural backing
  • _Rosalina_Sayson_Ko_Tapay_ on 1 Peter 3 - 11 years ago
    This Book 1-Peter Chapter 3 is telling us many GOOD THINGS such as: for wives to be in subjection to their OWN husbands (1-Peter 3:1), that the ornament of great price in the sight of God is the ORNAMENT of a meek and quiet spirit (1-Peter 3:4), for husbands to honor their wife as unto the WEAKER vessel (1-Peter 3:7), the right attitude towards our brethren in spirit (1-Peter 3:8-14), to be READY always to give an answer to every man that asketh about our hope with meekness and fear, and the right attitude to deal with them, and to let them know the baptism that saved us by resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him (1-Peter 3:15-22). THEREFORE because of these wisdom I PRAISE THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY GHOST. AMEN!
  • D. Ellis on 1 Peter 3 - 11 years ago
    My though is that Jesus Christ gave himself to die on the cross,paid the price for our sins so that we may have everlasting life.Jesus rose the third day with all power in his hands I'am so glad he love us so.I thank God that he give his only son. no man take his life. I love him . He first loved.Are you glad?
  • Anonymous on 1 Peter 3:13 - 11 years ago
    And Amen to that!
  • Sandra on 1 Peter 3:9 - 11 years ago
    thank you for this quote
    it has bless my life today,i was just in the middle of taking a descition that will make me render evil for evil but after reading the scripture i changed my mind and release the blessing which im asigned to do and its a joy
  • Don on 1 Peter 3 - 11 years ago
    i thank God for all these christians who are makin thea comments here,i especially loved the comment of Lauren,those remarks have rily opened my eyes thank you.By accepting salvation one acknowledges that JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD AND THAT IT IS HIM WHO WAS SENT TO DIE FOR US SO THAT OUR SINS MAY BE FORGIVEN.YOU ACCEPT JESUS TO FORGIVE YOU YOUR SINS.Baptism follows because its symbolic for all christians that your sins have been washed away, that is why Jesus commands his disciples to preach to all peoples of all nations baptising them in the name of JESUS.Its that important for the fulfilment of all righteousness.
  • Suzen on 1 Peter 3 - 11 years ago
    this is what the lord want us to do good in his present and he will protect our soul. amen
  • B.J. .Manuel on 1 Peter 3 - 11 years ago
    The obedient believer, and what other kind could there really be, does not argue against, or imperil, his or her own soul's salvation in order to please his or her prejudice, preference or predilection. He/She simply lets go to God in Christ and obeys the word submissively. It is then that he/she truly knows what it is to be carried by the Lord from the old world to the new and in due time many other things than this that accompany salvation.
  • Ann Johnson on 1 Peter 3 - 11 years ago
    Since there is controversy on baptism, go to the instructions given on the day of Pentecost. It is so plain; even asking the question before giving the answer. What must we do? The one, Peter, who has the keys gives the reply. REPENT, AND BE BAPTIZED "EVERYONE" OF YOU, IN THE NAME OF "JESUS CHRIST" FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS, AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST!!! NOW I ASK YOU HOW MUCH CLEARER CAN IT BE?
  • Lauren on 1 Peter 3 - 11 years ago
    The apostle Paul said that he preached the Word of God with boldness. It is with this same boldness I now speak. I am in awe and, at the same time, fury over the comments I have read on this website. Why people do not take the word for what it says in its ENTIRETY, I will never understand. I want to address multiple comments in this post, so please read my post knowing it is in sincerity and in the love of Christ that I write.
    First, I would like to talk about those who say that baptism does not consist of water. Baptism is derived from the Greek word "baptizo" which means "immersion." Now, I ask, in what are we immersed? A prime example of immersion takes place in Acts 8, when Philip is called by the Spirit to go and explain the scripture to the Ethiopian eunuch. Philip “preached unto him Jesus” ( Acts 8:35). It continues, “And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, if thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down BOTH into the water, BOTH Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him” ( Acts 8:36-38). How did the eunuch know that he needed to be baptized? Because Philip preached unto him Jesus. Jesus is the word; therefore we must take ALL of the word – not some of it only to make it say we want it to say. Jesus said in Mark 16:16, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned”. Jesus thought baptism to be important enough to mention it as part of his last words on earth. Don’t you think that means it’s pretty significant? Shouldn’t it be easy enough just to say “well, Jesus said it, so I am going to do it”? I would think so. But so many denominations have taken the precious word of God and twisted it so it fits what they want it to. Matthew 28:19 says, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”. Jesus was talking to the apostles here who were men. Men cannot baptize in the Holy Ghost. Only God can baptize in the Holy Ghost. So this proves that it HAD to be water baptism.
    Secondly, I have heard so much about the “thief on the cross” that I am seriously sick. I am sick of people AGAIN not interpreting the Bible for what it says. Let’s look at the setting of Calvary and the conversation that took place between Jesus and this thief. First, Jesus was still alive when this all took place. THE OLD LAW WAS STILL IN EFFECT. Jesus’ blood had not been shed yet; therefore, baptism was not in effect yet and would not be until the day of Pentecost. When Jesus died and fulfilled the Old Law, the New Law entered into effect. And if it were not enough that the Old Law was still in effect, he was Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and could do what he wanted to do. He forgave sins long before the thief on the cross. What about Zacchaeus ( Luke 19:9)? What about the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with oil ( Luke 7:48)? Both of these were granted salvation by Jesus, yet you don’t hear people basing their salvation off them! Jesus did not tell the man that his sins were forgiven. Jesus told the thief he would be with Him in paradise. Paradise. Not Heaven. Now, granted, no one knows what paradise was, but I think it possible to be the place where Jesus went during the three days after his crucifixion. 1 Peter 3 says that, “he went and preached to the spirits in prison”. Maybe this was the paradise in which Jesus spoke of. If I could I would list all the examples of baptism in the New Testament as “what now saves us”, 1 PETER 3:21. But I do not have enough time nor space in which to write. It is my earnest prayer that you study your Bible. Please read it with an open mind and take it LITERALLY and not interpret it. Do NOT take another man’s word for what it says. Read it and believe it by yourself.
  • Siam on 1 Peter 3:19 - 11 years ago
    Inasmuch as the verse has some uncertainty in its interpretation, I believe on its own, it does not make a doctrine of the immortality of the soul. The bible is clear to the fact that there's no consciousness in death ( Ecclesiastes 9:4-10) and many other scriptures. The verse must be supported by other verses ( Isaiah 34:16; 28;10). Let’s search more until God opens it up for us.
  • Thomas on 1 Peter 3 - 11 years ago
    I think this would help in a good bible study for me to know the lord savior, I never knew of a bible online before. Thank you.
  • Thomas on 1 Peter 3:21 - 11 years ago
    Saved by grace. It’s the baptism in the holy spirit to them who believe in Jesus. The new birth!
  • David Samuel on 1 Peter 3:15 - 11 years ago
    The lord is Good.
  • Clint on 1 Peter 3 - 12 years ago
    Frenz, being baptized or not baptized does not stop us from going to heaven. Christ told the thief on the cross that he would be in heaven with Christ and that thief was not baptized! Better get studying that in details!
  • Timothy Wayne George on 1 Peter 3 - 12 years ago
    Praise God for Sara, obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. She is an example of the wife with a meek, and quiet spirit. Husbands are to dwell with their wives according to knowledge, giving honor unto them as the weaker vessel, and as joint heirs of the grace of life, so that our prayers will not be hindered. We were called to inherit a blessing. We must refrain our tongue from speaking evil, and not render railing for railing, instead blessing. Always be ready to give an answer to those who question us of the hope that is in us, by sanctifying the Lord God in our hearts. Who can harm us, if we be followers of that which is good? Christ hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, to bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit. It is the will of God that we should suffer for well doing, and not as evildoers. Christ is now seated at the right hand of God in heaven, where angels and authorities and powers are subject unto Him. One day we will be with Him. So let us run with patience this race that is set before us, looking unto to Jesus, the author, and finisher of our most holy faith.
  • Marcdante on 1 Peter 3 - 12 years ago
    Peter Chapter 3 verse 21...is were the salvation begin. John the Baptist,the son of Zacharias from the division of Abejah, the eight of the 24 division of Aaron's son's. John the Baptist is a grandson of Aaron the High Priest of the testament. laying hands on sacrificial animal to pass the sin of Israel was sacrificial ordinance of God to Aaron.
    John the Baptist a grandson of High Priest Aaron pass all the sin of the world by baptizing Jesus in the Jordan River..and John testified the next day. lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world"..John the Baptist pass the sin of the world to Jesus. And this is what water means in gospel of water and spirit.
  • Cyrusthegreat on 1 Peter 3 - 12 years ago
    1 Peter Chapter 3, verse 19 (prison)

    Verse 19 speaks plainly of a third condition, where the just who had died before the redemption were waiting for heaven to be opened to them. After his death and before his resurrection, Christ visited those experiencing this third condition and preached to them the good news that his victory over sin was complete, and heaven would now be opened to them. These people thus were not yet in heaven, their final destination, but neither were they experiencing the torments of hell, from which there is no escape.

    Luke 12:59
    I tell thee, thou shalt not depart thence, till thou hast paid the very last mite.
  • JJ on 1 Peter 3 - 12 years ago
    Baptism is not apart from faith, belief and baptism are two sides of the same coin. I have never seem the verse in the Bible "Baptism is an act of obiedence". Rather Acts 2, 38 Repent, and be baptized (water) every one of you (all ages of people) in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit". For the promise is unto you and to your Children.......No age limit here or age of accountability. Also, baptism is more the effect of the water, not the quantity (immersion vs pouring).
  • Frenz on 1 Peter 3:21 - 13 years ago
    When a person who has faith in God's word and trully understand the meaning of Baptism thru obedience to his word, and accept the process of salvation in his life, says in v-21 (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) God is happy to see the heart of man/woman with a good conscience toward God. Baptism in Jesus name( Acts 2:38)is our submission to the will of God,Holy Spirit baptism( Acts 2:1-4)is the confirmation that God accepted our submission & as children of God, heirs to his kingdom. See Romans 8:9,14-17, Ephesians 1:13 ( 1 Pet 3:21).

    Did you know that: Born again( John 3:1-7)is the only way to enter into the Kingdom of God,Jesus requires born in water and born in spirit( John 3:5)born in water means baptism,baptism in Jesus name,born in spirit means Holy Spirit baptism.two baptism needed in order to enter into the Kingdom of God.
  • Jesimarie on 1 Peter 3 - 13 years ago
    baptism is symbolic of us dying to our sins being burried with christ and resurected with Him as something new. but is also a commandment from Jesus and since we show Him we love Him by obeying His commandments it is necessary. i do not believe little children who are not old enough to grasp the real meaning behind it should be baptized. as with anything one should fully understand the significants behind it b4 doing it. there is an age of accountability but it varies because all children develope at different rates. when they can truely understand the scripture and the importance of obeying them then they can be held responsible for choosing to or not to adhere to them. i do not believe a baby who dies days after birth will go to hell for not being baptized.
  • Doug Lamb on 1 Peter 3 - 13 years ago
    After further study on baptsm I think that most people miss the point. Johin baptized with water to "manifest" Jesus Christ to Israel (they required a sign) in John 1:33 John the Baptist speaks of the "real" Baptism, which by Christ putting believers into the Body by his Holy Spirit. ( 1 Cor.12:13) So what happens today is; a lot of unsaved people are trusting in their Water Baptism. The NIV leaves out the confession of the Ethopian ( Acts 8:37)and takes the man right into the water! The confession that they use today is the confession of a demon in Luke 4:41; "Thou art Christ the Son of God."..."The devils also believe, and tremble." ( James 2:19) DGL
  • Cynthia Greene on 1 Peter 3 - 13 years ago
    Baptism it is not a symbol. Why? Because it doth now save us . This is why we cannot do away with it. It is also a burial, not a sprinkling, or pouring of water over one’s head. Why? Because Romans 6:4 and Colossians 2:12 Speaks of Baptism as a Burial ( Romans 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.) ( Colossians 2:12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with [him] through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.) I just want to stop right here for a minute. Here is where most get it twisted. The operation Of God is Baptism, we are risen with him through the faith of that operation---(Baptism) A real life view—If you go to a cemetery to bury someone, you just don’t sprinkle soil on top of them, nor do you pour a pitcher of water over their heads, that is just not a BURIAL! Now for the question of who should be baptized? The scripture plainly states: in Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. I want to shorten this you can ask me for scripture / or look them yourself. This is God’s mandate for baptism. One must hear the word of God, believe the word of God, repent of sins, confesses Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and thence forth be baptized. Question can a baby do any of that? I must leave now feel free to get back to me on that.
  • Doug Lamb on 1 Peter 3:19 - 13 years ago
    There is a lot of uncertainty around this verse...I can say for sure that Christ proclaimed His victory over death and sin,"but" the verses regarding "Taking captivity captive" (Eph.4:8) is troublesome. If He took people out of Hell( Psalm 68:18/ Isa. 61:1)---who were they? One thing I know for sure..."The secret things belong unto the LORD our God." (Deut.29:29) Doug Lamb

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