Judith 16:23

“But she encreased more and more in honour, and waxed olde in her husbands house, being an hundred and fiue yeeres olde, and made her maide free, so shee died in Bethulia: and they buried her in the caue of her husband Manasses.”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for Judith 16:23

But she increased more and more in honour, and waxed old in her husband's house, being an hundred and five years old, and made her maid free; so she died in Bethulia: and they buried her in the cave of her husband Manasses.
- King James Version

But she increased more and more in honor; and she grew old in her husband's house, reaching the age of one hundred five years; and she made her woman servant free. So she died in Bethulia, and they buried her in the cave of her husband Manasseh.
- World English Bible

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