1 Samuel Chapter 25 Discussion

  • Trudy Michelle Green - In Reply on 1 Samuel 25 - 5 years ago
    I do Praise God JESUS for the many comments I read today. It has truly blessed my soul. I want to say, I stumbled upon this section, but I do know that it was in the plans of our Father that I was drawn to this space for such a time as this. I thank God for the many comments...
  • Vernon on 1 Samuel 25 - 5 years ago
    In our wealth Culture we would do well to consider the consequences of Nabal's mis-aligned perspective of his own wealth and self sufficiency.
  • Jesuschrist on 1 Samuel 25 - 5 years ago
    true reality
  • BSP on 1 Samuel 25 - 6 years ago
    Verse 13~David's angry response is understandable, but he expressed those feelings in the wrong way.
  • Peter A. Okebukola on 1 Samuel 25 - 7 years ago
    David has begun his wife-taking spree.
  • Jason on 1 Samuel 25 - 8 years ago
    Marietta---I think it amazing how if you stay in the Word, also slow down and take thought how much our Heavenly Father does speak.I hope all turned out well with your fiance' they are fortunate to be with someone who sees truth and has compassion...Also your comment gave me pause to go back and re-read the verse and get more out of it. God Bless in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
  • Irene123 on 1 Samuel 25 - 8 years ago
    J. Ekong - "And Samuel died with total neglect of the ark ..... in the house of Abinadab ..... "; where is this? I don't see it in this chapter.
  • Irene123 on 1 Samuel 25 - 8 years ago
    Vs. 1
  • James Ekong on 1 Samuel 25 - 8 years ago
    And samuel died with total neglect of the Ark of the covenant of God with israel in the house of Abinadab is worth comment. I think he felt dispite the fact that he ministered before the Ark, the rejection of his master, Eli by God and his establishment as a prophet means the Ark was no more relevant. To some extent there is always a dispensation.
  • Anne on 1 Samuel 25 - 9 years ago
    Thank God for Women like Abigail who are able to prophesy in obedience to God. She was sent for such a time as this.
  • Raphael gitonga on 1 Samuel 25 - 10 years ago
    GOD always is ready to save the faithful ones.always be in the feet of the lord.amen.
  • Harry Collins on 1 Samuel 25 - 10 years ago
    God is the altimate judge, he knows the best way and time to pay each and everyone of us of our deeds to one another.
  • Marietta on 1 Samuel 25 - 10 years ago
    verse 29 is speaking to a situation my fiance ' is going through. i had to forward it to him for encouragement.
  • Murunga on 1 Samuel 25 - 11 years ago
    Lets listen when we're corrected of our deeds. God is great and we must obey HIM
  • Olga on 1 Samuel 25 - 11 years ago
    God is great at all times and it shows that you must sometimes think of the good things that people do for you; have mercy and return good with good because God is watching us from a distance.
  • Carol on 1 Samuel 25 - 11 years ago
    Thank God for who he is that situation lets us know that God is in control of all that we are not above God in any shape or form that at the drop of a hat we can be on the top and the next day we can lose our life or lose all that is not ours from the start. So in essence treat people the way you want to be treated or better yet with respect and God has control of all to trust him that vengence is not ours but the Lord. Trust God with your all! In the Good and in the Bad, he has your back......
  • Timothy Wayne George on 1 Samuel 25 - 11 years ago
    The Lord is ever merciful, and Abigail by giving food and wine to David to appease him for what her husband Nabal had done. God returns the sins of Nabal upon his own head when he dies. David is kept from sin, because of Abigail, and then rewarded by becoming David's wife. These multiple marriages God winked at them in the Old Testament, but He has commanded in the New Testament that every man have his own wife, as well as every woman her own husband. When we follow the plan of God for marriage, we are blessed.
  • Shawroy lawrence on 1 Samuel 25 - 11 years ago
  • Bruce on 1 Samuel 25 - 12 years ago
    Now I understand why Jesus told us to pray "...lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one...". God will deliver us from any situation if we will but trust him.
  • Eric on 1 Samuel 25 - 12 years ago
    I love this passage. If you look at the meaning of the name "Nabal", you will find it means "Fool". The Bible meaning of "Fool" is someone that does not believe in God. As Christians we are IN the world but ont OF the world. We live in a world of "Fools" and as David did when he returned to take Abigail as his wife. Christ will return for his Bride, the Church.
  • Mary on 1 Samuel 25 - 12 years ago
    1 Samuel 25: 18-37 Principle illustrated: God stops David from taking action against Nabal and shows him that He will take care of the situation when David is not in the way. David was pretty sore at Nabal for being so greedy. David wanted to take vengeance on him, but thankfully Abigail showed up to make up for what her husband had done. David did not take vengeance on Nabal because Abigail stopped him in his tracks and he thanked God for her. In the end Nabal had a stroke and not by David. I like David, need to realize that vengeance is God’s and not mine. I get angry at people for silly things at times and want revenge. I was the one in the wrong. I am so thankful that God handles my problems because I would always make a mess of things.
  • Alicia on 1 Samuel 25 - 14 years ago
    Generally people with possessions (employers especially), think that they are above everybody. My employer treats everyone (including senior employees) as though they are beneath him and he alone is "intelligent"! He also treats his wife as "nothing". When I read this chapter i got comfort and peace, because God is above all and He knows when His children are being unfairly treated. So i have patience in prayer.
  • Chauency on 1 Samuel 25 - 15 years ago
    I completely agree with 1 Samuel 25 I'm in a marrieage at present where this woman thinks because she owns property that she is above reproach of anythin and anyone but I just pray for her soul

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