(35) At the time appointed with David.--This meeting between the friends is not described at any length; all was done as had been pre-arranged, and, alas! everything had come to pass as David in his sad foresight had expected.
Verses 35-38. - The next morning Jonathan went out into the field, not at the time, but "to the place" appointed, taking with him a little lad, as less likely to suspect a reason. Having shot at the mark, he sends him to pick up the arrows, and as he runs to do so he shoots one beyond him, and, calling aloud, gives David the sign that there was no hope. To keep the boy's attention engaged he gives him hurried commands - Make speed, haste, stay not. Instead of the arrows the written text has "Jonathan's lad gathered up the arrow," i.e. that one especially which Jonathan had shot beyond him, and to which his rapid commands referred.
20:35-42 The separation of two such faithful friends was grievous to both, but David's case was the more deplorable, for David was leaving all his comforts, even those of God's sanctuary. Christians need not sorrow, as men without hope; but being one with Christ, they are one with each other, and will meet in his presence ere long, to part no more; to meet where all tears shall be wiped from their eyes.
And it came to pass in the morning:,.... The next morning, the morning of the third day of the month:
that Jonathan went out into the field at the time appointed with David; he went to the place in the field, or near it, where David hid himself, and at the time agreed between them; which, Abarbinel says, was the time the nobles agreed on for walking, and motion, and for hunting, and casting of arrows, so that Jonathan could go forth without suspicion:
and a little lad with him; to carry his bow and arrows, and fetch his arrows when cast.
that Jonathan went out into the field at the time appointed with David; he went to the place in the field, or near it, where David hid himself, and at the time agreed between them; which, Abarbinel says, was the time the nobles agreed on for walking, and motion, and for hunting, and casting of arrows, so that Jonathan could go forth without suspicion:
and a little lad with him; to carry his bow and arrows, and fetch his arrows when cast.