1 Corinthians

1611 King James Version (KJV)

1 Corinthians 15:35

“But some man will say, How are the dead raysed vp? and with what body doe they come?”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for 1 Corinthians 15:35

But some [man] will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?
- King James Version

But someone will say, "How are the dead raised? And with what kind of body do they come?"
- New American Standard Version (1995)

But some one will say, How are the dead raised? and with what manner of body do they come?
- American Standard Version (1901)

But someone will say, How do the dead come back? and with what sort of body do they come?
- Basic English Bible

But some one will say, How are the dead raised? and with what body do they come?
- Darby Bible

But some man will say, How are the dead raised? and with what body do they come?
- Webster's Bible

But some one will say, "How can the dead rise? And with what kind of body do they come back?"
- Weymouth Bible

But someone will say, "How are the dead raised?" and, "With what kind of body do they come?"
- World English Bible

But summan seith, Hou schulen deed men rise ayen, or in what maner bodi schulen thei come?
- Wycliffe Bible

But some one will say, `How do the dead rise?
- Youngs Literal Bible

Commentary for 1 Corinthians 15:35

Wesley's Notes for 1 Corinthians 15:35

15:35 But some one possibly will say, How are the dead raised up, after their whole frame is dissolved? And with what kind of bodies do they come again, after these are mouldered into dust?

People's Bible Notes for 1 Corinthians 15:35

1Co 15:35 But some [man] will say. But two difficulties are raised: How are the dead raised up? What kind of a body do they have?

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