Judith 1:12

“Therefore Nabuchodonosor was very angry with all this countrey, and sware by his throne and kingdome, that hee would surely be auenged vpon all those coasts of Cilicia, and Damascus, and Syria, and that he would slay with the sword all the inhabitants of the land of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and all Iudea, and all that were in Egypt, till you come to the borders of the two Seas.”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for Judith 1:12

Therefore Nabuchodonosor was very angry with all this country, and sware by his throne and kingdom, that he would surely be avenged upon all those coasts of Cilicia, and Damascus, and Syria, and that he would slay with the sword all the inhabitants of the land of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and all Judea, and all that were in Egypt, till ye come to the borders of the two seas.
- King James Version

Therefore Nebuchadnezzar was very angry with all this country; and he swore by his throne and kingdom that he would surely be avenged upon all those coasts of Cilicia and Damascus and Syria, and that he would slay with the sword all the inhabitants of the land of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and all Judea, and all who were in Egypt, up to the very borders of the two seas.
- World English Bible

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