Judith 1:6

“And there came vnto him, all they that dwelt in the hill countrey, and all that dwelt by Euphrates, and Tigris, and Hydaspes, and the plaine of Arioch the king of the Elimeans, and very many nations of the sonnes of Chelod, assembled themselues to the battell.”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for Judith 1:6

And there came unto him all they that dwelt in the hill country, and all that dwelt by Euphrates, and Tigris and Hydaspes, and the plain of Arioch the king of the Elymeans, and very many nations of the sons of Chelod, assembled themselves to the battle.
- King James Version

And all those who lived in the hill country came to him there; and all who lived by the Euphrates and the Tigris and the Hydaspes, and on the plain of Arioch the king of the Elymeans, and very many nations of the sons of Chelod assembled themselves for the battle.
- World English Bible

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