Judith 12:16

“Now when Iudeth came in, and sate downe, Olofernes his heart was rauished with her, and his minde was moued, and he desired greatly her company, for hee waited a time to deceiue her, from the day that he had seene her.”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for Judith 12:16

Now when Judith came in and sat down, Holofernes his heart was ravished with her, and his mind was moved, and he desired greatly her company; for he waited a time to deceive her, from the day that he had seen her.
- King James Version

Now when Judith came in and sat down with Holofernes, his heart was inflamed with her, and his mind was stirred up, and he greatly desired her company; for he had been waiting for sometime to deceive her, even from the day that he had first seen her.
- World English Bible

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