
THE FIRST BOOKE of Samuel, otherwise called, The first Booke of the Kings. Chapter 29

(Original 1611 KJV Book of 1 Samuel)


Viewing the 1611 King James Version of 1. Samuel (1 Samuel) Chapter 29, also known as: THE FIRST BOOKE of Samuel, otherwise called, The first Booke of the Kings. I Samuel , 1 Samuel, 1 Sam, 1 Sa, 1Samuel, 1S, I Sa, 1 Sm, 1Sa, I Sam, 1Sam, I Samuel, 1st Samuel, First Samuel,.

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1 Samuel Chapter 29 Original 1611 Bible Scan
1 Samuel Chapter 29 Original 1611 Bible Scan


1 Dauid marching with the Philistines, 3 is disalowed by their Princes. 6 Achish dismisseth him with commendations of his fidelity.

1Now the Philistines gathered together all their armies to Aphek: and the Israelites pitched by a fountaine which is in Iezreel.

2And the lords of the Philistines passed on by hundreds, and by thousands: but Dauid and his men passed on in the rere-ward with Achish.

3Then said the princes of the Philistines, What doe these Hebrewes here? And Achish said vnto the princes of the Philistines, Is not this Dauid the seruant of Saul the king of Israel, which hath bene with me these dayes, or these yeeres, and I haue found no fault in him since he fell vnto me, vnto this day?

4And the princes of the Philistines were wroth with him, and the princes of the Philistines said vnto him, Make this fellow returne, that he may goe againe to his place which thou hast appointed him, and let him not go downe with vs to battel, lest in the battell he be an aduersary to vs: for wherewith should hee reconcile himselfe vnto his master? should it not be with the heads of these men?4

5Is not this Dauid, of whom they sang one to another in daunces, saying, Saul slew his thousands, and Dauid his ten thousands?5

6¶ Then Achish called Dauid, and said vnto him, Surely, as the Lord liueth, thou hast bene vpright, and thy going out and thy comming in with me in the hoste is good in my sight: for I haue not found euil in thee, since the day of thy comming vnto me vnto this day: neuertheles, the lords fauour thee not.6

7Wherefore now returne and goe in peace, that thou displease not the lords of the Philistines.7

8¶ And Dauid said vnto Achish, But what haue I done? and what hast thou found in thy seruant so long as I haue bene with thee vnto this day, that I may not goe fight against the enemies of my lord the king?8

9And Achish answered, and said to Dauid, I know that thou art good in my sight, as an Angel of God: notwithstanding the Princes of the Philistines haue said, Hee shall not goe vp with vs to the battell.

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10Wherfore now rise vp early in the morning, with thy masters seruants that are come with thee: and assoone as yee be vp early in the morning, and haue light, depart.

11So Dauid and his men rose vp early to depart in the morning, to returne into the land of the Philistines; and the Philistines went vp to Iezreel.

Original 1611 KJV Sidenote References for 1 Samuel Chapter 29

4 1. Chron. 12.19.
5 Chap. 18. 7. and 21. 11.
6 Hebr. thou art not good in the eyes of the lords.
7 Hebr. doe not euill in the eyes of the lords.
8 Hebr. before thee.

* Some content courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania


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