Judith 11:11

“And now, that my lord be not defeated, and frustrate of his purpose, euen death is now fallen vpon them, and their sinne hath ouertaken them, wherewith they will prouoke their God to anger, whensoeuer they shall doe that which is not fit to be done.”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for Judith 11:11

And now, that my lord be not defeated and frustrate of his purpose, even death is now fallen upon them, and their sin hath overtaken them, wherewith they will provoke their God to anger whensoever they shall do that which is not fit to be done:
- King James Version

And now, so that my lord will not be defeated and frustrated in his purpose, even death has now fallen upon them and their sin has overtaken them, and therefore they will provoke their God to anger whenever they do what is not right to be done.
- World English Bible

Commentary for Judith 11:11

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