Judith 1:2

“And built in Ecbatane walles round about of stones hewen, three cubites broad, and sixe cubites long, and made the height of the wall seuenty cubites, and the breadth thereof fiftie cubites:”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Why is Judith shown with the King James Bible?

Other Translations for Judith 1:2

And built in Ecbatane walls round about of stones hewn three cubits broad and six cubits long, and made the height of the wall seventy cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits:
- King James Version

and who built walls around Ecbatane out of stones hewn three cubits wide and six cubits long, and made the height of the wall seventy cubits and its width fifty cubits,
- World English Bible

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