1 Esdras 2:30

“Then king Artaxerxes his letters being read, Rathumus and Semellius the scribe, and the rest that were in commission with them, remoouing in hast towards Ierusalem with a troupe of horsemen, and a multitude of people in battell aray, began to hinder the builders, and the building of the Temple in Ierusalem ceased vntill the second yeere of the reigne of Darius King of the Persians.”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for 1 Esdras 2:30

Then king Artexerxes his letters being read, Rathumus, and Semellius the scribe, and the rest that were in commission with them, removing in haste toward Jerusalem with a troop of horsemen and a multitude of people in battle array, began to hinder the builders; and the building of the temple in Jerusalem ceased until the second year of the reign of Darius king of the Persians.
- King James Version

Commentary for 1 Esdras 2:30

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